Banner - District One History

1941 - 1945

  1. September 1941 District Bulletin
  2. June 1942 24th District Convention-Benefit Plan Adopted
  3. March 1943 District Members In The Service
  4. June 1943 Twenty Locals In District
  5. December 1943 1944 Convention-Local 15 Golden Anniversary
  6. June 1944 25th Convention-Death Benefit Refferred to Locals
    District Secretary Election-First Woman Elected

  7. December 1944 Local 28 50th-Forsyth To California
  8. March 1945 Local 28 Golden Anniversary
  9. September 1945 Advisory Board Meeting in Seattle

September 1941 District Bulletin

The Oregon State Federation of Labor, which opened in Astoria on June 16, unanimously passed a resolution calling upon the State Department of Sanitation to insist that all operating rooms in the state of Oregon be furnished with proper sanitary facilities. The resolution was introduced by L. A. Pierre, of Local 446, Astoria and F. J. Beier , of Local 159, Portland.

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June 1942 District Bulletin

Twenty-Fourth Convention, District One Held in the Neil House Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, May 29-30, 1942.

The Convention was called to order at 10:15 A.M. by District Secretary O.M. Jacobson, who, in introducing Assistant International President William P. Raoul, appointed by President Walsh to preside over our convention, called attention to the fact that it was just twenty years ago that Brother Raoul presided at our District Convention for the first time.

Chairman Raoul called for the reading of credentials. Upon being read, the following delegates were seated:

J. R. Foster, J. H. Lesile and George Thrift - Local 348, Vancouver, B.C.
Harry Cassidy & Frank Beiers - Local 159, Portland, OR
Hobert Burns - Local 663, Local 663, Lewiston, ID
B. I. Steinmetz - Local 213, Great Falls, MT
K.R. Gingerich - Local 234, Walla Walla, WA
Charles Wheeler - Local 401, Centralia, WA
George Juricich - Local 445, Bremerton, WA
E. A. Clark - Local 15 Seattle, WA
James Morgan - Local 28, Portland, OR
J. M. McDonald - Local 81, Tacoma, WA
W. D. Bell - Local 91, Boise, ID
C. J. Hartley - Local 93, Spokane, WA
H. J. Young - Local 94, Butte, MT
Fred Graham - Local 117, Bellingham, WA
Harry Pearson - Local 118, Vancouver B.C.
James McNabb - Local 154, Seattle, WA
Fred Jienke - Local 154, Seattle, WA
O. M. Jacobson - Local 175, Tacoma, WA
Wm. Bebeau - Local 180, Everett, WA
L. F. Knight - Local 185, Spokane, WA
L. G. DeNayer - Local 240, Billings, MT
L. B. Hinds - Local 254, Yakima, WA
Gene Sherman - Local 255, Helena, MT
Percy T. Fox - Local 339, Missoula, MT
B. G. Andreus - Local 344, Olympia, WA
Ed Martin - Local 351. Anacortes, WA
H. A. Thomas - Local 429, Aberdeen, WA
E.T. Edison - Local 446, Astoria, OR
William Peacock - Local 463, Pocatello, ID
D. Gillchrist - Local 613, Salem, OR
E. E. Young - Local 629, Idaho Falls, ID
G. H. Schubert - Local 651, Wenatchee, WA
C. M. Larson - Local 672, Klamath Falls, OR
B.E. Daoust - Local 675, Eugene, OR
Stanley Mattison - Local 745, Anaconda, MT
E.V. Anderson - Local 759, Miles City, MT.


Brothers Edward Martin of Local 351, Anacortes and C. M. Larson of Local 672, Klamath Falls, were delegated by the chair to act as Sergeants-at-Arms. As Assistant to the Secretary, Chairman Raoul appointed Brother Frank McCormick of Local B-22, Seattle.

On January 15, 1941 the District Death Benefit Plan, as adopted by the 1940 Convention and later amended by the Advisory Board, became effective. Up to the time the books were closed 11 death claims of $300.00 each had been paid. Since the books were closed 3 additional deaths have occurred, making a total of 14 over a period of sixteen months. This has cost each member $5.60 or approximately $.35 per month.

Salem and Pocatello locals have written in protest of Death Benefit plan. Individual members have expressed themselves as opposed to it.

Some locals having group insurance with Union Labor Life or handling their own insurance, while not officially doing so, have indicated they are not in favor of continuing the Plan in operation. Anticipating that this matter would be considered by our Convention I have endeavored to have delegates come here prepared to dispose of this question in line with the wishes of their organization. I ask that the delegates give this matter their particular attention.

