The convention was called to order by District Secretary Jacobson at 10:15 A. M. who introduced Representative William P. Raoul, appointed by International President Browne to preside over our sessions. The introduction was greeted with enthusiastic applause signifying the high esteem held by District Number One toward Brother Raoul. Representative Raoul acknowledged the introduction and the greeting extended him by the delegates and then called for the reading of the credentials. Upon the same being read by the secretary the following delegates were seated:
Portland, No. 28: Don Dumas - - Portland, No. 159: John T. Moore - - Portland, No. 159: G. G. Speck - - Astoria, No. 446: L. A. Pierre - -Salem, No. 613: J. W. Simeral - - Klamath Falls-Medford No. 672: Parker Bundy - - Eugene, No. 675: D. D. Hempy
Seattle, No. 15: E. A. Clark - - Tacoma, No. 81: John McDonald - - Spokane, No. 93: Howard Moore - - Bellingham, No. 117: E. H. Southern - - Seattle, No. 154: Presley Gill - - Seattle, No. 154: James McNabb - - Tacoma, No. 175 : O. M. Jacobson - - Everett, No. 180: Ira Brown - - Spokane, No. 185: C. G. Windson - - Walla Walla, No. 234 ; Ted Cunningham - - Yakima, No. 254: L. B. Hinds - - Olympia, No. 344: B. G. Andreus - - Anacortes-Mount Vernon, No. 351: Thomas Watters - - Centralia, No. 401: W. Kirkpartick - - Aberdeen, No. 429: J. E. Newell - - Bremerton, No. 445: Gerry Clark - - Wenatchee, No. 651 : G. H. Henkel
Boise, No. 91: C. M. Kaeser - - Pocatello, No. 463: Wm. Peacock - - Lewiston, No. 663: H. D. Burns
Butte, No. 94: H. J. Young - - Great Falls, No. 213: B.I. Steinmetz - - Billings, No. 240: L. G. DeNayer - - Helena, No. 255: A. J. McDonald - - Missoula, No. 339: Lawrence Stinger - - Lewistown, No. 481: Gene Sherman
Vancouver, No. 118: Harry Pearson - - Victoria, No. 168: R. A. Jones - - Vancouver, No. 348: J. H. Leslie - - Vancouver, No. 348: J. R. Foster.
All locals in the district having delegates present except Idaho Falls, Idaho, this local's charter having been suspended by the International office.
Chairman Raoul at this point adjourned the meeting for thirty minutes in order to confer with the secretary regarding appointment of the various committees.
H. J. Young, No. 94, chairman. C. M. Kaeser, No. 91. John T. Moore, No. 159. John McDonald, No. 81.
Presley Gill, 154. E. H. Southern, No. 117. Ira Brown, No. 180. J. E. Newell, No. 429. R. A. Jones, No. 168.
E. A. Clark, No. 15, chairman. B. G. Andreus, No. 344. Howard Moore, No. 93. Wm. Peacock, No. 463. L. G. DeNayer, No. 240. Gene Sherman, No. 481. Don Dumas, No. 28. J. R. Foster, No. 348.
Harry Pearson, No. 118, chairman. L. A. Pierre, No. 446. Gerry Clark, No. 445. Parker Buddy, No. 672. C. G. Windsor, No. 185. A. J. McDonald, No. 255. L. Stinger, No. 339.
D. D. Hempy, No. 675.
Moved and seconded that we approve the records of the last convention and dispense with the reading of same. Motion carried.
To the officers and members of District Number One and to the delegates of the twenty-first convention: - - Greetings:
The contrast between conditions in our district at the present time and two years ago is so apparent that it is a pleasure to anticipate the possible improvement we may expect to see ahead of us. Organization efforts have resulted in cities adjacent to several of our organizations being unionized with a natural increase in membership to those locals giving this much neglected matter their attention. Dual organizations have been entirely eliminated since the All-Canadian Congress disbanded in Vancouver, B. C., a year ago.
The stage employees' locals, while benefitting somewhat through the WPA projects, have not shared in the general improvement and each has suffered a loss in membership, with Seattle, No. 15, and Portland, No. 28, having but one delegate this year instead of the two they have formerly had.
Seattle, No. 154, has reported the culmination of the thirteen-year fight against the John Danz circuit, while Tacoma has regained practically all the ground lost in 1930 when all but three houses locked their members out. Portland, No. 159, never in a bad condition, has maintained the two-man condition in their ace houses. The future looks encouraging.
In May, 1935, local No. 348, Vancouver, B. C., closed negotiations with the All Canadian Congress local that eliminated the dual organization in that city and brought every theater in the jurisdiction of local No. 348 into the I. A. T. S. E. This has proved very beneficial to our organization. Since this amalgamation local No. 348 has signed a two-year contract with Famous Players Canadian Corporation and the independents calling for an increase of 10%.
The organizing of small towns adjacent to our locals has been sadly neglected. There are some 14,000 theaters in the United States with only about 40% of them organized. Our district conventions have gone on record from time to time recommending that our locals unionize the smaller towns, but it has not been given the attention that it merits. Exceptions to this neglect are outstanding in the cases of the Anacortes-Mount Vernon, Centralia and Boise locals. Secretary Thomas Watters of the Anacortes-Mount Vernon local has organized the smaller cities around his territory and at the present time is secretary-treasurer of the Skagit County Central Labor Council with a membership of over 1,200. This local's fight against the Lincoln Theater in Mount Vernon is an inspiration and could be well followed by other locals in our district. Local No. 401, Centralia, has done a fine job of organizing in Southwest Washington. Two years ago they were just about ready to fold up, while there they have 17 theaters in eight different cities which I think is something that they are justified in being proud of. Olympia local No. 344 has unionized a theater in Shelton, Washington, which was never before under our banner. Boise, Idaho, now has members working in Caldwell, Twin Falls and Nampa.
