Banner - District One History

1921 - 1925

  1. Local 175 1920's Picket Line
  2. 12th District Convention-June 18, 1923 Morning
  3. 12th District Convention-June 18, 1923 Afternoon
  4. 12th District Convention-June 19, 1923 Morning
  5. 12th District Convention-June 19, 1923 Afternoon
  6. District No. One--Book of Laws
  7. Officers--Duties of Officers
  8. Organizing Suburan Workmen
  9. Members Leaving Position During Working Hours
    Filing of Wage Scales

  10. Number of Men To Be Used In Vaudeville
    Non-Union Members & Addresses Of Local Officers

  11. Report System - Combination Reports
    Vaudeville Reports

  12. Revenue - Date of Expiration of Local Scales
    Governing Admission of Members

  13. Additional By-Laws
  14. Report On Position of Acting Stage Manager



         The Web Master has no idea of when this picture was taken, but feels it belongs somewhere in the 20's. If anybody can tell me about this picture, please E-Mail me with any information.

DISTRICT NO. 1, I.A.T.S.E. & M.P.O. of the U.S. & C.

         Held in the Labor Temple, Tacoma, Washington.

         June 18, 1923 Meeting called to order at 10:35 A.M. by International Representative Chas. Crickmore #15. Brother 0. M. Campbell #28 Acting Secretary. Chairman Crickman and Secretary Campbell Credential Committee. The following Delegates were seated.

Delegates to Convention of District #1.

         Local #446 - D. C. McCrosky - - Local #118 - H. Pearson - - Local #254 - John Ridgway - - Local #15 - E. A. Clark - - Local #28 - C. M. Campbell - - Local #94 - Harry Young - - Local #159 - Boyd Lawrence - - Local #168 - E. D. Abery - - Local #255 - W. T. Clapp - - Local #175 - 0. M. Jacobson - - Local #154 - H. F. Lampman - - Local #93 - Howard Moore - - Local #401 - Walter Wright - - Local #81 - J. B. McDonald - - - Brother 0.J. Carlson #175 appointed as Sergeant-At-Arms.


July 3, 1922 to June 16, 1923.

         At the close of the Eleventh District Convention at Cincinnati, May 26, 1922, it was thoroughly understood that the Secretary elect should make the trip to Seattle about the first of July to take over the properties and the finances of the District Secretaries Office, which gave Brother Gress over 30 days to have the proceedings, books, files and other property ready for the transfer to the incoming Secretary. I went to Seattle on July 3rd, but there wasn't anymore readiness then than in Cincinnati. He gave me the proceedings of the Convention and promised to send the books and finances to me July 6th without fail, still they didn't come and no explanation for the delay. On July 19th I attended the Vancouver Conference of the Theatrical Federated Crafts and stopped in Seattle on my way back to Portland, but did not get to see Brother Gress, but went to his house and got some of the books and files so I could proceed with the referendum vote and other business of the District and wrote a letter to Int. Rep, Crickmore to see if he could hurry up Bro. Gress in the turning over of the finances of the District. He replied that he was going on a vacation as he didn't take office until August 7th, but would take the matter up as soon as he returned. During August the referendum vote on Advisory Board was taken which resulted as follows:
For Chairman - Clark #15, 194 Pearson #118, 211
Member Board 1st Section - Lampman #154, 243 McDonald #81, 158
The report system remains same.


         During year the following monies have been received: From ex-Secretary Gress: $250.00. - Per capita tax and pro rata conventon expenses: $1,466,85. - Total: $1,716.85. - Disbursements: $992.86. - Cash Balance: $723.99. The District owns a typewriter, a few files and a desk. I have not had any communications from Locals #351, #344, #604 during the past year.


         There have been several differences with Managers in the District. Spokane reported two or three but with the help of International Representative Crickmore, they have been satisfactorily settled, until the latest one, which is still on with the Management of the Hippodrome Theatre. Local #154 I believe is still on strike against the Danz Houses.

         The most serious thing that occurred is in the eliminating of one man from the second class Vaudeville crews In Spokane, which matter should be taken care of by this Convention. I have taken up the question of finances with Secretary Devine of District #12, that is what District #1 owes to the Locals of District #12, and what of District #12, owe to District #1, but have not as yet received any thing definite on the question. There has been several questions referred to me regarding number of men to be used in Vaudeville crews, but I have no authority to say, except to refer them to the District Law, and have the Locals get advice from International Representative Crickmore on the subject. I would recommend that the District put a severe penalty on any Local that disregards any of our District laws.

         I thank all Secretaries for promptness during past year.

Fraternally yours, 0. M. Campbell, Secretary District #l.

         Moved and seconded to accept report. Motion carried.

         Moved and seconded to refer financial report to Finance Committee.

         Motion carried.


         FINANCE: Clark #15 - Ridgway #254 - McCrosky #446 and Jacobson #175.

         RESOLUTION: McDonald #81 - Lamproan #154 - Wright #401 Young #94 and Moore #93.

         GRIEVANCE: Pearson #118 - Lawrence #159 – Clapp #255 and Abery #168.

         ADVISORY BOARD: Nothing to report except to have By-Laws of District #1 printed. Report accepted.

