Banner - District One History

1954 - 1955

  1. March 1954 Local 175-Local 446-Local 28-B.C. Strike Vote
  2. June 1954 Special Department Convention, Seattle
    Local 154-Local 463

  3. Highlights-30th District Convention-Delegate List
  4. New District Secretary-C.W. Christenson-Local 348-Local 344
  5. December 1954 Around The District-Locals 175, 672, 351 & 675
  6. Local 28 Celebrates 60th Anniversary-Bulletin Vote
  7. June 1955 Bulletin Vote-Around The District
  8. September 1955 Locals 159 & Medford Meeting
  9. December 1955 District Bulletin at Oregon Historical Society

March 1954 Bulletin

Tacoma, Washington, Local 175--By C.J. Ellis - - It is much regret on my part, that Local 81 Stagehands, as a number went our of existence, as of January 1st, 1954 but on the other hand it is a pleasure to have the members of Local 81 as part of Local 175.

On January 1st, 1954 Local 175 became a mixed Local. The word mixed, according to Webster, means for two separate matters or substances, to be thoroughly joined so as they become one. This is the sprit in which Local 175 and Local 81 decided to join.

Astoria, Oregon, Local 446--By Frank Dundon - - At the January 6th meeting of this local the following men were installed as officers: Tony Christensen, President; Dutch McCroskey, Vice President; Chet Lamont, Business Agent and Frank Dunson, Secretary Treasurer.

Among the many accomplishments of our B.A. Chet Lamont is that of being a Ham Radio Operator. He has a mobile unit in his car and recently received state-wide publicity as one of the few men approved by the state legislature to have a car license plates matching his call leters, W7ALM. This gives him authority to pass into a restricted area during times of emergency. Chet has been a Ham for 38 years.

Portland, Oregon, Local 28--By Don Dumas - - The following article from the Oregon Journal, by Dorothy Lois Smith, a feature writer of the paper, who gave us permission to have it published in the District Bulletin. It is of an interview with Brother "Butch" Freid, who has been a member of Local 28 since 1901, and a member of Local 33 before then. He is now retired.

Theatre audiences spellbound by a make-believe world across the footlights miss the drama and impromptu "monkeyshines" that rival the play scripts for interest. You can take this from Louis (Butch) Fried, 7205 S.W. Virginia Avenue, who spent 62 years "behind the curtain" in legitimate theatres in Portland and California.

Fred, now 82 found his backstage memories considerably stirred by the news that the Mayfair Theatre (Portland, Oregon formerly the Heilig) is being reconstructed from a combination motion picture stage playhouse into a new CinemaScope theatre, the Fox. The veteran "prop" man and stage manager spent 25 of his theatre years in the employ of Cal Heilig.

FRIED STATRED his theatre work in 1884, the days when gas lighted the auditorium and there were no boiler and heating plants in the theatres. Before winter performances, the stage crew would carry a large portable stoves called a "salamder," out into the alley. They built a roaring fire in the salamander and piled in coke. When the coke pipes through the handles and carried the heater to the center of the auditorium. Theatregoers with first floor center seats were warm enough, but those on the "fringes" and balcony were not.

During the big flood of 1894. Fried was working at the Trocadero Theatre, where the Multnomah hotel now stands. The theatre remained open for business until flood waters came one foot below the footlights. Patrons arrived in rowboats and saw the show from the balcony.

FREID PREDICTS that the entertainment cycle will soon swing back to legitimate stage. "Motion pictures killed the legitimate theatre and radio and TV are hurting the movies. After a time, people will tire of staying at home and watching their entertainment in a box." the veteran stage manager predicts. "When they demand a change, they'll go the whole way and want their entertainers in person, across the footlights of a stage."


Vancouver, B.C. projectionists approved a strike to take place on March 6th by 104 to 4 votes this week. The vote followed unsuccessful efforts to reach a compromise whereby circuits offered a 15 cents an hour increase while operators wanted 25 cents an hour. Present scales are $2.47 per hour for situations which have two men in the booth and $3.50 per hour where there is but one man.

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June 1954 Bulletin


Saturday, June 5th, with 4th Vice President O.M. Jacobson presiding, the Special Department locals of District One convened in the city of Seattle, to elect their delegates to the forthcoming I.A. Concention to be held in Cincinnatti, Ohio. Of the 14 locals in the District, only one was absent. Attending the convention was: R.J. Hayter, B-17, Vancouver, B.C.; R.G. Douglas, B-178, Spokane; Frank Carlson, B-177, Tacoma; George Ackerman, B-20; Russ Phelan, B-20; Earl Teaford, F-19; A.B. Walker, B-20 and Earl Taylor, B-19, all from Portland. Thomas Watters, B-22, Seattle; Jack Braverton, F-21, Vancouver, B.C.; Brother Ball, Victoria, B.C.; Juanita Osburn, B-174, Great Fall; Rita Hume, B-70, Victoria, B.C.; Frank Bristow and Bob Foster all of B-72, Vancouver, B.c.; James McNabb, B-22; Mrs Thomas Watters and Marie Reynolds, F-21, Seattle; Eddie Briggs and Emil Wingard, both of B-21, Seattle; Laura Zimmerman, F-21, Seattle.