The reports of legislative committee members will give you an idea of what has taken place in our territory during the past two years, but they will not reflect the inertia of our general membership regarding the importance of watching provincial and state legislation. Altogether too little attention is paid to this. Two locals in particular cannot be placed in this category, namely Olympia, Washington, and Vancouver, B. C. Brother B. G. Andreus of Olympia worked untiringly during the last session of the state legislature in Washington, but was accorded but scant co-operation by sister locals. Local No. 348 of Vancouver, B. C., has kept a watchful eye on legislation affecting their craft, with the result that every theater in the province of British Columbia must employ two men on each shift at all times. I recommend that this question be given consideration by this convention.
The past two years have seen a large increase in portable advertising shows. Outstanding in this new field is, perhaps, the Chevrolet Motor Company, employing approximately 100 of our members throughout the country at the present time. Local No. 159, Portland, and local No. 154, Seattle, have members under contract to this concern in our territory. Numerous other national advertisers are using this means of reaching the public without the services of our members. At our last convention Delegate Curran of local No. 94, Butte, called this matter to our attention and a motion by him that when a local has a portable show playing their city they should notify the city where the attraction is to play next, was carried. Several complaints have been received that this procedure has not been carried out. I suggest that the delegates make a note of this and call it to the attention of their respective organizations when they make their report on this convention.
Since the last district convention the Bulletin has been printed instead of in the customary mimeographed form. Comments have been very complimentary, and suggestions offered that enough copies be sent each local to supply every member. We have paid. an average of $23.00 for the past five issues of 50 copies, which allows one for each local, and enough extras to exchange with other districts. To supply each member with a copy of the Bulletin in its present form would cost but a few dollars more. I have also investigated the cost of printing the Bulletin in book form of eight pages, including the cover and if this convention decides to refer consideration of this matter to a committee, I shall impart the information to them.
The District Book of Laws in its present form leaves much to be desired. Reference must occasionally be made to different convention proceedings, when it should be possible to refer only to the Book of Laws. It should be revised. This, perhaps, cannot be done during the short stay of our delegates in Kansas City and I recommend that a committee be appointed, or elected, before we adjourn to revise and compile our laws at some later date. This can be done either by the delegated committee getting together at some designated place or by correspondence.
In my report two years ago I called attention to the practice of some locals waiting until they received the convention call before electing their delegates, and suggested that some recommendation be made covering the matter but no action was taken. Little argument should be necessary in favor of electing your delegates at your regular election of officers, just prior to the international convention, and I ask that the resolutions committee draft a resolution recommending that all locals in District Number One adopt this practice.
Local No. 159 of Portland, Oregon, circularized sister locals in our territory regarding the matter of organizing the service men. Upon being advised by me that the International was giving this matter their attention Portland held in abeyance further action on the question. I had hoped that by the time we would convene here in Kansas City that it would be possible to report something definite, but such is not the case. I am sure that the delegates will appreciate that our International office has been very busy during the past few months with organization work relative to the studio situation in Hollywood and for that particular reason it has not been possible to give this the time that some of you feel it should have been given. However, I assure you that the International office intends to do everything possible along this line and I recommend that this convention leave it in their hands.
Our laws have heretofore provided that one delegate be allowed each local at our district conventions. When our conventions have been held in the same city as the International it has been customary to seat one delegate from those locals having two delegates to the I. L. A. convention and granting the other delegate voice, but no vote, except in the absence of the accredited delegate, when he would be allowed both voice and vote.
Since our last International convention the manner of voting at our district conventions has been changed and I quote section 9, article 15 of our International Constitution: "Each affiliated local at district conventions shall be entitled to one vote for every one hundred members or major portion thereof, to be based upon the average membership upon which per capita tax has been paid to the district, also one vote to each local for their charter."
At this convention Vancouver local No. 348, Seattle local No. 154 and Portland local No. 159 will have two delegates present and in view of the change in the manner of voting which I have just quoted these three additional delegates will be entitled to and should receive the per diem for the two days our convention will be in session. However, I wish to call your attention to the possibility of the district holding conventions other than those just preceding International conventions and I suggest that a suitable resolution covering this be drawn up by the resolutions committee providing that each local entitled to more than one vote be allowed the votes as provided by law, but that the railroad per diem expense of but one delegate be paid. This should, in my opinion, only apply to off-year conventions and regular convention delegates should receive the daily per diem.
Subsequent to the last district convention a complete list of all the scales being paid in District Number One, together with other pertinent information was compiled and mailed to each affiliated local. It was first planned to issue this in printed form, but inquiry into the cost disclosed that due to the great amount of type-setting necessary for this kind of a job the cost would be excessive. The matter was referred to the advisory board and they approved my recommendation that the mimeograph be used. Letters have been received asking if and when the list was going to be brought up to date and I recommend that this convention decide the question.
The finance committee will, as usual, audit the district accounts and report to the convention later on so I shall only comment in a general way. At the Louisville convention we had on hand $1,830.28. Receipts since that time, including one dividend payment from the closed Washington National Bank, were $1,643.94, making a grand total of $3,474.22. Out of this has been paid $1,872.14 which leaves a cash balance in the bank at this time in the amount of $1,602.08 When the Washington National Bank closed we had on deposit $1,546.91. Five dividend payments totaling $1,180.75 have been received. It is gratifying to report that we have received 76 1-3 % of our $1,546.91 and that the receiver advises that still another dividend payment will be made.
Every local in the district is paid up to June 30, with Aberdeen, Bremerton, Medford and local No. 118, Vancouver, paid far in advance of that date.
For the second time I have the pleasure of reporting that there are ample funds to pay the per diem of the delegates and to take care of all incidental expenses without the necessity of levying a special convention assessment.
In all sincerity I wish to thank district and local officials for their splendid co-operation during the past two years. With only one or two exceptions they have assisted in making the work of this office, if not altogether efficient, at least much easier.
Respectfully submitted, O. M. JACOBSON, District Secretary.