         REPORT OF LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Jacobson for Washington. Brother Crickmore reporting for him. State Legislature Bill placing a 10% tax on all Theatres. Bill squashed through the effort of Organized Labor not through the Managers. President Short of State Federation of Labor, very instrumental in defeating measures. Was approached on subject of forming a Committee of all Theatrical Interests for opposing objectionable Laws. Nothing definite on subject.

         Pearson #118 B.C. Nothing to report.

         Young #94 Montana. Reports that same law, as Washington was defeated.

         Lawrence #159 Oregon. Reports City Law against Theatres open all night. Law defeated.

         Brother Clark, Chairman Finance Committee asks Delegates to present time taken to reach Convention city and turn in to Finance Committee for per diem.

         Moved and seconded get mimeographed copies of minutes for Delegates. Motion carried, Moved seconded and carried that we adjourn to reconvene at 1 P.M.

         Campbell, Secretary

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June 18, 1923 – Afternoon Session

         Meeting called to order at 1:10 P.M. by Chairman Chas. Crickmore #18. Roll Call: All Delegates present.



         At present time the amusement business is very quiet. The Pantages (5) men being the only ones having employment The American (Stock) closed after 15 weeks. The Hippodrome (Levey Vaud.) after 30 weeks, during which time Stage Employes were out twice, finally threw out the Stage Employes, Operators and Musicians. All still out.

Scale of Wages:

- - - - - - - - - - - Vaudeville Combination - - - - - - - - - - Stock

Carpenter - - - -$52.50 per week - $10.00 Performance - $57.50 per week
Property man - $50.00 per week - -$9.00 Performance - $52.50 per week
Electricians - - -$50.00 per week - -$9.00 Performance - $52.50 per week
Flyman - - - - - -$47.50 per week - -$5.00 Performance - $47.50 per week
All Extra - - - - -$47.50 per week - -$3.00 Performance - $47.50 per week
Overtime $1.00 per hour.
Overtime between 12 P.M. and 10 A.M. $1.50 per hour.
Six Day week.

         No information in regards to the coming season.

Membership: 31 – Out of Town: 9 – Working at other trades: 9 – Steady employed: 5 – Extra Board: 8.

Submitted by: Howard Moore, Delegate Local #93

PORTLAND LOCAL NO. 159 – M.P.M.O. – June 17, 1923

         Conditions and wages have not been changed in any Central Theatres during the Past year. At present We are engaged in a legal fight with a combined organization of Suburban or Fast Side Theatre Owners, the difficulty arising over the Manager of the Victoria Theatre refusing to pay the present scale of wages and effecting a lock out. We are certain of the findings of the court being favorable. At present we have a two- percent assessment on all working members, which goes into our special fund. Practically all members are working full time, and we don't anticipate any further trouble this year.

Report filed by: Boyd Lawrence, Local #159.


         Since our last Convention, in Cincinnati we have had a fight on hand. We went out at the Call of the Musicians, on June 16th, and we are still in the street, notwithstanding we have not lost a man that has gone back to work.

         Some of local 154 have lost their homes, after paying in as $200O.00, but are still standing by their Local.

         Local 154 must thank. our Sister Locals for the fine support that they have given us in the past, and also their financial assistance. Local 154 is more than pleased at the moral and financial assistance that our near-by Sister Local 175 has given us when we were in need. Local 154 more than appreciates their efforts.

         Since our last Convention at Cincinnati we have lost 10 members, some with withdrawal cards and some just dropping out.

         154 has 23 members working full time, and the rest of the members working what broken time they can get.

         Of the number of houses that is out in Seattle are 11 – Class A: The Colonial – Flag – Alice – The Gem – The Dream – The Rialto – The Olympic – Florence – The Star and The Joy.

         And we also have a dual organization that has been formed by the Associated Industries and are trying to make this part of the trade an open shop town, and are doing everything that lays within their power to undermine all of the houses we have fair at this time. Now most of these men that belong to the dual organization are old offenders - from the old Jensen VonHerberg firm, are the ones we have to contend with. Any of our Sister Locals that wishes the names off these parasites, we will be only too glad to supply them, to keep for their records.

         H, F. Lampman, Delegate Local 154 moved and seconded that District #1 appeal to individual Locals of District #1 for financial assistance for Local #154 who have been on strike for the past year. Motion carried.


         There has been no changes in conditions since the last District Convention, but it is the opinion of the Local that there should be a change at the beginning of next season.

Report filed by: E. A. Clark.

C. A. Campbell, Secretary District No 1.

Dear Sir:

         Local 446 wishes to state that its condition is all that can be expected after passing through such a disaster that visited the city on December 7th last, as all picture and road houses as well as the business section was burned to the ground.

         Since then two temporary houses, the Blue Mouse and a Jensen VonHerberg house have been built, giving employment to 3 operators.

         Our financial conditions are good, all bills paid and money in the treasury.

         Local 446 wishes to thank the other organizations that so readily came to our assistance, and especially Bros. Crickmore and Jacobson who came in person to Astoria to tender assistance.

