1965 - 1966
- March 1965-Local 28 70th Anniversary
Open Letter To District No. One
- June 1965-Closed Circuit Television
- September 1963-Advisory Board Meeting In Yakima
- December 1965-Sid Phillip, IA Representative
- March 1966-Don DuMas Retires
- June 1966-Convention Call-Delegate List
- September 1966-Highlights-36th District Convention
- December 1966-Local 154 Report
March 1965 Bulletin
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Jim Patrick, Chairman and M.C. of Local 28's 70th Anniversary Party. Jim did an excellent job as Master of Ceremonies. He was also Chariman of the Committee for all arragements. Brother DuMas and Friend were members of the committee. The River Queen was an excellent selection for the affair and the menu consisted of steaks, lobster tails and cornish hens. The food was wonderful. The party was postponed three weeks on account of the high water having broken loose the River Queen from its moorings. It was held January 16, 1965. Local 28 was chartered March 1st, 1895. Members of the local to be started, worked in the old Baker Stock Company in 1893. The application for the Charter bears George L. Baker's signature with 17 members signing. At that time there were only two other theatres advertissed in the daily paper. The Marquam Grand, playing grand opera, and Courdrays, with a travelling stock company. In 1905 the World's Fair created lots of work for the Local and the Local statred to grow. 1920 the membership was 56, its peak. This was their 28th Anniversary. Their 50th Anniversary their membership had shrunk to 30, caused by the depression and the success of talking pictures. Their 70th Anniversary they have 34 members. Looking forward to their 75th Anniversary, they anticipate the stage will return and they will retain their former status in the entertainment world. Vice President Jacobson, representing the International. Brother Don DuMas and Paul Schneider received their 50 year pins and having them pinned on to their lapels by their wives.
First of all I want to congratulate all correspondents who wrote to the International protesting any part of District #1's money staying anywhere but in District #1. They were wonderful and helpful and helpful. Your Local should be proud of you.
The Advisory Board members were of the opinion that I should go to Mobile, Alabama February 11th, 1965 and appear before the Board in defense of giving up any money of the District #1 Insurance Fund to British Columbia. After I checked into the cost, about $600.00, I wrote to Assistant International President, Walter Diehl, stating that the cost was too high. I felt that the Executive Board would give us a right decision, and that I would ask Vice President Jacobson to represent us, as he has a wide knowledge of the working affairs of District #1. "WE WON THE DECISION"--C.W. Christenson, Secretary District #1.
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June 1965 Bulletin
By C.W. Christenson--Saw my first Closed Circuit Telecast at the Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon, on the Memorial Day Indianapolis 500 mile Classic, and that was exactly what it was, and by the views of the spectators who gathered around the equipment after the telecast was over, those who had seen the actual event said they enjoyed the telecast much better.
Had a good seat, but the race had barely begun when I felt I would enjoy myself much more with the television crew. So that is where I went. We were 80 feet from the screen. The picture was 30 feet wide, and it was sharp and clear. I was told 12 cameras were used to broadcast the event. They all seemend to be balanced closely and the director did a good job of cutting from one camera to the other. Close to 8,000 people paid $5.00 a head to see it. So it is a profitable business, and in a few years to come it will be a big business where I predict a good many of us will be working.
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September 1965 Bulletin
Minutes of the Advisory Board Meeting Held in Yakima
July 10th, 1965 at the Commerical Hotel
Meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by Chairman Hobart Burns, Lewiston, Idaho, Local 663. Roll call was the next order of business, and Chairman Burns had answers from Brother Fred Jienke, Seattle, WA, Jack McNaughton, Butte, MT, Sid Phillips, Portland, OR. Vice President Jacobson was present and Brother Leonard Hinds, Local 254, Yakima, WA.
Chairman Burns asked Secretary Christenson what is the most important matter of business. Secretary Christenson said that he thought the transfer of the moneys from the Canadian Bank to the U.S. Banks was the most important. A question was asked by Vice President Jacobson for the correspondence to be read to bring the delegates up to date. Letter from both Canadian Banks were read, as will as other correspondence. The Banks demanded both signatures, A.E. McManus and C.W. Christenson. After some debate, it was decided that the Advisory Board replace the name of A.E. McManus with Sid Phillips for the transfer of the money only, and for Vice President Jacobson and Brother Sid Phillips to go to Vancouver, B.C. and secure the money. The motion was made by Brother Fred Jiencke, seconded by Brother Jack McNaughton. Carried. Secretary Christenson was instructed to write a letter to both Canadian Banks, advising them of the action of District #1 Advisory Board. These letters will be taken by Vice President Jacobson and Brother Sid Phillips when they go to British Columbia.
On July 15, 1965 Brother Sid Phillips and Secretary Christenson deposited in the United States National Bank of Portland, OR $3,596.84 in the Insurance Fund and $159.74 in the General Fund, subject to the discount on the Canadian money exchange.
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December 1965 Bulletin
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IATSE Appoints Phillips As Rep
The IATSE has appointed Sid Phillips of Portland as an International Representative. Phillips, who started in theatre work at age 15 as a doorman and handyman, has been business representative of Portland Projectionits' Local 159 since 1959.
Officers of IATSE Locals in Portland said Phillips is the first Oregon member to be named an International Representative. They commented that the appointment to an international post after such a short tenure as a local business agent "is almost without precedent in the Alliance and is a high compliment, reflecting his deep interest in union affairs and his fine handling of his local's business."