Report accepted as read and secretary instructed to allocate matters requiring attention to the various committees.
Delegate Clark, local No. 15, asked permission of the chair to make a report at this time as he was on the International by-laws committee and was due there and would have to leave. Permission granted.
Delegate Clark then spoke on the state theater project activities and after considerable discussion the matter was referred to the resolutions committee.
Upon motion the session approved the suggestion that delegates having to attend International committee meetings during this convention be recorded as being present.
Roll call: All delegates noted as being present.
That was a communication from the district secretary asking our opinion upon the question of not calling the district convention at the time specified in our laws, on account of difference in arrival of trains. My answer was that in my opinion the advisory board did not have the power to do this.
The only other action taken by me was not taken, but still a promise was made and I feel it should be reported. Shortly after the W. P. A. was started a committee met in the Labor Temple in Seattle to take steps to get some theatrical projects started, and also an endeavor was to be made to get Geo. Hood of Seattle appointed as a state officer on the subject. In figuring out references I informed the committee that they could have an endorsement from me as chairman of the advisory board of the northwest district if they thought it would be needed. It was not needed.
The mimeographing of the various scales of the district was called to my attention in July, 1934, and while the convention had ordered them printed, I heartily approve of the action of the district secretary in saving the district a substantial sum.
Fraternally submitted, E. A. CLARK.
Butte, Montana, May 21, 1936
Dear Sir and Brother:
In making my report as a member of the advisory board of District Number. One I wish to say that I have acted only on one matter, that is, in regard to the changing time from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. for the next convention.
I wish to say at this time that I have enjoyed working as a member of the advisory board and the co-operation that I have received from the other members of the board has been 100%.
Wishing all the members of District Number One success at the next convention, I remain,
Fraternally yours, ED. D. CURRAN
No reports from C. M. Campbell, Portland, local No. 28, or from L. E. Brown, Local No. 91, Boise.
Report of advisory board accepted with thanks.
Mr. O. M. Jacobson, District Secretary, District No. 1
814 Guaranty Building
Hollywood, California
Mr. O. M. Jacobson, Secretary, District No. 1
Dear Sir and Brother:
I herewith submit a report of legislative activity for the State of Washington since our last session.
In accord with the actions of our last convention an endeavor was made to draft a bill providing for the licensing of moving picture operators. Several conferences were held in Seattle, but unfortunately the officers of local 154 could not agree and the attempt was finally abandoned. As we had a number of friends at the last state legislature we missed a real opportunity to pass such a law.
Several laws favorable to labor generally were passed and several defeated. Among those passed, the following may be of interest:
UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: This provides for a fund contributed alike by employer and employe, but contingent on the effectiveness of the Wagner-Peyton bill in congress.
WAGE COLLECTION: The department of labor was granted the right to collect wage claims. Although this law does not have the scope of the California law, it is of some assistance in securing the collection of wage debts.
REBATES: This law prevents giving rebates on wages paid and makes it a felony for any employer to accept same.
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: This law authorizies municipalities to bargain collectively with municipal employes.
OLD AGE PENSIONS: This law provides an entirely inadequate sum of money for old age pensions.
MINING: Coal mines must have a check weighman and use the checkoff system in paying wages.
Brother Boyd Andreus worked untiringly in Olympia and made many trips to Seattle in behalf of our own attempts and for labor measures in general and I am sure his work warrants my recommendation that your convention name him the legislative committeeman from the state of Washington.
Respectfully submitted, CHAS. CRICKMORE
Salem, Ore., June 2, 1936
Dear Sir and Brother:.
I am enclosing the legislative committee report for Oregon, also a selfexplanatory clipping from a local paper which may be of interest in connection with it.
Sorry I couldn't be with you again this year.
Fraternally yours,
E. T. WARING, Local 613.
District No. 1, I. A. T. S. E. legislative committee report by E. T. Waring, member for Oregon:
Most of the new legislation concerning labor is in the form of amendments to already existing laws.
Chap. 132 O. L. 1935, amends law defining duty of the labor commissioner in administering employment agencies.
E. T. WARING, Local 613, I. A. T. S. E.
Billings, Mont., June 1, 1936
There has been no legislation in Montana during the past two years affecting our organization.
Fraternally yours, L. G. DeNAYER
Delegate Steinmetz, local 213, gave an interesting review of attempted legislation in the state of Montana and expressed the opinion that beneficial laws could and would be enacted if given the attention of our loyal unions.
1086 Bute St., Vancouver, B. C., May 13, 1936
Dear Sir and Brother:
Legislative matters affecting our organization are the same as they were at the last convention, there are lots of rumors of a change but have nothing definite. The delegates will be able to give you more information on the subject of rumors.
Wishing you the greatest success in your coming deliberations.
Fraternally yours,
WALLY WOOLRIDGE, Local 348, Vancouver, B. C.
Member Legislative Committee for Washington
Mr. O. M. Jacobson
Kansas City, Mo.
Chap. 318 O. L. 1935, amends law defining duty of labor commissioner in enforcing electricians' license law and electric code.
Chap. 329 O. L. 1935, amendment setting time wages become due striking workers after beginning of strike (not more than 30 days after start of strike.)
Chap. 206, O. L. 1935, amendment relating to overtime pay on public works.
Chap. 400 O. L. 1935, amending chattel lien law.
Chap.199,0. L. 1935, amends boiler inspection law.
Chap. 214, O. L. 1935, amends small claims law in Multnomah county district court.
Chap. 318, O. L. 1935, previously mentioned, apparently requires stagehands and projectionists who handle electrical equipment to have a journeyman electrician's license. Just before the licensing date (July 1, 1935), there was quite a stir about it here in Salem and in Portland. I understand some of the Portland members got licenses. We in Salem
were prepared to do so but nothing more came of it. I suggest you ask for further details from Brother Simeral, our delegate and business agent, who was in closer touch with the whole thing than any others of us.