I remain yours respectfully, D.C. McCrosky, Delegate #446


         Conditions in Centralia-Chehalis 0. K. All houses fair. Last February we put into effect the six-day week. We now get $5.60 per day of 6 1/2 hours. Managers have been interviewed regarding raise September St and have agreed to $6.00 per day of 6 1/2 hours. This includes both Operators and Stage Employes

Fraternally yours, W. D. Wright, Delegate #401


         Conditions very good in Tacoma. Since last Convention we have succeeded in getting $1.25 in other downtown houses. All houses fair and no indication of any trouble, unless it be over the Suburban Theatre question. At the present time we recognize Theatre Managers as Operators in their own Theatres. This has from time to time been given attention with no definite action being taken tending to eliminate all Managers from operating machines, however it is beginning to look as though this question must come to a head sooner or later, Scale the same as reported last Convention.

O.M. Jacobson, Delegate 175

         Brother Jarmin spoke on the Suburban Theatre question. Report laid over until Brother Jacabson returns to the Convention.


         Conditions of the past season have been only fair. There has been less than half a dozen road shows in the roadhouse and they only did moderate business. Vaudeville has improved over the previous season. Owing to the Orpheum shows jumping direct from Winnepeg into Vancouver, cutting our Calgary. The Orpheum Show opens Wednesday night instead of Monday Matinee, playing 7 shows instead of 12. Crew and wages remaining as before. Capitol and Allen houses still retain I.A. men to operate curtain and switch boards. At the present time, owing to summer season all Stock Houses are closed, and a big percentage of local members are unemployed. Membership reduced to 37 members, owing to transfers and suspension.

         H. Pearson #118 Moved and seconded District #1 commend Local #118 for holding weekly scale at Orpheum Theatre and recommends that they hold the same conditions next season. Motion carried.

CONDITIONS OF LOCAL #81. June 18, 1923

         Conditions remain the same as our last Convention, 21 members in good standing. 6 working. Local #81 was successful in placing a man in the Rialto Theatre to build prologues last season but has since been laid off, the prologue having been discontinued.

         Local #81 is much concerned over the way the Musicians in Tacoma disregard the six-day week. They obey the letter of the law but not the spirit. There are only 2 men in the pit at the Pantages, Theatre who take one day off a week, this will sooner or later effect the Stage Hands as it did in Los Angeles and Spokane.

Report filed: James McDonald, Delegate Local #81

LOCAL #168 VICTORIA BC - State of Trade

         There have been no changes in wage scales since last District Convention. We have one unfair house running pictures, the Columbia. Trouble started through member of Vancouver Local #348 coming in and taking job from Local Member and refusing to leave when being asked. Said member has been expelled by the I.A. Musicians are out with as; conditions are very bad on the whole.

Report filed: E. D. Abery, Delegate

Schedule of Prices
Butte Theatrical Stage Employes and Picture Operators
Local Union #94. I.A.T.S.E.

Operators in straight picture houses.
1. 6 hours or less to constitute a day's work.
2. Houses operating 6 or less hours per day and 42 or less hours per week. One operator to be employed at the minimum wage of $52.50 per week.
3. Houses operating more than 42 hours and less than 84 hours per week two operators to be employed at the minimum wage of $52.50 per week each.
4. Operators in stock, vaudeville and combination houses which run as straight picture houses at times, and operating 6 or 7 days and 6 or less hours per day, Operator to receive $52.50 per week, 4 or 5 days per week: $44.00 per week. Less than 4 days per week: $10.00 per day.
5. Operators in houses operating less than 4 days per week, and 6 hours or less per day: $10.00 per day.
6. All previews to be charged at the rate of 35 cents per reel and to be considered as extra work and charged for as extra work, the regular rate of overtime shall be charged from time called until time preview starts.
7. Time between the hours of 11 p.m. and 11 a.m. $1.00 per-half hour or any fraction of half hour.
8. $5.00 to $15.00 per day to be charged for odd jobs of operating, the price to be determined by the Business Agent. and the member on the job.
9. No operator shall work more than 6 hours in any one-day without the sanction of the Executive Board or the Business Agent.
10. Operators shall do no previewing on the regular meeting night.
11. Concessions may be granted to suburban houses, due to size and ability to pay.
12. Stage Employes received same scale as Operators. Overtime $1.50 per hour.

Indorsed by Local #41 A.F. of M.

LOCAL #28, PORTLAND, OREGON – State of Trade

         No changes in conditions since last Convention. The Musicians minimum law has called out a number of times but has always been satisfactorily settled. We have lost 3 members since last Convention.

Report Filled: Campbell, Delegate Local #28.


         Local #254 is going along nicely, we have not had any trouble of any kind in the last year. We have lost six members in the last year, which leaves us with only nine members. We have only four members working, but things look good for the coming season. Wages are as follows:
Operators $1.25 per hour.
Carpenters: $45.00 per week and six-day week.
Propertyman: $42.50 per week and six-day week.
Electricians: $42.50 per week and six-day week.
All Second Hands: $40.00 per week and six-day week.
Flyman: $42.50 per week and six-day week.
We hope that the Locals of District #1 will be as lucky as Local #254 in the coming season.

Report filed: John A. Ridgway, June 18, 1923.