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March 1966 Bulletin
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By Harold Hurd, Local 28--On February 17th some of the many friends of Brother Don DuMas, were able to attend a surprise dinner party in honor of Brother DuMas, retirement from the City Auditorium; every body has a good time. In the picture Brother DuMas being presented a gold key to the stage door of the old Auditorium and which will be the same lock in the new Auditorium, by Mr. Harry Hanson, manager of the City Auditorium.
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June 1966 Bulletin
The Thirty-sixth Convention of District No. One will convene at 10 A.M., Saturday, July 16th 1966 in Detroit, Michigan.
Delegate List
Delegate Name
| Local #
| City & State
Floyd E. Hart, Jr. |
15 |
Seattle, Washington |
James F. Morgan |
28 |
Portland, Oregon |
James Wroten |
91 |
Boise, Idaho |
Robert K. Devereaux |
93 |
Spokane, Washington |
Jack C. McNaughton |
94 |
Butte, Montana |
John Baylor |
117 |
Bellingham, Washington |
Ken Dowling |
154 |
Seattle, Washington |
Fred Jiencke |
154 |
Seattle, Washington |
C.W. Christenson |
159 |
Portland, Oregon |
Sid Phillips |
159 |
Portland, Oregon |
Frank Carlson |
175 |
Tacoma, Washington |
A.E. Tosland, Sr. |
180 |
Everett, Washington |
Paul A. Morse |
213 |
Great Falls, Montana |
Paul Sheley Sr. |
234 |
Walla Walla, Washington |
Lou Smith |
240 |
Billings, Montana |
Leonard B. Hinds |
254 |
Yakima, Washington |
Merl Olson |
339 |
Missoula, Montana |
G.K. Porterfield |
344 |
Olympia, Washington |
Bob Lowrie |
351 |
Anacortes, Washington |
Charles Wheeler |
401 |
Centralia, Washington |
Marvin E. Frost |
429 |
Aberdeen, Washington |
No Delegate |
445 |
Bremerton, Washington |
Frank Dundon |
446 |
Astoria, Oregon |
Russell Maki |
463 |
Pocatello, Idaho |
Jay Teed |
613 |
Salem, Oregon |
George (Friday) Henkel |
651 |
Wenatchee, Washington |
Hobert Burns |
663 |
Lewiston, Idaho |
Robert E. Biehn |
672 |
Klamath-Medford, Oregon |
Harold DeLarm |
675 |
Eugene, Oregon |
Carmello Amato, Jr. |
742 |
Wallace-Kellogg, Idaho |
A.E. McDuffie |
785 |
Coos Bay, Oregon |
Evelyn Watters |
887 |
Seattle, Washington |
Russ Phelan |
B-20 |
Portland, Oregon |
A. Richard Jamison |
F-21 |
Seattle, Washington |
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September 1966 Bulletin
Highlights-36th District Convention
Bottom Row, left to right: O.M. Jacobson, Vice President; Richard F. Walsh, International President; C.W. Christenson, Secretary District No. 1, No. 159; Jack McNaughton, No. 94; Paul Sheely, Sr., No. 234. Second Row: A.E. McDuffee, No. 785; Marvin Frost, No. 429; Carmello Amato, Jr., No. 742; Leonard Hinds, No. 254. Third Row: Merl Olson, No. 339; Frank Carlson, No. 175; G.K. Portfield, No. 344; John Baylor, No. 117; B.E. Daoust, No. 675. Fourth Row: Russell Maki, No. 463; Charley Wheeler, No. 401; Kim Devereaux, No. 93; Hobart Burns, No. 663; Standing: A.E. Tosland, No. 180; Bob Lowrie, No. 351; Fred Jiencke, No. 154; George Henkel, No. 651; Ken Dowling, No. 154 and A. Richard Jamison, B-21. Not pictured: Sid Phillips who was chairing District No 12's meeting and Paul Morse, No. 213, delayed. 24 Delegates representing 22 Locals. The airline strike took its toll: Delegates Floyd E. Hart, Jr., No. 15; James Morgan, No. 28; James Wroten, No. 91; Dewey Farrell, No. 240; Frank Dundon, No. 446; Jay Teed, No 613; Robert Biehn, No. 672; Evelyn Watters, No. 887 and Russ Phelan, B-20, were not present.
The 36th Convention of District No. 1 was held in the Statler-Hilton Hotel, in the Ivory Room, July 16th, 1966 in Detroit, Michigan. Vice President Jacobson acted as official Chairman, being appointed by the International. Jake has served in this capacity in the last seven Conventions of District No.1.
C.W. Christenson was retained as District Secretary. Advisory Board: Hobart Burns, Chairman, Lewiston, ID; Jack McNaughton, Butte, MT; Fred Jiencke, Seattle, WA; Sid Phillips, Portland, OR.
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December 1966 Bulletin
Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.: - - Nominations were in order at our last November meeting and by the time you read this we will have some new officers. Perhaps the most significant thing that happened was the retiring from office of our esteemed past president of many years, Fred W. Jienke, Sr. As I am the type that looks to the future more than the past I never like to recall the past days any more than I can help, but in this case I will waive the rule. For the almost 20 years I have been a member of this organization I would have too many fingers on one hand to count the meetings that President Jienke has not presided at. Wheather or not it can be said that all his ideas agreed with all the individuals membership at all times in not as important as the fact that he will be best remembered as an officer who devoted his whole life to the cause of organized labor and the IATSE. What awards or gifts you could give a man like this is beyond any monetary value, but if purpose of life and duty means anything to any man then Fred can be assured and satisfied knowing that he never shirked any responsibility of duty set before him. He is a man who knows the meaning of organized labor and strived successfully for many years to keep his brother member on the job. What more can an organization to than to say Thanks, Fred for a job well done.
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