O. M. Jacobson, Tacoma, Wash.
Mr. O. M. Jacobson, Secretary District No. 1
The following is a summary of the legislative enactments pertaining to labor by the legislature of the state of Idaho at its 1935 session.
1. Ratification of the proposed amendment of the constitution of the United States, giving congress power to limit, regulate and prohibit the labor of persons under 18 years of age.
2. The period of employment of working men in or upon mines or workings, or in smelters, ore reducing works, stamp mills, concentrators and others where metalliferous ores are being treated, refined or reduced, shall be eight hours per day.
3. Whenever any public or municipal corporation shall accept, sponsor, take charge of and or manage any work or project for the purpose of relief or assisting unemployment, the persons so working upon such projects shall be deemed employes of the corporation sponsoring, and the terms of the Workingmen's Compensation Act of this state shall apply to all such employes.
Respectfully submitted,
Report of legislative members accepted with thanks.
Delegate Gill, local No. 154, Seattle, reported verbally on legislation in the state of Washington.
Communication and Bills: Delegate Steinmetz submitted a letter from Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of Labor, relative to jurisdiction of sound technicians. Numerous delegates entered into the discussion on this subject, after which the communication was referred to the grievance committee for action.
Moved by Delegate Clark, local No. 15, that hours of convening of convention be left in the hands of the chairman and secretary.
Delegates Pearson, local No. 118, and Young, local No. 94, objected to definite hours being set, stating that they and other members on the International laws committee would not be able to attend our meetings if that was done and that they wanted to participate in the district convention.
A substitute motion was offered and carried that we continue in session until 1:00 p. m., adjourn and reconvene at 6:00 p. m.
State of trade reports called for
Delegate Clark, local No. 15, requested that the four district delegates on the International laws committee be permitted to read their reports first instead of waiting their regular turn. Inasmuch as action had just been taken to accommodate these delegates this procedure was not necessary and the chair instructed the secretary to call for the reports in their proper order.
State of trade reports were read by 21 of the delegates when the hour of adjournment was reached. See pages 21 and following.
Delegate Clark suggested that future state of trade report blanks be altered to enable stage employe locals to give more detailed information.
Delegate Pearson commented that report blanks should provide for the weekly scales, days per week, as well as the hourly rate.
The secretary asked the pleasure of the convention in the matter of mimeographing the daily proceedings. A motion instructing him to follow the same procedure as in the past was carried.
Chairman Raoul suggested that the various committees take care of the matters referred to them so that the business of the convention may be expedited. Committee chairmen announced the meetings of the different committees.
Delegate Kirkpatrick, local No. 401, brought up the matter of having the wage scales and working conditions of all district locals printed and copies mailed to each organization. Considerable discussion followed after which a motion to compile the information was adopted by a rising vote of 19 to 12, and the delegates were instructed to submit the information to the secretary before leaving the convention city.
(Secretary's Note: Many delegates did not comply with above instructions. As soon as complete information is received scales will be compiled and mailed.-O. M. J.)
The convention voted that after 10:00 a. m., Saturday, June 6, no resolutions would be accepted except by unanimous consent.
Meeting adjourned at 1:25 p. m. - - J. H. LESLIE, Assisting Secretary
Reading of state of trade reports was continued. See pages 21 and following.
Roll call showed all delegates present.
The special committee's report on that part of the secretary's report under the caption "State and Provincial Legislation," was discussed by the convention and referred back to the committee for reconsideraiton.
The special committee in reporting on that part of the secretary's report under the caption "Organizing of Small Towns," made the following recommendation:
Your special committee strongly recommends that locals survey their outside territory with a view to unionizing all theaters not yet organized, when such organization will strengthen and consolidate a local's position inside its own jurisdiction.
After a lengthy discussion the recommendation of the committee was concurred in.
The following communication was referred to the resolutions committee for consideration:
Theater Project for Legitimate Plays to Be Given at the Various High Schools In the State of Washington - - By CHARLES CRICKMORE
This project is not to be in any way confused with relief work, either government or state. It is a project whereby road shows will be built and shown in the various high schools, under the direction of Burton James. An endowment of $35,000 has been granted by the Guggenheim Foundation to enable this plan to operate for a period of 40 weeks, spread over three years. Mr. James estimates that by that time the project will be self-supporting.
He plans to make two tours of five weeks each the first year (1936-7) and three similar tours the remaining two years. The shows will be built and produced at the Playhouse in Seattle, and will be trouped by bus and truck over the state.
The state department of education has some say in the project.
In the estimates he submitted in order to obtain this subsidy he quoted figures of $150.00 per week for two road stage hands and $50.00 per week for the necessary musicians. Musicians only to go with the large shows, which comprise one-half of those planned.
Now in order to get this over within the budget on a union basis it is evident that something will have to be done. Either allow these shows to travel with less men than required under the I. A. road regulations, or allow them to work at a reduced scale. I have talked with Carbon Weber and McLain and they tell me that they can furnish men at the price and under the conditions of his budget.
James took a show last season to two schools and by polling the audience he found that considerably over 90 per cent of the students had never seen a stage show, so it seems that unless some such project as this pioneers the way the stage show in all the towns in the state with the possible exception of Seattle will fade from memory in a very short time.
Besides sanction of some change or classification by the I. A. it will be necessary for the various locals throughout the state of Washington to make local regulations whereby it will be possible to work their men at the various school auditoriums where these performances will be given.
In this entire matter we are fortunate that Mr. James is at the helm. Anyone else would simply have gone ahead with non-union labor and schoolboy help.
Let me emphasize again that this is not a relief proposition, but an attempt to revive theater interest via our younger generation. And men employed on this work do not have to come from any relief agency whatever.
The committee is of the opinion that any concession granted to this project would act to the disadvantage of regular established amusement enterprises and therefore recommends that no recommendation regarding same be made. Recommendation of committee, after a thorough discussion, was concurred in.