At our Convention two years ago the General had on hand $1,289.86. Receipts since that time amounted to $5,220.15, making a total of $6,510.01. Expenditures totaled $4,237.04, leaving a balance on hand of $2,272.97 at this time. $1,509.08 of this amount is in the Bank of California in Tacoma, while the remainder, $763.89, is in the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Vancouver, B.C. All affiliated locals are either paid up to date or far in advance with their per capita tax. All but three advertising accounts are paid up.

After reviewing the Death Benefit Plan, a Special Committee consisting of Harry Pearson, Chairman- William Bebeau, William Peacock, D. Gilchrist, L. F. Knight, E. T. Edison, Percy T. Fox and George Thrift finds that some of the members are under minor misapprehensions on certain details of the benefit payments: but after explanations by the District Secretary, we are of the opinion that the Death Benefit Plan should remain in its present form, until such time as a referendum vote of the entire District membership expresses itself on any proposed change of operation.

It was moved and seconded that the report of the Committee be adopted.

On the question Delegate Jacobson asked if it was the intent of the Committee that a referendum vote of the district should be taken. Delegate Pearson, Chairman of the Committee explained it was not and that a referendum vote would be taken in accordance with the procedure set forth in section 13 of the District By-Laws. Delegate Young read a letter received by his local from the Union Labor Life explaining their plan of group insurance. Delegate Wheeler asked for further information on the question. Delegate Clark said the Seattle Locals had investigated other companies. These companies had advised them that they would have representatives here to explain their group insurance plan to the Convention but inasmuch as none had appeared we should continue the Death Benefit Plan now in force.

The Chairman called for nominations for the office of District Secretary. Delegate Jiencke placed in nomination, the name of O. M. Jacobson. A motion by Delegate Wheeler that the nominations be closed was not recognized by the Chair. There being no further nominations, the Chair declared nominations for this office closed, and declared Brother Jacobson elected District Secretary by acclamation.

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March 1943 District Bulletin

District One Honors 80 Members Serving in Canadian and American Armed Forces

Local 15, Seattle, WA:
Edwin C. Booth Jr. & Luther Losey - Air Corps
Floyd E. Hart, Jr., George Nickell, Jr. and Fred Robinson - Navy
Donald McDonald - Army
Local 91, Boise, ID:
Frank Johnson, Jay Riebe & Harold Rose - Navy
Sheldon Knight, Lester Thompson and John W. Murphy - Army
Local 117, Bellingham, WA:
Lyle W. Douglas and Jerry Hohl - Army
Local 154, Seattle, WA:
Ben Neerland, Geral Peterson, Don Ringer, L. M. Ranke, C. Cole, A. H. Grauman, W. C. Rorman, Dick Stockham, Robert T. Cameron, Jr. and Fred Hawkins - Army
Charles Monti, W. R. Emmons, Gerald B. Hobbs and William Smith / Navy
Edward Sisom - Coast Guard.
Local 159, Portland, OR:
Howard Schuerer - Aviation Instructor
Local 168, Victoria, B. C.:
Colin P. McDonald and Richard Baiss - Air Force
Local 175, Tacoma, WA:
Camile Kaleel - Signal Corps
O. M. Dennis - Medical Corps
Charles Brislin / Navy
James L. Jarmon - Air Corps
Local 180, Everett, WA:
Lloyd V. Stoddard - Army
Local 254, Yakima, WA:
C. C. Woodworth - Navy
Local 344, Olympia, WA:
Owen Linstad - Signal Corps
W. F. Boyakin - Army
Local 348, Vancouver, B.C.:
Stanley Creech, W. A. McCartney, Dan Ferguson, W. Peters and Martin Goble - Navy
Frank Hawkins, Reg Witt, Lee Watchorn and Alex Walker - Air Force
Gordon Thomas, E. Garofani and Grant Pollock - Army
Local 351, Anacortes & Mt. Vernon, WA:
Lawrence Holton and Jack Smith - Army
Local 401, Centralia, WA:
Clarence Ward and John Komack - Army
Local 445, Bremerton, WA:
George Broughton - Air Corps
Local 613, Salem, OR:
G. L. Snook and E. T. Waring - Navy
Local 629, Idaho Falls, ID:
R. L. Madsen - Army
Local 651, Wenatchee, WA:
E. T. Berto - Marine Corps
Local 663, Lewiston, ID:
Kenneth Sewell, Herbert Haun, Frank Prohaska and William Hughes - Army
Local 672, Klamath Fall, OR:
Roy Bills and Clyde Richards - Army
C.M. Larson - Navy
Local 675, Eugene, OR:
P. E. VanOsdol, Louis Gibbs and J. J. Matheson - Navy
Local 742, Wallace & Kellogg, ID:
William Prescott and Leo Amato - Army
Local 745, Anaconda, MT:
William Speck - Air Corps
Local 759, Miles City, MT:
Ted E. Davidson and Lee McLain - Signal Corps
Dean Roberts - Air Corps
Local 760, Livingston, MT:
G. C. Lewis and Otto Arnoldt - Army
Milton Knox - Navy

