Banner - District One History

1956 - 1958

  1. June 1956 Seattle Union Industries Show
  2. 31st District Convention Call
  3. 31st District Convention Report
  4. December 1956 Around The District
  5. March 1957 Walter Diehl Assistant To The President
  6. December 1957 The Day Called X
  7. June 1958-32nd District Convention-Delegate List
  8. December 1958-Local 154, Golden Anniversary
  9. December 1958-Local 159, Golden Anniversary

June 1956 Bulletin
Union Industries Show

The Union Industries Show held at Seattle, Washington, April 20-25, 1956, was a gigantic task and highly successful. The attendance was over 530,000. This figure gave Seattle a larger first day attendance than Buffalo, New York. The Seattle show rated third for attendance. It was held in the Municipal Auditorium and three floors were needed to accommodate the nearly one hundred booths. The Seattle booth was situated on the first floor. On exhibit they had the latest in new equipment--new projector heads, stereophonic sound heads, lamps, bases, lenses and other accessories. There was a motion picture on the screen at all times in their miniature theatre equipped with fity very comfortable seats. One of them was a film made in Seattle by W.T. Coy, Local No. 659, Cinematographers, and Frank McClellan, Local No. 154. It showed the various unions of the Alliance working at their crafts in Seattle.

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The Thirty-First Convention of District No. One will convene at 10:00 A.M. Saturday, August 18, 1956 at Parlor Four in the Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, Missouri

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September 1956 Bulletin
Convention Report

The Thirty-First Convention of District No. One was called to order at 10:15 A.M., Room 4, Muehlebach Hotel, Kanas City, Missouri. All delegates answered the roll call with the exception of Locals No. 463, Pocatello, Idaho and No. 629, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Brother Les Walker, Local No. 348, Vancouver, B.C., was appointed Assistant to the District Secretary. Brother Carmello Amato, Jr., Local No. 742, Wallace-Kellogg, Idaho, was appointed Sergeant-At-Arms. We had a visitor from Portland, Oregon, Brother G.G. Speck. Chairman of different Committees reported next. Then State of Trade reports were verbally commented on and there was some very good discussion and some very good ideas were exchanged. Sister Marie Reynolds from the Film Exchange Employees and Brother Bob Foster, Theatre Employees Delegates, reported on conditions in their respective Locals. There were some resoultions passed. One of the Resolutions is to change the Insurance Law to read: "When the Insurance fund exceeds $20,000.00, there will be a Free Death Assessment." Thid was changed from $10.000.00. Finance and other Committees reports were given.

I am quite sure everyone will agree that the Thirty-First Convention of District No. One was a good one. Many thanks to Vice President Jacobson and delegates of District No. One for their thoughfulness and assistance shown me at the Convention. C.W. Christenson, District Secretary


Fred Jiencke, Local 154, Seattle, WA - Chairman
L. Walder, Local 348, Vancouver, B.C.
J. McNaughton, Local No. 94, Butte, MT
George Friend, Local No. 28, Portland, OR
Hobert Burns, Local No. 663, Lewiston, ID

James McNabb, Local No. 154, Seattle, WA - Chairman
D. Gilchrist, Local No. 613, Salem, OR
C.E. Gilbert, Local No. 91, Boise, ID
W.A. McCartney, Local No. 348, Vancouver, B.C.
F.A. Olson, Local No. 255, Helena, MT

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December 1956 Bulletin

Pioneer motion picture showman of the Northwest, John Hamrick, died on Novenber 30th in New York. His theatres in Tacoma, Portland and Seattle were the first to present talking pictures.

Olympia, Washington: All the theaters in Olympia, Washington closed their doors in protost against admission taxes which played an important part in getting the tax removed.

Portland, Oregon: J.J. Parkers Broadway Theatre closed for two weeks to install Todd AO Equipment prior to the November 9, 1956 opening of "Oklahoma".

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March 1957 Bulletin

Following a unanimous vote of approval by the General Executive Board at the Board's meeting held in Philadelphia the week of February 11, 1957, International President Richard Walsh appointed Walter F. Diehl as Assistant to the President. A member of Moving Picture Machine Operators Local No. 182, Boston, Massachusetts, since 1933. Mr. Diehl served that organization as Business Agent for eight years prior of joining the staff of the International.

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December 1957 Bulletin

During September, this year, CBS, with the cooperation of Portland Civil Defense, filmed a thirty minute TV film here. More than 25,000 feet of film, almost five miles of it, was used. Portland was chosen because of its up and coming Civil Defense program. It was first brought to the attention of CBS by "Operaton Green Light", which was evacuation of the city some time back. Working on the film was Joe Carpenter, Local 728, Hollywood, CA; Donald Bagley and Cal Davison, Local 28, Portland, OR; C.W. Christenson, Local 659, second camerman; Arthur Sewrdloff, Associate Producer, Hollywood; Walter H. Lowkot, Local 695, Sound, Hollywood; George Smart, assistant cameraman, Local 659, Hollywood; Harry Raske, producer director, New York and George F. Hause, Local 695, sound, Hollywood.