Recommendation of district secretary regarding election of delegates to district conventions: We, your committee, recommend that each local in District No. 1 elect their convention delegates on or before January 1, preceding the coming convention. Upon motion convention concurred in the committee's recommendation.
On that portion of the secretary's report under the caption "The District Bulletin," the matter was discussed by the delegates and referred back to the committee for further consideration.
Re: "Duties of Officers," we, your committee, recommend that section 4 of the district by-laws be amended to read as follows: "Any member of the advisory board failing to act on matters referred to them or by the district secretary shall not be eligible to hold any district office for a period of five years."
Recommendation of committee concurred in.
WHEREAS: The membership of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes and Motion Picture Operators of the United States and Canada, is composed for the most part of the class of wage earners commonly referred to as "white collar" wage earners, and,
WHEREAS: White collar wage earners all too frequently become indifferent to the ideals and principles of organized labor as represented by the A. F. of L. and its affiliated state, county and local unions, except in so far as these ideals and principles directly affect them, and,
WHEREAS: This indifference encourages employers of labor in different lines of endeavor to the belief that they can sell their product even though they do not deal fairly with their employes, and,
WHEREAS: It is inconsistent for us to believe that we can maintain union conditions in our employment if we support the employer who operates under non-union conditions, and,
WHEREAS: The membership of organized labor presents a formidable foe to the unfair employer. If every member of organized labor would take advantage of the weapon placed at their disposal (their purchasing power), and,
WHEREAS: Formidable as these numbers are, they cannot exert their effectiveness, or make their full strength felt unless membership in a local union carries with it a solemn obligation to support and subscribe to the ideals and principles of "unionism." Now therefore be it,
RESOLVED: That we the I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. of the U. S. and C. in regular convention assembled do hereby urge and request each affiliated local union to put on a drive in their respective communities, to educate and encourage the public to demand the union label when making purchases, and be it further,
RESOLVED: That each affiliated local union insist on all its members demanding the union label, union shop card and button when spending their union-made money, and be it further,
RESOLVED: That copies of this resolution be spread upon the minutes and the International officers be requested to conduct a campaign to en-courage the demand for the union label by the membership of all affiliated local unions.
Respectfully submitted, B. I. STEINMETZ, Local No. 213 - - A. J. McDONALD, Local No. 255 - - LAURENCE STINGER, Local No. 339 - - PARKER BUNDY, Local No. 672 - - J. W. SIMERAL, Local No. 613 - - GENE SHERMAN, Local No. 481.
Recommendation of committee that Resolution No. 1 be endorsed was concurred in by the convention.
WHEREAS: The policy of some of the national and international unions and the American Federation of Labor, of answering wires or letters of individuals, when these individuals are in the course of negotiations with a local union, without first consulting the local union often defeats the best interests of the local union involved, and,
WHEREAS: The officers of the local union involved are usually well versed in the problems of the negotiations, and,
WHEREAS: The information furnished the national, international unions or the A. F. of L. in the appeals of these individuals is usually a misrepresentation of facts, and,
WHEREAS: This misrepresentation of facts usually brings an answer favorable to the individual, and unfavorable to the local union involved, now therefore be it,
RESOLVED: That we do hereby earnestly and sincerely urge and request all national, international unions and the A. F. of L. to adopt a policy of referring all inquiries from individuals, to the local union involved, and so notifying the individual before making any decision on, or giving any information concerning any controversy, thereby obtaining reliable information from the local union involved before placing in the hands of the individual, on misinformation or misrepresentation of facts the weapon which may defeat the best interests of the local union involved.
Respectfully submitted, B. I. STEINMETZ, Local No. 213 - - A. J. McDONALD, Local No. 255 - - PARKER BUNDY, Local No. 672 - - LAURENCE STINGER, Local No. 339 - - GENE SHERMAN, Local No. 481 - - L. G. DeNAYER, Local No. 240
Committee recommends concurrence. Upon motion resolution No. 2 was laid on the table indefinitely.
WHEREAS: Under the Federal Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, minimum wage scales and working conditions are pre-determined by others than duly authorized representatives of the local unions having jurisdiction over the work, and,
WHEREAS: This practice in many instances has resulted in labor disputes involving strikes and lockouts, and,
WHEREAS: Anything that contributes to confusion as to how, or who is in authority to establish prevailing rates works to the disadvantage of all concerned, and,
WHEREAS: The interests of the workers, the contractors, and the federal agencies executing the various federal aid projects can best be served by the establishment of definite authority for establishing prevailing rates of pay on works executed in whole, or in part with federal aid funds, and,
WHEREAS: H. R. No. 12,491, introduced in the House of Representatives by the Honorable Roy E. Ayers, congressman from the second district, Montana, establishes this authority, now therefore be it,
RESOLVED: That we, District No. 1 of the I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. of the United States and Canada in convention assembled at Kansas City, Mo., do hereby urge and request each and every affiliated local union to contact their senators and representatives in congress and urge them to work for and support the enactment, into law, H. R. No. 12,491 entitled a "Bill to Prohibit Evil Practices In Labor Employment On Government Works and Work Prosecuted With Federal Aid Funds, and for Other Purposes," and be it further,
RESOLVED: That copies of this resolution be forwarded to William Green, president of the A. F. of L., Roy E. Ayers, congressman second district, Montana, Washington, D. C., James E. Murray, senator, Montana, Washington, D. C., Burton K. Wheeler, senator, Montana, Washington, D. C., and the International executive board of the I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. of the U. S. and C. with the request that they use every honorable means at their command to the end that H. R. No. 12,491 be enacted into law.
Respectfully submitted, B. I. STEINMETZ, Local No. 213 - - A. J. McDONALD, Local No. 255 - - PARKER BUNDY, Local No. 672 - - LAURENCE STINGER, Local No. 339 - - GENE SHERMAN, Local No. 481 - - J. W. SEMERAL, Local No. 613.
Committee recommends concurrence. Committee's report accepted and recommendation concurred in.
