Banner - District One History

1946 - 1950

  1. March 1946 26th District Convention Call-Increased Death Benefit
  2. June 1946 Special Department Meeting
  3. September 1946 26th District Convention
    Death Benefit Increased

  4. March 1947 EB Meets In Seattle-Special Department Meeting
    District Convention Call

  5. June 1948 Special Department Meeting In Portland
    District Convention Call

  6. September 1948 27th District Convention
  7. December 1948 Thomas Watters Jr.-McNabb AFL
    40 Years Of Progress In Seattle

  8. March 1949 Local 28 54th Anniversary
  9. June 1949 Charter Members Honored-Convention Call
    Local 613 25th

  10. September 1949 Jacobson Does Not Run
    Harry Pearson Heads Advisory Board-Benefit Law Amended

  11. Delegates to 28th District Convention

March 1946 District Bulletin

The 26th District No. One Convention

The 26th Convention of District No. One will convene at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago at 10:00 A.M. on Friday, July 19, 1946. Morning and afternoon sessions will be held on Friday and Saturday. Extra sessions will be called if necessary. Each local is entitled to the same number of delegates and votes as they are entitled to at the International Convention. Each delegate will receive $15.00 per diem for each of the two days the District Convention is in regular session.

Increased District Death Benefit
To Be Decided At Convnention

In accordance with action voted by the 25th District Convention held in St. Louis, Missouri, in May 1994, a referendum vote was taken to ascertain if the membership desired to increase the present Death Benefit payment of $300.00 to $500.00 of $1,000.00. The result of the referendum vote showed that 75% of the members favored increasing the amount. Various insurance companies were supplied with necessary data. State and Provincial Insurnace Departments were contacted relative to laws governing death payments. Rates quoted by several old line insurance companies on a payment of $1,000.00 varied. The minimum rate quoted was $1.48 per month per member, the maximum rate quoted was $1.70 per month per member.

All informantion was complied and sumitted to the Advisory Board at its meeting in Seattle last August. As set forth in the September 1945 Bulletin the Board decided to submit the proposition of increasing the present Death Benefit to the 1946 Convention. Subsequent to the Seattle Board Meeting word has been received from the Insurnace Commissioners of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana and the Superintendent of Insurane for the Province of British Columbia. If the Chicago Convention so decides, it is permissable for District No. One to increase the amount of its Death Benefit.

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June 1946 District Bulletin

SPECIAL DEPARTMENT LOCALS ELECT DELEGATES TO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION: At a meeting of Special Department Locals of District No. One held in Seattle on May 22, Mrs. Evelyn Watters was elected to represent the Film Exchange Locals of District No. One at the Intenational Convention to be held in Chicago the week of July 22. Mrs. Watters is Secretary of Local b-21, Seattle. For the past two years she has also been Secretary-Business Representative of Local B-22. It will not be her first appearance at an International Convention, having accompanied he husband, Thomas Watters, for many years a delegate from the Anacortes-Mt. Vernon Local and now Vice President of Local No. 154, Seattle. Russ Phelan of Local B-20, Portland, Oregon, was elected to represent the Theatre Employes Locals. It will be a "repeat" for Phelan. He was the delegate to the St. Louis Convention in 1944.

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September 1946 District Bulletin

26th District No. One Convention


The 26th Convention of District No. One convened at the Stevens Hotel on Michigan Avenue in Chicago on Friday, July 19. The meeting was called to order by District Secretary Jacobson, who introduced General Secrtetary-Treasurer William P. Raoul, appointed by International President Walsh to preside over the sessions. Acknowledging the introduction Raoul said he felt much at home, having served as chairman of District No. One Conventions for the past 24 years and voiced his pleasure at again having been given this assignment.

Following acceptance of delegates' credentials the chair appointed Russell Voss of Local 759, Miles City, MT., as Convention Sergeant of Arms and Russ Phelan of Local B-20, Porland, OR as Convention Secretary, Fred Jiencke, Seattle 154, was appointed as Chairman of the Resolutions Committee; James F. Morgan, Portland 28, was appointed Chairman of the Grievance Committee. L.B. Hinds, Yakima 254, took over the Chairmanship of the Finance Committee, a post held for many years by the late E.A. Clark. Harry Pearson, Vancouver, B.C., presided over the meeting of the Special Committee.