         Conditions at Helena Montana with Local #255 for the past year have been satisfactory as far as it concerns working conditions and scale of wages. The opportunity for members working at the trade has not been rushing and outside of picture operators employed regularly at our two Theatres, and Carpenters at the Marlow Thaatre, the rest of the members have not been employed with any regularity. Nevertheless all members have kept their cards paid up an in good standing. Anticipate some little improvement in amount of work for members for the coming season.

Report filed: M. D. Clapp, Local #255.

         LOCAL #185 - Brother Moore #93 reports conditions very bad for Operators in Spokane.

         Moved and seconded that Local #117 and #180 be wired that questions vitally concerning their conditions were coming before this Convention June 19th, and we would like to have them represented. Motion carried. Telegram sent to Brother, Warwick and Brother Bebeau. Moved and seconded that District Secretary called attention of General Office to conditions existing in Aberdeen Washington, and request that a representative be sent to that city. Motion carried.

         Nomination of Officers for District #1. Moved and seconded to lay over until last day of session. Motion carried.

         Brother Clark #15, asks that delegates of Stage Employes of Tacoma #81, Vancouver #118, Portland #28, Spokane #93, Butte #94 remain at close of session for conference.

         Moved and seconded that wage scale and working condition Committee be appointed to draw up scale and conditions for cities in District #l. Rising vote motion lost.

         Moved and seconded that we adjourn until 10 a.m, tomorrow so Committees can function. Motion carried. Campbell, Secretary

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         Meeting called to order by Chairman Crickmore, Roll Call – All Delegates Present.

         Minutes of previous session read and approved. Moved and seconded to dispense with the reading of minutes of afternoon session. Motion carried.


         Clark, Chairman Finance Committee - Partial Report. - Tacoma, June 18, 1923 - District No. 1

         We your Committee on finance have carefully examined the books of the District Secretary, and find same to be in excellent condition. We find that Brother Campbell has received from various sources up to and including June 14, 1923, the sum of $1716.85.

         We find that he has paid out for various items which have all been checked and approved by us, the of $992.86. This leaves a balance in his hands June 14th of $723.99.

         There is a balance in the hands of the Past Secretary Gress that we will report on later.

         We find that there is owing to the District from various Locals the sum of $220.15.

         $42.00 of this is due from Bozeman Local #604, which we understand is defunct.

         $81.50 is due from Seattle Operators, Local #154 and is the amount do on the expenses of the 11th District Convention. In view of the condition of the Treasury of this Local, and the Long Fight that they have been and are still experiencing we, recommend that this amount be remitted.

         $34.25 is due from Anacortes Local #351 and we recommend that the District Secretary endeavor to collect this as soon as possible.

         $24.50 is due from Olympia Local #344 and we recommend some course be followed.

         We find that the Transportation of the Delegates to this Convention amounts to the sum of $236.08 and the per diem figuring that we will be able to adjourn by 5 P.M. June 19th, will amount to $321.00 making a total of $548.08 not including any expense for printing, rent or other small items.

         We estimate that this District at present has a membership of 655, and we recommend that each Local in the District be charged an amount equal to $1.00 per member to defray the expenses of this Convention and any balance be paid from the General Fund of the District.

         We find that the amounts due the District from the Locals and the amounts due the Locals from the District are as follows:

Local No. Members Days R. R. Charges Credit Due Dist. Do Local
$00.80 $52.00 $16.80 $35.20 None
$17.92 $54.00 $33.92 $20.08 None
None $21.00 $16.00 $5.00 None
None None $20.00 None $20.00 None
$31.78 $31.00 $55.78 None $24.78
$50.16 $27.00 $90.16 None $63.16
None None $18.00 None None None
$16.45 $37.00 $32.45 $4.55 none
$00.80 $61.00 $16.80 $44.20 None
$17.92 $52.00 $33.92 $18.08 None
$11.00 $20.00 $43.00 None $23.00
None $27.00 $16.00 $11.00 None
None None $18.00 None None None
None None $19.00 None $19.00 None
Great Falls
None None $24.00 None $24.00 None
Walla Walla
None None $14.00 None $14.00 None
$17.44 $9.00 $33.44 None $24.44
$46.35 $19.00 $86.35 None $67.35
None None $13.00 None $13.00 None
None None $7.00 None $7.00 None
$3.54 $14.00 $19.54 None $5.54
None None $8.00 None $8.00 None
None None $7.00 None $7.00 None
None None $10.00 None $10.00 None
$21.92 $12.00 $53.92 None $41.92
None None $12.00 None $12.00 None
None None $8.00 None $8.00 None
None None $8.00 None $8.00 None
None None $8.00 None $8.00 None
Idaho Falls
None None $9.00 None $9.00 None
None None $16.00 None $16.00 None

         We find that there have been no collections made of the amounts due District No. 1 for the expenses of the 11th Convention of this District from the Locals that have been transferred to District #12 nor have such Locals entitled to rebates been paid such.

         The amount due these Locals is slightly greater than the amount due the District and we recommend that the accounts of these Locals be turned over to the Secretary of District #12, together with the difference in the accounts.

Fraternally submitted, Finance Committee

         Moved and seconded that report of Finance Committee be accepted. Motion carried.

         Recommend that the pro rata of 11th District Convention of $81.50, due from Seattle Local #154 be remitted. Moved and seconded to concur in recommendation. Motion carried.