Delegate Moore, local No. 159, asked permission of the chair to preface a motion he intended to make by a few remarks. Upon permission being given he proceeded to give the convention an outline of the work done by the international by-laws committee and especially called the attention of the delegates to the hard work on the part of Vice-President Holmden, who has had charge of the revision. Other delegates to the district convention who are also on this committee concurred and added to the remarks of Delegate Moore after which a motion was offered by Brother Moore that District No. 1 endorse the action of the International by-laws committee in their proposed recommendation to be presented to the International convention. The motion was unanimously adopted. Moved that a letter of appreciation be sent to Vice-President Holmden for the work he has done in compiling the new International law. Unanimously adopted. Two resolutions were read and referred to the resolutions committee. Delegate Clark requested Chairman Raoul to give the convention a talk upon his experiences regarding the two man in the booth situation throughout the country.
Chairman Raoul gave a very comprehensive and interesting resume of this matter and spoke intimately of happenings in our International the past few years and the progress made and what can be expected to come. He deplored the actions of some members of the International in abusing the confidence placed in them by conducting themselves in such a manner as to jeopardize the interests of their local. He strongly advised the delegates to urge their locals to be firm in handling such offenders. The remarks of Brother Raoul were received with appreciation and hearty applause by the delegates.
There being no further business to come before the meeting at this time the session adjourned until 1:00 p. m. Saturday. J. H. LESLIE, Assistant Secretary.
Report of committees called for.
May 21, 1936
Dear Sir and Brother:
Your letter of May 11 was received on the 13th in which you furnish the names of the applicants and the companies by which they are employed, and advise me that these workers are sound technicians and also operate sound cars.
I desire to advise that these workers come under the jurisdiction of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. I have forwarded your communications to President D. W. Tracy of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and asked him to correspond with you direct.
With best wishes, I am,
Fraternally yours,
FRANK MORRISON, Secretary-Treasurer American Federation of Labor.
With reference to the letter from Frank Morrison, of the American Federation of Labor, submitted by Delegate Steinmetz, relative to sound technicians and operators of sound cars, the grievance committee unanimously recommends that the communication be filed without further action.
Recommendation of committee concurred in.
Mr. Homer Whitmore, Organizer, American Federation of Labor,
P. O. Box 560, Great Falls, Montana
Your special committee recommends that locals in the various states should co-operate in the framing of a bill, to be submitted to the state legislatures, of such substance and intent that will bring desired improvement of booth conditions; having in mind principally the enforcing of two men in the booth at all times, as well as furthering general advancement of legislation pertaining to the theatrical crafts in particular. Further the locals in each state shall reach by mutual agreement the method of raising funds to meet the expenses involved; and the extent of their liability in this direction shall be governed by vote of locals in each state concerned. It is obvious that the success of obtaining such state legislation, and the extent of same, will be limited to the amount of energy and effort expended by the state locals concerned therein.
Recommendation of committee concurred in.
We, your finance committee, have carefully inspected and checked the books, records and accounts of the district secretary and find them to be in perfect condition.
We find ourselves with sufficient funds to defray the entire expenses of our district convention and we therefore recommend that the various amounts due the delegates be paid at once, the checks for the same being given the delegates, who will bear in mind that if their locals have advanced them the necessary finances for their per diem that they will be acting as agents of the district and must reimburse their locals such amounts as they were advanced.
We, the committee, commend the District Secretary for the thoroughness and orderly condition of our finances at this time.
Fraternally submitted,
Upon motion report was accepted as read.
WHEREAS: There are many problems within District No. 1 which are of importance to the membership of all local unions in the district, and,
WHEREAS: After due consideration of the several means of circulating information concerning these problems, it is obvious that the best interests of all concerned can be served by circulating sufficient copies of a District Bulletin to each local union to supply each member with a copy of this Bulletin, therefore be it,
RESOLVED: That the district secretary be authorized to have sufficient numbers of these bulletins printed in book form, to furnish each member in District No. 1 a copy, and be it further,
RESOLVED: That the district secretary be instructed, and is hereby authorized to sell advertising space on the inside and back of cover page to defray the cost of printing.
Respectfully submitted
G. G. SPECK, Chairman - - L. B. HINDS, Local No. 254 - - W. A. KIRKPATRICK, Local No. 401 - - B. I. STEINMETZ, Local No. 213 - - THOMAS WATTERS, Local No. 351 - - J. W. SIMERAL, Local No. 613 - - J. McNABB, Local No. 154 - - HOBART BURNS, Local No. 663.
Resolutions Committee. Committee recommends adoption.
Delegate Pearson asked the question that in event the secretary does not sell advertising space in the Bulletin how will the cost be defrayed.
The district secretary was asked to state his reaction to the resolution. The secretary replied that while he had never had any experience in selling advertising that he did not think there would be any difficulty in securing same.
Upon motion recommendation of committee concurred in.
WHEREAS: Section 19, page 12 of the District By-Laws is in conflict with the best interests of all concerned, therefore be it,
RESOLVED: That section 19, page 12 of the District By-Laws be amended to read as follows: (First paragraph) "Whenever a convention of this district is held in the same city as the I. A. convention, and just preceding such convention, that a per diem of $10.00 per day be allowed each accredited delegate from each local for the time which the district convention lasts, preceding the I. A. convention." Paragraphs 2 and 3 to remain unchanged.
Respectfully submitted,
G. G. SPECK, Local No: 159, Chairman - - B. I. STEINMETZ, Local No. 213 - - THOMAS WATTERS, Local No. 351 - - W. A. KIRKPATRICK, Local No. 401 - - J. W. SIMERAL, Local No. 613 - - L. B. HINDS, Local No. 254 - - J. McNABB, Local No. 154 - - HOBART BURNS, Local No. 663 - -Resolutions Committee.
Committee recommends concurrence. Recommendation of committee adopted.