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June 1958 Bulletin

The Thirty-Second District No. One Convention will be held on August 2, 1958 in the East Room of the Sheraton-Jefferson Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri at 10:00 A.M.


Floyd E. Hart, Jr - Local 15 - Seattle, Washington
George Friend - Local 28 - Portland, Oregon
Willard D. Bell - Local 91 - Boise, Idaho
Kim Devereaux - Local 93 - Spokane, Washington
Jack C. McNaughton - Local 94 - Butte, Montana
Fred A. Graham - Local 117 - Bellingham, Washington
William Frazer - Local 118 - Vancouver B.C., Canada
James McNabb - Local 154 - Seattle, Washington
Fred Jiencke - Local 154 - Seattle, Washington
C.W. Christenson - Local 159 - Portland, Oregon
L.R. Smith - Local 159 - Portland, Oregon
Frank Carlson - Local 175 - Tacoma, Washington
Arthur E. Tosland, Sr. - Local 180 - Everett, Washington
Adolph C. Eggert - Local 213 - Great Falls, Montana
Paul Sheley - Local 234 - Walla Walla, Washington
Carl Bustel - Local 240 - Billings, Montana
Leonard B. Hinds - Local 254 - Yakima, Washington
Gene Sherman - Local 255 - Helena, Montana
Merl Olson - Local 339 - Missoula, Montana
G.K. Porterfield - Local 344 - Olympia, Washington
W.D. Graham - Local 348 - Vancouver, B.C., Canada
A.E. McManus - Local 348 - Vancouver, B.C., Canada
F.W. Smith - Local 348 - Vancouver, B.C., Canada
J.A. Fiamengo - Local 351 - Anacortes, Washington
Charley W. Wheeler - Local 401 - Centralia, Washington
Elmer Newell - Local 429 - Aberdeen, Washington
Robert F. Heath - Local 445 - Bremerton, Washington
Chester Lamont - Local 446 - Astoria, Oregon
No Delegate - Local 463 - Pocatello, Idaho
J.W. Simeral - Local 613 - Salem, Oregon
Alden Hill - Local 629 - Idaho Falls, Idaho
George H. Henkel - Local 651 - Wenatchee, Washington
Hobert Burns - Local 663 - Lewiston, Idaho
Dennis Layne - Local 672 - Klamath-Medford, Oregon
Robert Simmons - Local 675 - Eugene, Oregon
Carmello Amato, Jr. - Local 742 - Wallace-Kellogg, Idaho
Sydney J. Beausoleil - Local 745 - Anacanda, Idaho
B.J. Bogue - Local 760 - Livingston, Montana
A.E. McDuffie - Local 785 - Coss Bay, Oregon
Eddie Briggs - Local B-21 - Seattle, Washington
Jack Braverman - Local CE-71 - Vancouver B.C., Canada
Douglas Calladine - Local B-72 - Vancouver B.C., Canada
Fred Hill, Local CBC - Vancouver B.C., Canada

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December 1958 Bulletin

The Golden Anniversary of Local 154, Seattle, Washington was celebrated on October 21, 1958, and was well addended by members and their wives from many Locals of District No. One, as well as members from as far away as Winnipeg, Canada and Los Angeles, Calfifornia.

Portland, Oregon Local No. 159 carried away the attendance record with 13 members and their wives being present and Tacoma, Washington, Local No. 175 running a close second, with 10 members and their wives attending. The International was represented by International President Richard F. Walsh, who was the guest of honor; Second Vice-President Carl Cooper and Fourth Vice-President O.M. Jacobson, who hanlded the role of toastmaster in his usual capable manner. Representatives from local labor circles included the president of the Washington State Labor Council and the president of the King County Labor Council. From the U.S. Senate and House were Senator Warren G. Magnuson and Representative Don Magnuson. Management was on hand to present a scroll to the Local, affirming the splendid relations between labor and management in the jurisdiction of Local 154. The delegation from management included the area heads of Fox Evergreen Theatres, John Hamrick Theatres, Sterling Theatres, United Theatres and representatives from the independent theatres.

There was another occasion being celebrated on this historic day--the Birthday of Brother Bill Freeman. President Jiencke of Local No. 154, Seattle, presented him with a birthday cake at this table.

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On October 23, 1958, the members, together with their wives, fellow unionists from sister Locals and a number of theatre managers gatheded in the dining room of Amato's Supper Club in the Broadway Theatre building, to commemorated the event. Amongst the dignitaries present were International President Richard F. Walsh; Governor and Mrs. Robert D. Holmes of Oregon; Mayor Terry Schrunk of Portland; Oregon's Representative in Congress, Edith Green; Second Vice-President Carl Cooper; Fourth Vice-President O.M. Jacobson and Mrs. Jacobson; President L.R. and Mrs. Smith of Local No. 159; Business Agent James W. and Mrs. Hickey; District Secretary C.W. and Mrs. Christenson and many others. Also among the 200 or more celebrants were three of the orignal charter members. They were George J. Grischow, Homer Haynes and Joe Wertheimer.


Brother Don DuMas, President, Local No. 28, on the right, presented a plaque to President L.R. Smith, Local No. 159, for fifty years of friendship.

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