The Theatre Employees chose Bob Foster, Local B-72, Vancouver, B.C. as their Delegate and Film Exchange locals chose Emil Wingard of Local F-21, Seattle.

The Convention went on record as endorsing the present administration.

Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson - - Local 159 won the Sellwood Theatre case. Sone time back, with the assistance of Vice President Jacobson, we received a raise at the Sellwood Theatre. His help in obtaining the raise, along with his testimony at the trial, helped immensely. The dispute arose three months later when they cut our scale back to the original. They sued us for $100.00 a day damages, beginnin the day we started picketing, August 3rd, 1953, and an injuction to stop us picketing. Witnesses for the union were Vice President Jacobson, Brother Hickey, Beier and James. The theatre owners claimed it was a family operation, and operators supplied from Local 159 were not needed. Judge Dodson pointed out that the dispute was over how much the union operator should be paid, not weather he was needed.

Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Ash Bridgham - - James McNabb, our business representative, attended the I.A. General Executive Board meeting at New Orleans in March and spent two weeks there discussing the various problems confronting the alliance. Our Health and Welfare plan grows apace with an agreement with the drive-in theatres for 12 months coverage for the men in the booth.

The Orpheum theatre will be closed for an indefinite period of time beginning May 22.

The Paramount theatre has now installed cinemascope and the first presentation was on May 4th.Bill Freeman, chief, can not relax for a couple of minutes. He refers to it as "cinemastroke." Could be right, too.

Pocatello, Idaho, Local 463--By Edward MacGarvey - - Just a few days ago the "Crest Theatre" finished installing CinemaScope opening with "Knights of the Round Table." This makes two theatres in Pocatello equipped with large screen for regular pictures; CinemaScope and three dimension. In the next few days as soon as delivery is possible the Sunset Drive in will have CinemaScope lense but will have only the optical sound tract.

I have been elected delegate to the Convention this year and I am looking forward to meeting the other delegates form District No. One.

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September 1954
Highlights-30th District Convention

District No. One 30th Convention was held at Cincinnati, Ohio. The call to order was made by District Secretary, William J. May, August 7th, 1954 at 10:30 A.M. in Parlor 6, Sheraton-Gibson Hotel. After a short greeting to the District Delegates, District Secretary May presented Fourth Vice President Jacobson, who was assigned Chairman by the General Office. Vice President Jacobson expressed deep regret with having to fill the Chairmanship vacancy left by the untimely passing of so great a union leader, gentleman and friens as the late William P. Raoul, retired General Secretary Treasurer, who passed away just before this Convention. Brother Raoul had served as Chairman of District No. One for eighteen years.

Next order of business was reading of credentials, called for by Chairman Jacobson, and roll call. All present except Local 864, Hood River, Oregon.

Delegate List

Delegate Name
Local # City & State
Cam Lafleur 15 Seattle, Washington
Don DuMas 28 Portland, Oregon
George Murphy 91 Boise, Idaho
Kim Devereaux 93 Spokane, Washington
William J. May 93 Spokane, Washington
Sam Spiegel 94 Butte, Montana
Earl Southern 117 Bellingham, Washington
W. Fraser 118 Vancouver B.C., Canada
Fred Jiencke 154 Seattle, Washington
James McNabb 154 Seattle, Washington
C.W. Christenson 159 Portland, Oregon
James W. Hickey 159 Portland, Oregon
Vic Henn 168 Vicoria, B.C.
Frank Carlson 175 Tacoma, Washington
Frank Murtough 175 Tacoma, Washington
Lloyd Stoddard 180 Everett, Washington
A.C. Eggert 213 Great Falls, Montana
Paul Shelly 234 Walla Walla, Washington
L.S. Smith 240 Billings, Montana
Leonard B. Hinds 254 Yakima, Washington
Gene Sherman 255 Helena, Montana
Carl Watson 339 Missoula, Montana
G.K. Porterfield 344 Olympia, Washington
George Thrift 348 Vancouver, B.C.
Frank Smith 348 Vancouver, B.C.
Les Walker 348 Vancouver, B.C.
J.A. Fiamengo 351 Anacortes, Washington
Lowell Wheeler 401 Centralia, Washington
J.E. Newell 429 Aberdeen, Washington
Carl Halverson 445 Bremerton, Washington
Chet Lamont 446 Astoria, Oregon
Edward Mac Garvey 463 Pocatello, Idaho
J.M. Kemper 613 Salem, Oregon
Alden Hill 629 Idaho Falls, Idaho
G.H. (Jack) Schubert 651 Wenatchee, Washington
Hobert Burns 663 Lewiston, Idaho
W.M. Myers 672 Klamath-Medford, Oregon
B.E. Daoust 675 Eugene, Oregon
Carmello Amato, Jr. 742 Wallace-Kellogg, Idaho
George Kalhust 745 Anaconda, Montana
Walter Hall 760 Livingston, Montana
A.E. McDuffie 785 Coos Bay, Oregon
J.R. Foster B-72 Vancouver, B.C.
Emil Wingard Film Seattle, Washington