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June 1943 District Bulletin

Twenty locals in District One have negotiated vacation pay.. Eight have verbal understandings while twelve have vacation provided for in their contracts. With one exception all are for one week.

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December 1943 District Bulletin

Conjectural opinions that have been going the rounds as to whether there will be an International Convention in 1944 can now be dispensed with. At least as far as the attitude of the International office is concerned. President Walsh during his recent visit to Seattle announced that the 1944 International Convention will be held unless otherwise decreed by the government. The convention city will be named at the mid-winter meeting of the General Executive Board.

After numerous meetings with the employers an amicable settlement was reached covering all working conditions in theaters coming under the jurisdiction of Local No. 770, Juneau, Alaska. The hourly rate of pay for projectionists could not be agreed upon. The U.S.Conciliation Department suggested a scale of $1.75 per hour after a study had been made of comparable situations along the West Coast.

Seattle Stage Employes Local No. 15
Celebrates Golden Anniversary
The Time - November 17, 1943

On November 17, 1943 Local 15 Celebrated its 50th Anniversary at the Eagles Nest in Eagles Hall. President Charles Crickmore was Toastmaster. International President Walsh, General Secretary-Treasurer Krouse, Assistant International President Raoul, Third Vice President Billingsley, Sixth Vice President Snow, Seventh Vice President Cooper, International Representatives Newman and Jacobson graced the speakers’ table. Other out of town members and friends attending included C. M. Campbell, Local 28, Portland a former District Secretary and William Day of the same Local. Harry Cassidy and James Forsyth, Business Agent and Secretary of Local 159, Portland. L. S. Smith, Charter Member and Secretary of Local 240, Billings, Montana, James Warwick, Charter member and Earl Southern, of Local 117, Bellingham. Carl Halverson, Local 445 and Postmaster of Bremerton. Harry Pearson, District Advisory Board member, of Local 118, Vancouver, B C., gave the gathering a real International color.

Frank Murtough, Johnnie McDonald, Jack Hiatt, Charter members and R. C. Swindells of Local 81, Tacoma and O. J. Carlson, W. G. "Tod" Sloan and Howard Nix of Local 175 in the same city came over to add their congratulations.

William C. Gress, former District Secretary, now with a Seattle newspaper , was on hand to greet old friends. Loren Pierre, Local 466, Astoria, R. W. DeLion, Charter member of Local 185, Spokane. Among the fifteen members of our sister Local No. 154, who attended our celebration was Harry Calrk, their only remaining Charter member, William Madigan, Local B-22, Seattle, Carbon Weber and Ordell McLain of the Seattle Musicians’ Association, William Gaunt, Seattle Electrical Workers, Charles Doyle, Secretary Seattle Central Labor Council, Leroy Johnson, Guy Navare, Sam Geddes and Joe Rosenfield of the Theatre Owners Association, Lawrence Wicklund, manager Seattle Civic Auditorium, Frank Daverso, Owl Transfer Co. and Jerry Ross, Palomar Theatre, Master of Ceremonies. Picture below shows all the above named seated at the Eagles Nest in Eagles Hall, Seattle, Washington.


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June 1944 District Bulletin

For the 25th time local unions in District One convened in Convention when they gathered at the Jefferson Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, on May 26 and 27. That affiliated organizations are keenly interested in their regional problems was indicated by the fact that all delegates attended every session. Only two locals, Wallace and Kellogg, Idaho and Miles City, Montana, were not represented. Manpower shortage made it impossible for them to send a delegate.