DEATH BENEFIT INCREASED After motions and amendments, and amendments to the amendments, etc, etc, were given attention by the convention. With four locals dissenting the death benefit of District No. One was increased from $300.00 to $1,000.00. The assessment upon each death is accordingly raised from 40 cents to $1.25. The first recipient of the increassed death benefit is Mrs. A.E. Judge, wife of Brother A.E. Judge, Local 185, Spokane, WA, who died while on duty at the Orpheum theatre on Sunday, August 21.

DISTRICT OFFICERS ELECTED Delegate Morgan, Local 28, Portland, OR, nominated and Delegate Jiencke, Local 154, Seattle, WA, seconded the nomination of incumbent O.M. Jacobson as District Secretary. No further nominations being made the chair declared Secretary Jacobson re-elected. James McNabb, Local No. 154, Seattle, WA was elected without opposition as Chairman of the District Advisory Board, replacing the late E.A. Clark. Other members of the Board elected were Harry Pearson, Local No. 118, Vancouver, B.C., L.B. Hinds, Local No, 254, Yakima and Earl Wiles, Butte, MT, Local No. 94. Elected on the Legislative Committee are: B.G. Andreus, Chairman, for the State of Washington, for Oregon, Z.A. Sax of Local No. 159, Portland, OR, for British Columbia, J.H. Leslie, of Local No. 348, Vancouver, B.C., for Idaho, H.D. Burns, of Local No. 663, Lewiston, A.R. Mettler, of Local No. 213, Great Falls, was elected from Montana.

OFF-YEAR CONVENTIONS, TABLED A motion by Delegate Hinds, of Yakima and Windsor of Spokane, that District No. One hold off year Conventions found little favor with the Convention Delegates. Following considerable discussion the question was tabled, with Delegate Morgan of Portland, OR Local 28, asking to be recorded as dissenting.

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March 1947 District Bulletin

Headline From District Bulletin

International Executive Board Visits Vancouver B.C.
International Executive Board Meets In Seattle, Washington
During the week of January 27th.
Television Introduced on Pacific Coast
Portland Local 28--53 Years Young
Washington Anti-Closed Shop Bill Dies
Medford-Ashland Now Union
39 Locals in District No. One

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June 1948 District Bulletin

Special Department Locals Will Meet In Portland
To Elect Delegates to International Convention

Pursuant to action taken at the Conference of Special Department Locals held in Seattle in April 1946 delegates from all Theatre Employe and Flim Exchange Locals will meet in Portland to slect their representatives at the International Convention to be held in Cleveland in August.

District Convention Will Convene Friday, August 13

The Twenty-Seventh Convention of District No. One will open at the Hollenden Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, on Friday, August 13, 1948, at 10:00 A.M. Delegates from all local unions in the District have been elected. Fraternal delegates from the Special Department locals will also be in attendance. The Convention will continue through Friday and Saturday with additional sessions throughout the week of the International Convention. International President Walsh has accepted an invitation from the District Office to address the delegates.

Spokane Local 185--40 Years Old

On April 4, 1948 Local 185 celebrated there 40th Birthday by having a party. It turned out petty well, considering that but few of our invited guests were able to attend, and several of the local members could not be there.

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September 1948 District Bulletin

27th District No. One Convention

When the 27th District Convention was called to order at the Hollenden Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, on Firday, August 13, the roll was answered by 41 Delegates. Two Locals, Pocatello 463 and Olympia 344 were not represented. For the 14th consecutive time (26 years) General Secretary-Treasurer William P. Raoul was introduced as Chairman of the District Convention. Due to his presence being required ath the International Executive Board meetings he was later assisted by International Representative Steve B. Newman. Following acceptance of the Delegates' credentials Chairman Raoul appointed Robert Scott, Local 629, Idaho Falls as Seargeant-at-Arms and Russ Phelan, Portland Local B-20 as convention Sectretary. Mrs. Evelyn Watters, Seattle Local B-21, representing the Film Exchange Locals in District No. One and Russ Phelan were seated as fraternal delegates.

Fred Jiencke, Seattle 154, was again appointed as Chariman of the Resolutions Committee. Other committee chairman appointed were; James F. Morgan, Portland 28, Grievance; Charles Crickmore, Seattle 15, Bullentin Committee; L.B. Hinds, Yakima 254, Finance and Harry Pearson, Vancouver, B.C. 118, Insurance Committee.