Report of the District Secretary was made by District Secretary, William J. May. Chairman and members of both the Advisory and Legislative Committees gave their reports. There were two resolutions: voting machines and floral offerings. These were referred to the resolution Committee by Chairman Jacobson. Part of the State of Trade reports were read before a motion was made to recess for lunch and give various committees a chance to meet.

Afternoon session reconvened at 3:10 P.M. Brother Brewer was granted the floor for a short talk. Reading of the State of Trade reports were finished. Brother Sam Spiegel reported for the Resolution Committee. Resolution No. 1 Voting Machines. That they be adopted if practical and efficient and not too costly, preferably for next Convention. Resolution No. 2, pertaining to flowers. The Committee recommended concurrence. They also recommended concurrence in off year conventions, but recommended that the Secretary ascertain the cost and turn over to the Advisory Board and Locals to vote on. Next came Insurance Committee report and Election of Officers.

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Wrapping text on right side

C.W. Christenson was elected District No. One Secretary. Advisory Board: Fred Jiencke, Local 154, Seattle, Washington, Chairman; L. Walker, Local 348, Vancouver, B.C.; Chet Lamont, Local 446, Astoria, Oregon; Sam Spiegel, Local 94, Butte, Montana and H.D. Burns, Local 663, Lewiston, Idaho. A motion was made by Brother Frank Murtough and seconded by Brother Fred Jiencke, that Brother Bill May be given a vote of thanks for his fine services as District Secretary. Carried.

Vancouver, B.C., Local 348--By George E. Thrift: - - The 40th Anniversary celebration of Local 348 held June 13th in the Flame Country Club has been pronounce an unqualified success and we are all looking forward to our 50th. Vice President Jacobson together with Mr and Mrs Fred Jiencke Sr. trevelled by car to attend while four couples from Tacoma came by sea.

Charger members--Brothers W.E. McCartney, J. Lowdon and J.H. Lesile were presented with Life Membership cards. Brother H.C. Roddan, a charter member now working in M.G.M. Studios will also receive one.

Olympia, Washington, Local 344--By Owen Linstad: - - Local 344 celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a party at the Broiler, a new eatery just east of Olympia on Highway 99 which we recommend to any one who has a hankering for a good steak. Besides our own members and their wives, guests from Seattle, Tacoma, Centralia and Aberdeen were present. We all enjoyed a few highballs, dancing and a superb steak dinner.

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December 1954 Bulletin

Tacoma, Washington, Local 175: - - Frank Carlson Business Agent of Local 175, recently signed contracts with 11 suburban theatres providing for increases and a medical aid program.

Roseburg, Oregon, Local 672: - - Pickets did not go on as anticipated at the Starlight Drive-in. A contract has been signed.

Mt. Vernon, Washington, Local 351: - - Joe Fiamengo reports good proress being made in negotiations with Mr. Pollock, who operates three theatres in that city.

Eugene, Oregon, Local 675: - - Business Agent Daoust, advises they have completed arrangements for their Health and Welfare Plan to be administered through the Seattle Theatrical Federation.


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March 1955 Bulletin

PARTY60 Front row, left to right: H.W. Skiff, Don DuMas, J.F. Morgan, J.H. Smith, J.F. Williams, Ed Lane, James Patrick, Howard Ramey, William Walter, Don Bagley, Gus Jenkins and Roy Hayes. Back row, left to right: Cal Davidson, George Friend, Hugh Seely, Frank Shadduck, Manager Stage Craft Department-Northern School Supply Co., Orin M. Jacobson, 4th Vice President, IATSE, William Thedford, President Evergreen Theatres, Paul Schneider, Don Swan, Phil Walter, Cal McIrvin and Gene Ibsen. Absentees: Don Cameron, D.S. Cone, Stan Copko, W. Duncan, A.M. Dunn, L. Freid, Homer Haynes, Ernie Hood, George Howard, Willis Holland, H.H. Moyer, Henry Nylund, Dick Rodds, C.R. Whitwell, H. Yost and D.R. Zabelle. Total Membership 36.