         Anacortes arrearages and Olympia arrearages be collected or turned over to I.A. General Office for collection. Moved and seconded their recommendation be concurred in. Motion carried.

         That assessment of $1.00 per member be levied to defray expenses of the 12th Convention of District #1. Moved. and seconded to concur in recommendation. Motion carried. Finances of 11th District Convention in regards to indebtedness of Canadian Locals transferred to District #12 by General Executive Board. be turned over to Secretary District #12 for collection. By motion recommendation concurred in.



         WHEREAS, It frequently occurs that the yellow report card fails to arrive sufficiently in advance of a travelling attraction to be of service to the local concerned, and

         WHEREAS, This is frequently brought about by the failure of the road carpenter to have the proper address at hand,

         BE IT RESOLVED, That it shall be the duty of the Business Agent of each Local in this District to keep posted in each theatre playing travelling attractions the latest official list of Secretaries addresses. Approved by Committee. By motion concurred in.


         BE IT RESOLVED,

         1st. That the scale by the performance for Grips, extra Flyman, Clearers and Lamp Operators, in the Jurisdiction of Seattle Local 15. Portland Local 28, Tacoma Local 81, Spokane Local 93, Vancouver Local 118 and Butte Local 94 be raised to $3.50 per performance.

         2nd. That in the above mentioned cities that their scales be changed regarding Overtime and Broken time to conform to the following: Eight hours shall constitute a day's work and any time over eight hours in any one day shall be considered as overtime and paid for as such. Men engaged on a weekly salary shall receive time and one half of the pro rata of their regular salary, for all time in excess of eight hours in any one day, providing such overtime shall occur between the hours of 8 A.M. and 12 Midnight. Broken Time for extra men shall be paid for at the rate of $1.00 per hour for such time put in between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M.

         3rd Broken Time occurring between the hours of 5 P.M. and 12 Midnight shall be paid for at TIME AND ONE HALF RATES. Broken Time between the hours of 12 Midnight and 8 A.M. shall be paid for a Double Time Rates. When it becomes necessary for men not regularly employed on a weekly salary to work in excess of eight hours consecutively, then such time after eight hours shall be paid for at Double Tine Rates, no matter what part of the day such hours may be worked.

         That the Locals shall endeavor to adopt Laws so when a Theatre should be open for a portion of a week, that the Men ordinarily under a weekly salary shall receive ONE FIFTH of their regular weekly salary for each day worked. (IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THOSE LOCALS THAT AT PRESENT HAVE MORE APPROPRIATE RULES GOVERINING SUCH CASES) Approved by Committee

         Delegate Young #94; requests that Butte be included in list of cities asking for above scale. Report concurred in.


         WREREAS, The question of proprietors operating their own machines is cause for may difficulties and that some means for abolishing same should be formulated, be it therefore

         RESOLVED, That all Locals in District #1 confronted with this condition do all in their power to eliminate same. Approved by Committee. By motion concurred in.


         The Committee recommends that the District Secretary be instructed to write Idaho Falls Local #629 regarding their wage scale, as outlined in their letter to Pocatello Local. This scale if still in force is very detrimental to the whole District and should be at once abrogated and a new scale in line with those in force in the other Locals of the District be drawn up and presented immediately. Also the Secretary be requested to point out to Local #629 that Brother Maguires understanding of a member holding cards in an Operators Local as well as a Stage Employes Local, and his right to work under such conditions is entirely wrong. If it is a mixed Local, this also does not permit a member operating a machine, and also working on the, stage, as the member must confine himself to the one position in the same house. We recommend that Local #629 be instructed to send copies of their agreements to the District Secretary for approval, if they are not drawn up to scale as passed by the District.

         Grievance Committee. Moved and seconded to concur in report. Motion carried.


         DISTRICT SECRETARY: C. M. Campbell #28 and 0. M. Jacobson #175 nominated. O.M. Jacobson declines. C.M. Campbell elected unanimously.

         CHAIRMAN ADVISORY BOARD: H. Pearson #118, E.A. Clark #15 and H. Moore #93 were nominated. E.A. Clark and H. Moore declines in favor of H. Pearson. H. Pearson elected unanimously.

         MEMBERS ON ADVISORY BOARD. 1st Section. Harry Lampman #154 and J.B. McDonald #81 were nominated. J. B. McDonald declines in favor of Brother Harry Lampman. Harry Lampman elected unanimously. 2nd Section: John Ridgway only nominee, unanimously elected. 3rd Section: W. D. Clap only nominee, unanimously elected.


         State of Washington: O.M. Jacobson #175
         State of Oregon: Boyd Lawrence #159
         State of Idaho: Larry D. Stevens #463
         State of Montana: Henry Young #94
         State of B.C.: E.D. Abery #168
         Officers installed by Chairman Crickmore.

         Moved and seconded that the District Secretary get in communication with each Local in this District and explain the present difficulties of Seattle Operators Local #154 and recommend that each Local place an assessment of $.50 on each of their members steadily employed for the relief of the members of Local #154 that have been out of work and are now destitute. This assessment to be sent in to the District Secretary and from him to the Secretary of Local #154, who shall furnish to the District Secretary information as to just how this money was used.