NEW FACES ON ADVISORY BOARD AND LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Charles Crickmore, Seattle 15 is the Chairman of the Advisory Board. Serving with him will be: Harry Pearson, Vancouver 118 for British Columbia; R.O. Rouleau, Butte 94 for Montana; James F. Morgan, Portland 28, for Oregon and H.E. Rose, Bosie 91 for Idaho. Succeeding B.G. Andreus as Chairman of the District Legislative Committee is James McNabb, Seattle 154. E.M. Hazelwood, Portland 159 will represent Oregon. H.E. Rose, 91 will represent Idaho. From Montana will be R.O. Rouleau, 94 and J.H. Leslie, Vancouver, B.C. 348 will again represent British Columbia.

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December 1948 District Bulletin

Cupid Strikes Again

Another Junior Member of Local 154 has taken to himself a soulmate. On October 23, 1948, Thomas Watters Jr. was united in marriage to Miss Patricia Jones of Seattle. Thomas Watters Sr. is the Vice President of Local 154, and Mrs. Tommy Sr. is Secretary for the Seattle film exchange Local B-21.

McNABB REPRESENTS INTERNATIONAL AT AFL CONVENTION: James McNabb, Business Agent of Local No. 154, Seattle, Washington, attended his first AFL Convention as a delegate from our International organization. The Convention opened in Cincinnati on November 15 and adjourned on November 23.

FORTY YEARS OF PROGRESS IN SEATTLE: Local No. 154, Moving Picture Operators of Seattle, celebrated its 40th Anniversary October 26, 1948 at the "Eagles Nest" in the Eagles Hall at midnight. We in Seattle were very happy to see such a large representation from many of our sister locals. A lare delegation from Vancouver, B.C., headed by Brothers Hank Lesile and Bob Foster were in attendance as well as the Jones and the Henns from Victoria, B.C. Intenational President Walsh, Assistant President Shea, International Secretary-Treasurer Raoul and Special Representative John N. Spearing and his wife from Florida, as well as our own International Representative O.M. Jacobson and his wife.

PORTLAND LOCAL 159 CELEBRATES 40TH ANNIVERSARY: On a foggy night, October 28, 1948, just forty years after the charter was applied for, some 300 members and guests gathered at the Spotlight Club for relaxation, entertainment and a sumptious banquet. Among the honored guests were Intenational President R.F. Walsh; Assistant President Thomas J. Shea; International Secretary-Treasurer William P. Raoul; International Representative and Mrs. O.M. Jacobson of Tacoma; International Representative and Mrs. John N. Spearing of Jacksonville, Florida and local officials and members from British Columbia, Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Montana.

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March 1949 District Bulletin

Portland Local 28 Observe 54th Anniversary

The local held a gettogether party in honor of the Fifty-Fourth Birthday. International Representative Jacobson acted as MC. Among the visiting brothers were Robert simmons, J.J. Matheson and Louis Gibbs from Local 672, Eugene, Oregon who were in town on a new scale. Ted Devore, Local 629, Idaho Falls, who now lives here; President Smith, Secretary Hazelwood, Business Representative Sax C. Christensen and J.T. Moore from Local 159. Bussiness Representative McClure, Local 87, Operating Engineers; Business Representative Rich, Local 99, Musicians: President Collins and Business Representative Russ Phelan, Local B-20; M.M. Mesher, Hamrick Evergreen Theatres and Al Learman, Pacific Decorators

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June 1949 District Bulletin

Charter Members Honored

At a regular meeting of Local 159, Portland, Oregon on March 14 President L. R. Smith announced that Brothers A.S. Phillips, Homer Haynes and George Grischow should come forward, and then presented them with Gold Membership Cards. They are the only charter members still active in the trade.

Twenty-Eighth District No. One Convention

On Saturday, August 12, the Twenty-Eighth Convention of District No. One will convene in Detroit, Mich. The same delegates will represent their organizations at the International Convention opening on the following Monday.

SALEM LOCAL NO. 613 CELEBRATES 25TH ANNIVERSARY: It was not the biggest gathering but none could be more enthusiastic than the one which gathered the night of Monday, April 24 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Local 613. Members and friends were entertained at a dinner dance until the wee hours of the morning.