Death Benefit Referred
To Locals

A letter from Occidental Life Insurance Company requested the Convention to consider their proposed Death Bebefit Plan for group insurance covering all members of the District. The company's representative, Mr Gene Hall, appeared before the Convention and in answering questions, stated the approximate cost would be 50 cents per month per member for $500.00 and $1.00 per month per member for $1,000.00. (In the 41 months the District Death Benefit Plan has been in operation, 33 death claims have been paid and has cost each member 32 cents per month). The matter was referred to the Special Committee. The Convention adopted their recommendation that the question of taking out group insurance with a company (not necessarily Occidental) to replace our $300.00 Death Benefit should be referred to the local unions and decided by a referendum vote. All local members will receive individual ballots with pertinent information as early as possible.

District Secretary Election

Delegates Forsyth , Local No. 159, Portland, Oregon and Jacobson, Local No. 175, Tacoma, Washington were nominated for the office of District Secretary. Receiving the majority of the votes cast, Delegate Jacobson was declared elected.

First Woman Elected

The first woman elected to the International Executive Board was Louise Wright of Dallas, Texas as the 9th International Vice President.

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December 1944 District Bulletin

50th Anniversary Gala

On January 7, 1945, the Portland, Oregon Stage Employes Local No. 28 will celebrate its 50th year as a member of the International Alliance. Gus Jenkins, President of Local 28 and Chairman of the Committee on arrangements, says those attending the festivities will be surprised. All locals in District Number One have been invited to be represented and their response has been very gratifying.

Forsyth To California

Portland, Oregon. James R. Forsyth, for many years Secretary of Local 159, Portland, Oregon, has resigned. He has taken his bride of a few weeks and moved to Hollywood.

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March 1945 District Bulletin

Portland Stage Employes Local No. 28
Celebrates Golden Anniversary
The Time - January 7, 1945

At 6:00 PM on Sunday, 28’s Golden Anniversary Banquet was staged. It was a "STAG" affair. Seated at the speaker’s table were: Mayor Earl Riley, International President Richard F. Walsh, Assistant International President Raoul, International Vice Presidents F. M. Billingsley and Carl Cooper, President of Local 28, Gus Jenkins, G. Anderson, Secretary of the Portland Central Labor Council and O. M. Jacobson was Toastmaster. Other guests were : E. C. Lang, International Vice President of the Engineers, Charlie Owens, Secretary-Business Agent of Engineers Local No. 87, Albert Finke, Evergreen State Theatres, Jack Matlach, J. J. Parker Theatres, Oscar Nelson, who was a charter member of Local 28, but withdrew several years ago to enter the mercantile business, Frank Murtough, Business Agent of Local No. 81, Tacoma, G. R. Cameron, Local 175, Tacoma, the Executive Board of Local No. 159 - J. T. Moore, L. K. Brisbin, H. L. Thomas, Z. A. Sax, C. W. Christenson and Clint Tyrell, Russ Phelan, Business Agent of Local B-20, Al Williams, Business Agent of Local B-19, Ole Dunn, Business Agent and Ed Rickey, Secretary of the Billposter, Herman Kenin, President of Musicians’ Local No. 99 and their entire Executive Board, L. A. Pierce, Astoria Local No. 445, W. W. Gregiry, Altec Service Corporation, George Eggiman, President of Engineers Local No. 87.

Immediately following the Golden Anniversary Banquet, everyone proceeded to the Ballroom where a fifteen-piece orchestra awaited the beginning of the Grand March. At each window a large placard appeared heralding the fact that it was the 50th Anniversary of Local 28.

William E. Day , Financial Secretary of Local 28, who joined the organization in 1897, was surprised when he received a Life Membership Card. The Presentation was make by President Walsh.

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September 1945 District Bulletin

Advisory Board Meeting Held in Seattle
The District Advisory Board met at the Moore Hotel in Seattle, Washington, Tuesday, August 21, 1945. The meeting was called to order by District Secretary Jacobson at 10:15 A.M. Roll call was answered by Harry Pearson, Local No. 118, Vancouver, B.C.; L.B. Hinds, Local No. 254, Yakima; Rene Rouleau, Local 94, Butte, Montana and O.M. Jacobson, Local 175, Tacoma, Washington. Vistors to the session were Charles Crickmore, Local 15, Seattle, James McNabb and Fred Jiencke of Local 154, Seattle.

The election of a chairman to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Brother Earnest A. Clark, was the first matter taken up. Inasmuch as the District Book of Laws make no provision for filling vacancies, it was decided to allow the Chairmanship to remain vacant until our next Convention and that the meeting be presided over by the District Secretary.

After a careful and thorough consideration of all phases of the question of the added Death Benefit favored by the District Membership, it was the decided opinion of the members of the Advisory Board that the matter of increasing our death benefit should be submitted to the 1946 Convention of District No. One, for final action.

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