         The District Secretary shall about the first of each month as long as the difficulty continues, notify each Local of the progress being made and also append a list of the Locals that have levied the assessment as requested. Motion carried.

         Moved and seconded that District #1 order Local #93 to see that the crews of their Theatres be brought back to the standard adopted by District #1 to be in effect on and after September 1st 1923. Motion carried.

         Moved and seconded that District Secretary send out District Steward reports to all Locals of District #1. Order new reports with all instructions printed on reverse side. Motion carried.

         Moved and seconded to adjourn until 2 P.M. Motion Carried.

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         Meeting called to order at 2 P.M. by Chairman Chas. Crickmore. Roll call - All Delegates present.


         We have audited the accounts of Past Secretary Gress from the close of the Cincinnati Convention. We find that he had a balance of $1,348.49 at that time.

Salary and transportation as allowed: $451.88
Additional expenses as shown by vouchers: $50.39
Turned over to Brother Campbell: $250.00 for a total of $752.27.
Leaving a balance in his hands of: $596.22.
Of this amount in Labor Temple Bank: $596.22, leaving unaccounted for: $227.72

         The Liberty Bond has this day been turned over to Brother Campbell. Brother Gress states that he will turn the balance over in cash to Brother Campbell in Seattle tomorrow, also will go with him to Labor Temple Bank and have funds there placed subject to order of Brother Campbell.

         We recommend that Brother Gress be allowed $8.80 for time lost today. Finance Committee.

Moved and seconded that report be concurred in. Motion carried


Resolution #4:

         RESOLVED, That any Local disregarding any of the District Laws without first obtaining consent from a majority of the Advisory Board, be fined $250.00. Presented by Finance Committee. By motion concurred in.


         RESOLVED, That each Local in District #1 keep the District Secretary informed of their condition, and District Secretary issue a quarterly report, one copy to each Local, covering conditions in the District. Local Unlons shall make monthly report to District Office. Failure to keep the Secretary informed shall result in $25.00 fine for each offense. Presented by Resolution Committee. By motion concurred in.


         RESOLVED, That a list of all scabs in the District be filed with each local Secretary and be kept up to date. Local Union shall keep District Secretary informed of all scabs in their town. Presented by Resolution Committee. By motion concurred in.

         NEW BUSINESS: Moved and seconded that in case the wage scale and working conditions receive the approval of General Executive Board, that we ask the General Office to delegate an International Representative to represent the District in the presentation of same to the different circuits. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that District Secretary go to Seattle and get the financial settlement from ex-Secretary Gress of District Funds, and if no settlement is effected, that the matter be turned over to General Office for collection. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that Brother Chas. Crickmore be authorized by District Secretary to represent District #1. I.A.T.S.E. in any Creditors meeting of Labor Temple Association of Seattle. Motion carried.

         District Secretary to write letter to all Locals regarding Delegates to next International Convention. Delegate Clark #15, asks for the endorsement of the District on any endorsements that Local #15 and Local #I18 may make in working conditions. Request granted. Moved and seconded that this Convention request that the International Representative visit the cities of Everett and Bellingham and get the working condition of these Locals and inform District Secretary of same. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that this Convention go on record as favoring a five day week for Operators and Stage Employes. Motion carried.

         GOOD AND WELFARE- Moved and seconded that we tender a vote of thanks to Sergeant-At-Arms Carlson #175, also to Local #81 and Local #175 for their courtesy during this Convention. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that we thank Chairman Crickmore for the efficient manner in which he handled business of this Convention. Motion carried. At this time Brother Lampman presented to Chairman Crickmore, Pencil on behaIf of District #I. Chairman Crickmore replied in a humorous vein in thanking Delegates for token of esteem.

Campbell Secretary.

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The following are Sections from the District No. One, "BOOK OF LAWS" as of June 1, 1924.



Oregon, Washington
British Columbia
Montana and Idaho

All Laws herein contained have been regularly adopted by this District and received the endorsement of the General Executive Board of the International Alliance.

Section No. 1.--Regular conventions of this District shall convene at 10:00 A.M. on the Thursday immediately preceding the opening of the International Convention and in the same city where such International Convention is to be held. Special or additional conventions may be called in accordance with the International Laws.

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Section 2.--The officers of this District shall comprise a permanent Secretary, and Advisory Board, consisting of five members and a Legislative Committee composed of six members.


Permanent Secretary

Section 3.--The permanent secretary shall have charge of all property of the District. He shall keep a true and accurate account of all moneys received and expended by him. He shall pay all legitimate bills against the District and keep a receipt on file of same. He shall deposit all funds in some relieable bank or trust company in the name of District No. 1, IATSE & MPMO of the US & C. He may be required, at any time, to furnish the Advisory Board with a statement of the finances of the District. He may be required by the Advisory Board to secure bonds from some acceptable guaranty company in such sums as they may designate, the cost of such bonds to be defrayed by the District. He shall see that the laws of the District are enforced at all times. He shall transact all business of the District which may properly come within the scope of his duty.

His salary shall be three hundred ($300.00) Dollars per annum.

Advisory Board

Section 3.--One hundred ($100.00) dollar fine for failure to act. (5th-24).

This Board shall be composed of a Chairman, the permanent secretary, and three other members.