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September 1949 District Bulletin

Wrapping text on right side

O.M. Jacobson Does Not Run For Secretary

CONGRATULATIONS and GOOD LUCK: It is a pleasure to congratulate Rene Rouleau, Local 94, Butte, Montana, upon his election to the office of District Secretary by the delegates to the 28th Convention held in Detroit on August 12th. Rouleau takes over the editorship of our bulletin with the December Holiday edition and I am curtain will receive the splendid cooperation which has been accorded me by the officers and members of affiliated local unions since the publication of our first issue in October 1936. He has held many offices in his home local over the years and is now its Business Representative. Congratulations, good luck and best wishes, Rene, for a most successful tenure of office.

THANK YOU A MILLION! This number of the Bulletin marks the 60th issue since we began publication. It has been a lot of work and there have been a lot of worries, but it has also been a lot of fun. I can truthfully say I have enjoyed it all. No doubt it will seem strange not to be writing you every three months for contributions and occasionally cussing one of you for missing the deadline. Many of you have, from time to time, included complimentary remarks in your articles. On most of them I have excercised my editorial prerogative and used the red pencil. Not that I did not like to read them myself, but being editor, business manager, advertisitng manager, circulation manager, proof reader, etc., has its drawbacks. In this, my last issue as editor, I may be pardoned for letting all the nice things said about be go through. To the officers and members of all locals in District No. One--THANK YOU A MILLON, O.M. JACOBSON past Secretary, District No. One.

HARRY PEARSON HEADS ADVISORY BOARD Harry Pearson, delegate from Local 118, Vancouver, B.C. to every convention since Ottawa in 1919, was elected to the Chairmanship of the District Advisory Board at Detroit on August 12th. Others elected to the board were Robert Simmons, Local No. 675, Eugene, Oregon; Charles Crickmore, Seattle Local No. 15; Gene Sherman, Helena, Montana, Local No. 255 and Hobart Burns, Lewiston, Idaho, Local No. 663.

DISTRICT DEATH BENEFIT LAW AMENDED At the Disctict Convention held in Detroit a resolution was passed which will permit members having a continuous membership of at least 20 years and who have reached their 65th birthday or who are physically incapacitated, may continue to participate in the District Death Benefit Fund by payment of the death assessment, when due, to their local union. Members under the above regulations should communicate with their local secretaries if they wish to be covered.

Delegates to 28th District Convention

Local 28 - Portland - J. F. Morgan
Local 159 - Portland - Glen Speck - L.M. Davis
Local 446 - Astoria - Frank Dundon
Local 613 - Salem - J.E. Marr
Local 672 - Medford-Klamath Falls - Robert Biehn
Local 675 - Eugene - Robert Simmons
Local 785 - Coos Bay - A.E. McDuffie

Local 15 - Seattle - Charles Crickmore
Local 81 - Tacoma - Frank Murtough
Local 93 - Spokane - Robert Devereaux
Local 117 - Bellingham - Albert Bostrom
Local 154 - Seattle - James McNabb - Fred Jiencke
Local 175 - Tacoma - O.M. Jacobson
Local 180 - Everett - Ira Brown
Local 185 - Spokane - William J. May
Local 234 - Walla Walla - Ted Cunningham
Local 254 - Yakima - L. B. Hinds
Local 344 - Olympia - K.G. Porterfield
Local 351 - Anacortes - E.L. Martin
Local 410 - Centralia - J.R. Spiker
Local 429 - Aberdeen - J.E. Newell
Local 445 - Bremerton - Erie Trass
Local 651 - Wenatchee - G.H. Schubert

Local 91 - Boise - C.E. Gilbert
Local 463 - Pocatello - Russell Maki
Local 629 - Idaho Falls - J.A. Moran
Local 663 - Lewiston - Hobart Burns
Local 742 - Wallace-Kellogg - George Allen

Local 94 - Butte - Rene Rouleau
Local 213 - Great Falls - Carl Bustel
Local 255 - Helena - Gene Sherman
Local 339 - Missoula - Orville Tingley
Local 745 - Anaconda - Stanley Mathison
Local 760 - Livingston - Walter Hall

Local 118 - Vancouver - Harry Pearson
Local 168 - Victoria - Pete Steran
Local 348 - Vancouver - Douglas Calladine - Ted Foley - Lloyd Pantages

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