Left to right: Don DuMas, Paul Schneider, James F. Morgan, Jack H. Smith, Gus Jenkins, Vice President O.M. Jacobson, Roy Hays and James F. Williams.

January 8th, 1955, Local 28 had its 60th Anniversary Party at Amato's Banquet Room in the Broadway Theatre building. Although a flu epidemic and a threat of snow kept some of the members and invited guests away, to those who attended it was a glorious affair. Among the hornoed guests were Fourth International Vice President, Orin M. Jacobson; William Thedford, President Evergreen Theatres, who came down from Spokane by air; Frank Shadduck, Manager of Stage Carft Department of the Northern School Supply Co., our largest individual employer; Russ Brown, city manager Evergreen Theatres; Marvin Fox, city manager Hamrick Theatres; Dick Newton, manager Paramount Theatre, represented Moe Mesher who was in Seattle; Oscar Nyberg, manager Fox; and Kenny Hughes for the Orpheun completed the chain theatres. The Dean of all the Managers was Sid Isaacs, manager Civic Auditorium who has been around nearly as long as the Charter. The flu took its toll on Mr. Walsh, general manager of Parker Theatres; Herb Royster, manager Broadway Theatre; John A. Van Wei of Northern School. Other guests were Jack O'Brien from Film Row; Pete Phil, Liberty Transfer; Volney Martin, Secretary State Building Trades; Keith McClure and James Berry, Operating Engineers. Local No. 159; President Brown; Business Representative James Hickey; District Secretary C.W. Christenson, Frank Beier, Glen Speck, L.K. Brisbin, George Evans, Russ Phelan who also represented B-20, John Collins and George Ackerman from B-20.

"VOTES: BULLETIN" To date there have been 555 votes cast; 272 have been nos, and 283 yes. The lead is 11 votes yes for the Bulletin. The votes have practically stopped comming in. This is just a little over half of our votes to come in. There are 22 cards that can't be counted because of no Local number, no signature or just sent back blank. The deadline is April 15, 1955

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June 1955 Bulletin

The majority of the votes returned have voted to raise the P.C.T. 25 cents per quarter for continuance of the District No. One Bulletin. The final count: 587 voted. 322 yes and 265 no votes, yes won by 57 votes

Letter from Harland Holmden, General Secretary-Treasurer to C.W. Christenson, Secretary, District No. One: "It is good to learn that a majority of the local unions comprising District No. One have voted for continuation of the District's Quarterly Bulletin.

Over a period of many years, this publication has maintained a high editorial standard and has served as a valuable medium for the interchange of information and ideas among the District's widely-scattered membership. Here's hoping that the Bulletin may go on serving its useful purpose for many years to come."


Seattle, Washington: When the Moore Theatre opened in Seattle in 1907 the opening attraction was "THE ALASKAN". All the GREATS of fifty years ago trod its boards. With the wrecking of the Metropolitan comes now a revitalized Moore. Hugh Beckett has done a fine job and his first attraction, "PAJAMA GAME" did SRO business for ten days.

Eugene, Oregon: Business Agent Daust of Local 675, has negotiated a Health and Welfare Plan with the Forman Theatres covering the members in Bend, Oregon.

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September 1955 Bulletin

Portland, Oregon: Local 159 has signed a five-year contract with Fox-Evergreen, John Hamrick Theatres, J.J Parker Theatres and the Paramount Theatre. The agreement provides for full family coverage in the Blue Cross Health and Welfare Plan. Frank Beier, Hebert Kurasch, M.L. Brown and James Hickey negotiated the contract for Local 159. The same committee will continue negotinations with the independ theatres

Medford, Oregon: On July 25, 1955 a meeting of Oregon I A Locals was held. Roll Call: Brother Lane, Portland Local 28; Brother Hickey, Portland Local 159; Brother Lamont, Astoria Local 446; Brother Daoust, Eugene Local 675; Brother Teater and Brother Biehn, Klamath-Medford Local 672; Brother O.M. Jacobson, 4th International Vice-President. In absence of Chairman Davis and Vice Chairman McDuffie, O.M. Jacobson was asked by the delegates to take the chair and conduct the meeting.

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December 1955 Bulletin

"FLASH": The Oregon Historical Society has chosen our District No. One Bulletin for their Labor collection program. Our Bulletin will be on display each quarter. Then they will be filed away for future reference.

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