The Chairman and the permanent secretary shall be elected at large and the three members shall be elected, one from each of the following sections of the District: First Section to consist of that portion of Washington and Oregon west of the Cascade Mountains and British Columbia; Second Section to consist of that portion of Washington and Oregon east of the Cascade Mountains and Idaho; Third Section to consist of Montana.

Any matter affecting the welfare of this District shall be referred to this board through the District Secretary. Such matters as can be handled by correspondence shall be handled in this manner, but should the Chairman decide a meeting of the board to be necessary he shall have the power to call same.

Action of this board shall be binding in this Distrtict, unless reversed by District Convention, a referendum vote, or the General Exectutive Board. Any three locals can call for a referendum vote through the District Secretary.

It shall be the duty of this board to assist in the organization of the unorganized territory of this District.

With the exception of the permanent secretary, who shall be elected by the District Convention, the board shall be elected by refferendum vote of all members of the District. The referendum vote on all officers shall provide for one vote on first choice and one-half vote on second choice, and a plurality of first and second choice, as recorded in the secretary's office, shall elect.

Nominations must be made at the District Convention by the delegates, or by correspondence by any local in the District, or by both.

Legislative Committee

Section 5.--The legislative committee shall be on the alert at all times to assist in defeating proposed laws presented at any of our legislative bodies which would be detrimental to the trades union movement and to co-operate in framing new legislation which would work to the best interests of all concerned. They shall report any activities which have for their purpose the injuring of the trades union movement to the District Secretary and the general office. They shall perform all other duties in a conscientious manner which may properly come within their scope.

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Section 6.--It is recommended that each local endeavor to organize all workmen in their jurisdiction, and in order to keep these men from leaving their present positions and flocking to the city that accepts them into membership, thereby leaving their present position to be filled by non-union men. It is further recommended that each local amend its by-laws so that these men can be taken in as auxiliary members, they to pay one-half of the regular initiation fee upon joining and agreeing not to come to their parent city with the intention of securing employment for a period of two years after joining, unless sent for by the officers of the parent local. At the expiration of two years they are to become, upon the payment of the balance of the initiation fee, fully recognized members of the parent local and to be entitled to all rights and privileges.

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Section 7.--No member of the International Alliance in District No. 1 shall absent himself from his position during his working shift except in cases of emergency or by consent of the local executive board, granted for cause, under a penalty of fine of FIVE ($5.00) Dollars for each infraction of this law, the fine to be equally divided between the local and District No. 1. (8th Convention.)


Section 8.--It shall be the duty of each local to file with the District Secretary a copy of their wage scales and working rules and that it be the duty of the District Secretary, prior to the opening of each session, to send to each local in the district a copy of all wage scales and working rules so filed with him.

Any Local failing to comply with the above, or failing to send to the District Secretary a report of any new conditions obtained or any change in their working rules or scale within thirty (30) days of securing same, shall be fined the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars.

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Section 9.--Where five or six acts of vaudeville are being played a crew of not less than five (5) men shall be employed. All locals having this class of theatres in their jurisdiction not employing this number of men shall place at least that number of men in such houses as soon as their present agreements expire.


Section 10.--Each local in this District shall notify the District Secretary of the names and addresses of all non-union men working in their jurisdiction, together with full information in regard to such men, which shall be recorded in the office of the secretary for any future use.


Section 11.--Each local is requested to keep the District Secretary informed of the correct addresses of their president and corresponding secretary and of the members to whom the various reports are to be sent and they also to furnish the District Secretary with the date of their meetings and the address of their meeting place.

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Section 12.--Each local shall send a complete report of all combination shows playing their cities direct to the secretaries of the next two locals given in the advance route of the company, which addresses may be found in the issues of the Official Journal. In cases of attraction playing one night stands, where it would be impossible to reach the next local with a report before the bill opens there, only the second city given in the advance route of the company should be sent a report.

The regular report shall, as always, be sent to the District Secretary.

These reports to be forwarded to the locals should never be sent to them in care of the theatres or given to the member of the company or road crew to be delivered by them.

Failure to forward these reports will result in a fine of One ($1.00) Dollar for each infraction of the law.


Section 13.--The heads of the various departments in vaudeville theatres where vaudeville circuits open in this district shall be required to fill out a complete report of their departments on the special report forms furnished by the district and turn same over at once to the house steward to be forwarded to the next local where the bill is to play.

This original report shall be forwarded from each local where the bill playes direct to the next, in advance of the bill, each local making a copy of it for their own use.

Where such vaudeville bill plays an engagement of three days or more the department heads are to hold the original report until after the bill has played its first performance for the purpose of making any necessary atlerations or changes in the report to have it conform to the manner which the bill played your city.

A report of the bill will be sent to the District Secretary of the opening date which the bill plays your city, on the regular post card form furnished by the district, showing the date you received your re port and the date which it was forwarded to the next local.

Failure to comply with these laws will result in a fine of One ($1.00) Dollar for each infraction.

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Section 14.--The per capita tax to the District shall be 25 cents per member per quarter, due and payable in advance on the first of every January, April, July and October.


Section 15.--All local contracts hereafter made shall expire on the first Monday in September of each year.