Whereas Musicians' Local No. 99, American Federation of Musicians, has under orders of said local No. 99 on many and various occasions attempted to lower the wages and destroy the working conditions of locals No. 159 and 28 by advocating the reduction of man power and the lowering of wages both on the stage and in the booth and whereas Musicians' Local No. 99 has been expelled from the Portland Theatrical Federation for the said actions, and, whereas Musicians' Local No. 99 has been unseated from the Central Labor Council of Portland for various acts detrimental to organized labor, and, whereas Musicians' Local No. 99 has refused to contribute, either morally or financially to fight any unfair theater even though a greater number of their members were in some cases involved than of any other theater craft, and, whereas Musicians' Local No. 99 signed a contract and went to work in Kelly's and allowed an orchestra to go to work in Kelly's notorious, unfair restaurant in Portland and notwithstanding the fact that every entrance to Kelly's restaurant was being picketed, and had been for several months by members of the culinary workers, they allowed their members, including members of their executive board to walk past said pickets, to and from their work, and, whereas Musicians' Local No. 99 allowed stories to be printed in the daily papers and placed their union card in the window of said unfair restaurant in an effort to mislead the public into believing the labor trouble at Kelley's had been settled, and, whereas Musicians' Local No. 99 has constantly harrassed locals No. 159 and 28 by attempting to enforce road call without in any way complying with the joint agreement of 1912, and, whereas Musicians' Local No. 99 has attempted to have the members of 159 and 28 refuse service in theaters where no stage shows were being presented or contemplated, using the mere technicality that they wanted a signed contract in case the house ever should show any stage attraction, and, whereas, an identical situation exists, and has existed for some time in Vancouver, B. C., between local No. 145 of the American Federation of Musicians and locals No. 348 and 115 of I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. of U. S. and C.
Now therefore be it resolved, that this convention go on record as recommending to the general office that they prevail upon President Weber of the American Federation of Musicians to take some action to force locals No. 99 and 145 to cease and desist the detrimental action heretofore outlined, and be it further resolved that this convention request that the Musicians' Locals No. 99 and 145 be compelled to live up to the joint agreement of 1912 and especially the first paragraph thereof.
(Signed) J. T. MOORE, Local No. 159 - - G. G. SPECK, Local No. 159 - - DON DUMAS, Local No. 28 - - J. W. SIMERAL, Local No. 613.
Committee recommends concurrence. Recommendation concurred in.
Upon motion the chairman was instructed to appoint a committee to take the subject matter of this resolution before President Browne.
Committee appointed: J. T. Moore, Local No. 159; Harry Pearson, Local No. 118; E. A. Clark, Local No. 15, and O. M. Jacobson, Local No. 175.
Roll call showed all delegates present.
At this time Chairman Raoul said he did not like to impose on the good nature of the delegates but he had to appear before the general executive board on an important case, and asked the delegates if they wished him to send some other International officer to preside while he must be absent.
By vote of the convention it was decided to adjourn until such time as Brother Raoul could return. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p. m. to reconvene at 3:00 p. m., or until such time as the chairman returns.
BE IT RESOLVED: That the present District By-Laws, section 1, be changed to read: "Regular conventions of this district shall convene at 10:00 a. m. on the second Monday in June of each year in a city designated by the advisory board, except the years of the International convention, when it shall convene on Friday immediately preceding the opening of the International convention, and in the same city where such International convention is to be held.
Special or additional conventions may be called in accordance with the International laws.
J. T. MOORE, Local No. 159, DON DUMAS, Local No. 28, L. B. HINDS, Local No. 254, W. A. KIRKPATRICK, Local No. 401, J. P. GILL, Local No. 154, THOMAS WATTERS, Local No. 351, J. W. SIMERAL, Local No. 613,
D. D. HEMPY, Local No. 675, L. A. PIERRE, Local No. 446.
Committee recommends adoption.
This resolution was thoroughly gone into by the convention after which a motion prevailed that it be referred to a referendum vote, based on membership, of the district and the secretary was instructed to advise the locals what the approximate cost of holding the convention would be.
BE IT RESOLVED: That the following be added to section 4, pages 5 and 6 of District By-Laws: "The advisory board shall hold a regular meeting on the first Monday in November of each year at a place designated by themselves. The secretary shall notify all locals as to place of such meeting thirty days in advance." "The advisory board to receive first class transportation and $10.00 per diem for attending all board meetings.
J. T. MOORE, Local No. 159, DON DUMAS, Local No. 28, L. B. HINDS, Local No. 254, W. A. KIRKPATRICK, Local No. 401, J. P. GILL, Local No. 154, THOMAS WATTERS, Local No. 351, HOWARD MOORE, Local No. 93, J. R. FOSTER, Local No. 348, E. H. SOUTHERN, Local No. 117, WM. PEACOCK, Local No. 463, J. W. SIMERAL, Local No. 613, D. D. HEMPY, Local No. 675, L. A. PIERRE, Local No. 446.
Committee recommends non-concurrence. Recommendation concurred in.
To the I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. delegates assembled at the 33d convention:.
At the meeting of local 316, I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O., Miami, Fla., held on the night of April 20th, 1936, the attached resolution was presented for consideration by Brother V. S. Schooley, and this will certify that by unanimous vote a motion was carried granting the endorsement of this local.
H. A. JOSLIN, President, W. J. REARDON, Secretary (SEAL).
To the I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. delegates assembled at the thirty-third convention:.
We, the members of the District of I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. delegates in caucus at Kansas City, Missouri, on the day of June, 1936, here with endorsed the attached pension and hospitalization resolution. Submitted by local No.316. Secretary.
To the I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. delegates assembled at the thirty-third convention:
Whereas, due to conditions throughout the United States the federal government has and is granting federal aid to relieve unemployment and to create new employment and to aid in the care of the destitute under the socalled Social Security Act, and
Whereas, our membership has made no provision to care for our aged and disabled, either by pension, hospitalization, or otherwise, and
Whereas, the International Alliance holds an enviable position in other respects, therefore, be it
Resolved that the International president appoint a committee of three to:
Secure all data necessary to determine the number of members eligible to retirement and hospitalization and the number graduating into this class each year.