Section 16.--No Local in this District shall make any condition governing the admission of members whereby any less number than one-third of the votes cast would reject any applicancy for membership.

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Section 17.--All locals are required to have hours stewards appointed in all places of amusement under their jurisdiction.---(Page 4, Second Convention Proceedings.)

Section 18.--It shall be the duty of the local where the different vaudeville acts first reach this District to decide on the help necessary to work these acts; this decision to be upheld by the other locals in this District.---(Page 8, Second Convention Proceedings.)

Section 19.--The support of this District is pledged to any and all locals in this jurisdiction having trouble if their demands are just and equitable.---(Page 10, Fourth Convention.)

Section 20.--In all cities where there are two District locals, when one local cannot fill all positions under their jurisdiction, that preference be given to the members of theri sister local, providing that competent men can be furnished to fill such postions.---(Page 15, Fourth Convention)

Section 21.--When any local wishes to have any new rules adopted for the District, or uniform action on any subject, that the submit same to the District Secretary when he will call for a referendum vote from all the locals of the District, and if same is carried it will immediately go into effect, and remain until repealed by the locals, or the District Secretary is notified that the General Executive Board does not approve of same. Any such new legislation to be submitted to the General Executive Board as soon as carried, for their approval.---(Page 27, Fifth Convention.)

Section 22.--Each Local must absolutely uphold the action of any other local that has previously had any difficulty with an act.---(Page 28, Fifth Convention)

Section 23.--In all cities of this District where the six-day week is in force, any member of the Stage Employes who works seven days in any one week except under urgent necessary or with the consent of the local executive board, granted for cause, shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, to be divided equally between the District and the local union.---(Page 21, Eighth Convention)

Section 24.--Whenever a convention of this District is held in the same city as the I.A. Convention, and just preceding such Convention, that a per diem of $10.00 per day be allowed one delegate from each local for the time which the District Convention lasts, preceding the I.A. Convention. The above is provideding that the delegate to the District Convention is also a delegate to the I.A. Convention.---(13th Convention.)

Section 25.--Under the order of business, "State of Trade," each delegate shall present in written or typewritten form a report showing conditions in their city and advances made by the local since the last District Convention, in their scales, working conditions and membership, together with a brief resume of any difficulties they may have encountered and other questions which they would care to present as being of interest to the other locals.---(Page 18, Tenth Convention.)

Section 26.--That the total necessary expense of the District Secretary in attending conventions be paid by District No. 1. When our Dictrict Conventions are held in the same city as our I. A. conventions and the District Secretary is elected the delegate from his local, the District shall pay all the extra expenses, aside from the railroad fare, which in that case is paid by the International Alliance. In the event the District Secretary is not elected the delegate to represent his local and the local elects a different member to represent them, such local shall not be entiled to be credited with any of the per diem fund as provided for by the District.

Section 27.--That the secretary of District No. 1, with the sanction of the Chairman of the Advisory Board, be empowered to grant a loan of the District's funds, without interest, to any of our affiliated locals for a period of not to exceed three months and for such sum as in their judgment the condition warrants.

Section 28.--That all theatres playing prologues, vaudeville acts or having light effects or scenery handled on the stage, must require the services of at least one stage employe.

Section 29.--All locals in the district must enforce I.A. laws, allowing no member to work in more than one department in any theatre.

Section 29.--That any local disregarding the district laws, without first obtaining consent from a majority of the Advisory Board, be fines Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars.---(Adopted at 12th Convention.)

Section 30.--That each local in District No. 1 keep the District Secretary informed of their conditions and the District Secretary issue a quarterly report, one copy to each local, covering conditions in the District. Local unions shall make monthly reports to the District office. Failure to keep the Secretary informed results in a fine of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars for each offense.---(Adopted at 12th Convention.)

Section 31.--That a list of all scabs in the District be filed with each local secretary and be kept up to date. Local union shall keep the District Secretary informed of all scabs in their town.---(Adopted at 12th Convention.)

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The attention of the members of various locals in District No. 1 is called to the prevailing practic in several of our vaudeville houses wherein the manager of the theatre designates some member of the crew as being his Stage Manager. The fact of the matter is that such work as handling tickets, designation dressing rooms for the use of performers, and supervision of the various performers does not come under the jurisdiction of our locals, and such work should not be done by any member unless he receives extra compensation adequate for services rendered. Attention is also called to the fact that when such work is undertaken by any of our members that the regular work under our jurisdiction must not be neglected in any way, nor will the holding of such additional authority cause any of our members to be considered as the proxy of the manager as far as the hiring of the heads of the other department is concerned, nor as to him having jurisdiction in any manner over any other department than his own.--- (Moved and seconded that the report of Committee be concurred in. Motion carried. Adopted at 13th Convention.)

"Therefore Be It Resolved, That where any curtains, picture sheets, properties, or lighting effects are worked to produce and attraction other than moving pictures, on the stage of any theatre whatsoever, that at least one stage employe be employed and as many more as are necessary,"---Moved and seconded to adopt resolution as read. Motion carried. Adopted at 13th Convention.

That each local keep filed the home addresses if their President, Secretary and Business Agent with the District Secretary at all times, under penalty of a $10.00 Dollar fine.

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