To draft rules and regulations and classifications of applicants, to estimate the cost of providing a retirement pension and hospitalization under such rules, regulations and classifications.
To secure or endeavor to secure federal aid in financing of a retirement and hospitalization fund.
To secure any and all information pertaining to and formulate all plans for the installation of a practical pension plan, entirely within our International Alliance, and to make a complete report to our International executive board, and be it further
Resolved, that the International executive board shall, at their discretion after considering the report of the committee, levy such assessment and take such actions as necessary to properly finance and govern the installation and operation of a retirement and hospitalization department.
The above resolution was accepted as information by the delegates but no action taken.
Following the report of the resolutions committee Delegate Speck, local No. 159, brought up the advisability of the district purchasing a mimeograph machine. After considerable discussion a motion by Delegate Young, Local No. 94, instructing the district secretary to buy a suitable machine was carried unanimously.
Roll call showed all delegates present.
Delegate Clark, Local No. 15, reported on further work done by the International By-Laws committee and that when he advised the committee that District No. 1 had endorsed their action it was greeted with applause.
Chairman Raoul here called for nominations for the office of district secretary. Delegate Moore, local No. 93, offered the name of O. M. Jacobson and there being no further nominations the chair declared Brother Jacobson elected.
District Advisory Board
Delegate Pearson, local No. 118, placed in nomination the name of E. A. Clark, local No. 15. There being no further nominations Brother Clark was declared elected.
First Section: Delegate Clark, local No. 15, placed in nomination the name of Harry Pearson. There being no further nominations Brother Pearson was declared elected.
Second Section: Delegate Peacock placed in nomination the name of L. B. Hinds, local No. 254, and there being no further nominations Brother Hinds was declared elected.
Third Section: Delegate DeNayer placed in nomination the name of H. J. Young. There being no further nominations Brother Young was declared elected.
Chairman at Large.
There being no opposition, the following delegates were declared elected by Chairman Raoul: B. G. Andreus, local No. 344, chairman, representing the state of Washington; John T. Moore, local No. 159, representing the state of Oregon; C. M. Kaeser, local No. 91, representing the state of Idaho; Bruce I. Steinmetz, local No. 213, representing the state of Montana; J. H. Leslie, local No. 348, representing the province of British Columbia.
Unfinished Business: None.
New Business: Nome.
Delegate Young, local No. 94, here requested that he be allowed to explain just what he meant in his previous remarks concerning the purchase of a mimeograph machine. Upon the request being granted he advised the convention that when he made the motion to purchase a mimeograph machine he did not intend that the district secretary should do work on said machine that might be better done or that should be done by union printers, and that it should only be used to assist the district secretary in getting out letters, etc.
Delegate Steinmetz, local No. 213, addressed the convention on the duty of the delegates to this convention and to the International convention in demanding the union label when making purchases and especially called the attention of the delegates to the importance of eating in places that display the union card.
Delegate Clark, local No. 15, brought up the matter of selecting a committee to take care of arrangements for seating delegates from District No. 1 at the International convention. He stated that he was not altogether satisfied with the work done by the committee two years ago at Louisville and suggested that the committee appointed this year give this important matter a little better attention, and suggested further that Brother Pearson be delegated to take care of the matter. Chairman Raoul pointed out to the convention that inasmuch as this was a very important matter he would, if there were no objections from the delegates, appoint Delegate Clark of local No. 15 as chairman of the committee on convention hall arrangements and that Brother Pearson, local No. 118, would act as the second man on the committee.
Upon motion the convention instructed the newly elected advisory board to revise the present by-laws and to have them ready for presentation to the next district convention.
Delegate Jacobson expressed his appreciation to the convention for again electing him as district secretary.
At this time District Secretary Jacobson, on behalf of the delegates, presented Chairman Raoul with a brief case as a token of the esteem in which Brother Raoul is held by District No. 1.
Chairman Raoul expressed regret in not being able to find words with which to express his thanks to the assembled delegates and closed his remarks by saying that it was always a pleasure to preside over our meetings.
Session adjourned at 6:00 p. m., to reconvene at the call of the chairman.
J. H. LESLIE, Assistant Secretary
Delegate Pierre, local No. 446, asked for information regarding the organizing of small towns adjacent to Astoria and other locals in the district; also the placing of our members on portable advertising shows.
These two questions were discussed at some length with 15 of the delegates taking part, which showed the keen interest our locals are showing in these two problems.
The matter of organizing small towns was dealt with by President Browne in his report to the International convention and is also touched on in Secretary Jacobson's report to the district.
At this time Assistant Secretary Leslie asked to be excused to attend a meeting of a committee and Delegate Foster, local No. 348, was requested by the chair to act in his place.
Delegate Pearson, local No. 118, pointed out to the convention that the matter of portable shows had been taken up at our district convention two years ago, and offered the following motion:
That the district secretary again notify all locals in District No. 1 to watch this matter more closely and to follow the recommendation of the last convention, to notify the local where the attraction or advertising show was to play next. The motion was carried.
A motion by Delegate Pearson, local No. 118, instructing the secretary to notify all locals to more carefully check road cards, yellow cards and contracts and to take numbers on same carried.
Delegate Clark, local No. 15, asked why the report system inaugurated by the district some years ago was not being used. Secretary Jacobson in reply stated that the report system had not been used the past few years owing to the fact that there was no regular established circuit operating, but that report blanks were on hand and could be had for the asking. A motion instructing the secretary to forward a supply of blanks to each local was carried.
The chairman announced that the advisory board would meet immediately upon adjournment of the session and the board reported on the dinner arranged by them and upon motion their action was endorsed.
There being no further business to come before the meeting the convention was adjourned at 3:55 p. m.
J. R. FOSTER, Act. Assist. Secretary. - - O. M. JACOBSON, District Secretary
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