Banner - District One History

1967 - 1968

  1. President Jiencke 1967
  2. June 1967-Reports From Local 154 & Local 93
  3. September 1967-Report From Local 159
  4. December 1967-Vice President Jacobson Dies
  5. March 1968-James McNabb Dies
    Reports From Local 28 & 159

  6. June 1968-Portland Civic Auditorium
  7. September 1968-Highlights-37th District Convention-Delegate List
  8. December 1968-Local 154 60th Anniversary
    Local 159 60th Anniversary

March 1967 Bulletin

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By Tommy Watters, Jr.:As the title depicts of an absolute falsehood on one hand because Jiencke is not President in 1967. But on the other hand, to ever so many, Jiencke will always be President. There has been no other word used more widely and significantly in this part of District No. One than the word and the name of ....JIENCKE! As a gentleman and a ruffian, a leader and faithful servant, there is perhaps no equal to his constrasting character who has served and fought so many years for the success and progress of our phase of organized labor. Jiencke is the first word, Jiencke is the last word, and perhaps may continue on as a lasting by-word. For 30 years Fred W. Jiencke has served as President of the Seattle Local 154. In the 55 years he has been a member of Local 154, he has served on the Executive Board, as Business Agent and held the term of President for 26 consecutive years. Any man who has been able to hold an elective office in an organization for close to a third of a centure must certainly have qualifications above and beyond the normal requirements. Fred chose to retire from his office as President at the end of 1966. He will continue on as an active member and head of the Projection Staff at the Coliseum Theatre where he has been employed for over 30 years. Portland, Oregon, Local 28--By Don Dumas:Brother Floyd and Mrs. Hart came down from Seattle and met with our executive board regarding stabilizing wage scales and working conditions between the two cities . . Other subjects covered were maintenance jobs (and the men), the car and truck loading scale, were the commerical scales realistic, stage managers with normal shows without a crew offering scale for one. This has been a problem here as when we put on a road man here the contract is written that the booker pays all the help so the local manager gets stuck for the road crew. The next day we realized how much we had accomplished in two short hours leaving the social activities till later. It has been suggested that the Pacific Coast stage hands locals hold a conference in the near future to work out mutual problems.
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June 1967 Bulletin

Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.:As summer approaches we once again are confronted with many jobs and scarcity of qualified personnel. Although at this point it looks like we may get through the season with not too much jumbling around. But as we all know, things have a way of changing much too rapidly. To begin with, Old Local 154 has not as yet consummated any agreement on new contracts. We feel TALKING progress has been made, but as of this date any offers have not been made that we feel we could live with for any length of time. our next scheduled meeting with management is the middle of this month and by the time our Brothers read this, perhaps something of definite nature may have come about. Spokane, Washington, Local 93--By Leo T. Vigil:The Drive-Ins are all open and running, business is a little slow, due to the cold weather and rain. All our men are working. Business at the downtown houses is good. The Stagehands have had a few shows and with the Rodeo and the Shrine Circus at the Coliseum this month got a little extra work. The 16mm department has been quite busy with the usual travelogues at the Coliseum.
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September 1967 Bulletin

Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson:The Moyers are back with the lead story again. They own two new theatres, the Eastgate on S.E. 82nd Street, it Portland and the Wesgate Theatre in Beaverton, Oregon. We offered them about everything in the book to try to come to some peaceful settlement, but in the final say-so Tommy Moyer wanted no part of anything. Several weeks of negotiations, a lot of leg work, and a special meeting, brought nothing. These theatres are dual theatres, 70m and 35mm in the big theatre and 35mm (which is partially automatred) in the smaller theatre. We asked for a $1.00 additional above our first run scale for working the second theatre. Then, to save trouble we cut that to $.50 to start and a build-up to the $1.00 over three years. They even turned that down. So we have placed them both on the unfair list of the Multnomah County Laboe Council and the Washington County Labor Council. Pickets are on both theatres.
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December 1967 Bulletin

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A great loss to the District, as well as to the International, was the untimely passing of Vice President Jacobson. By C.W. Christenson:Jake, as he was known to everyone, had a span of over forty years of representing the International. Starting our as Business Agent for Local 175, Tacoma, Washington he rapidly became noticed by the International for his ability to expedite the business of the Local. It was not long until he was asked to cover the District as an International Representative on a part time basis. This went on for some time until the management of the theatre complained that he was laying off the job to much. He then called the International, informed them of this, and knowing he was too valuable to lose they made him a full time Internationl Representative. I am proud to say that at the last seven Conventions I nominated him for Vice President. Jake and I were friends for many years. Sometimes we would sit in his room and talk. So I feel that I could justly say that the work of a Vice-President or International Representative is for a rugged individual who has to make decisions regardless of whom it affects. Jake had the character for fulfillment of this job, which make him great. Jake once said to me, on Local 159, Portland, Oregon 50th Anniversary, "This is the kind of an assignment I like, Chris. No trouble." Vice President Orin M. Jacobson was born November 28th, 1891 in Marinett, Wisconsin. He died Novenber 7th, 1967 in Portland, Oregon on assignment. Vice President Jacobson started the District #1 Bulletin in September, 1932. It was in mimeograph form and he was the Editor. The District Insurance Plan was also started by Vice President Jacobson in 1941. Brother Jacobson's first International Convention was the one held in 1919 in Ottawa, where the per diem fund was established. He was understood to have voted enthusiastically for that--after a trip across the continent and having to share a berth with delegate from Vancouver, who like himself weighed over two hundred pounds. Vice President Jacobson had attended all Conventions since the 1919 Convention.
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March 1968 Bulletin

Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.:Sad news of the Quarter is reflected by the passing of one of our retired members and for many years an outsanding leader and organizer of men-James McNabb, Mac passed away December 15, 1967 in a convalescent home in Ellensburg, Washington. He had been cared for in recent years by his two faithful and devoted daughters, Annabelle and Margie. So many speeches, articles and comments have been devoted to Mac over the past half a century that I find it difficult at this time to be able to elaborate, improve or reminisce on the subject. Members of Local 154, Members in District No. One and innumerable members of the Alliance throughout the country could provide endless conversation about Mac and his years of struggle for improvements of the IA and the Labor movement. It is difficult to put into words the achievements and progress this man made over the years. So many victories were accomplished from his tenure of offices that just added significant stepping stones to progress and improvements. Yet, and I know because I hold the similar office today, these all go down in the record as just doing your daily duty. At this point I could speed write a voluminous book on the headaches, strife, failures, abuse, tension and exhaustion this job holds for the title bearer. And a hell of a lot of things have been done before me by better men than I that I do not have to do today. So if it was worse then than it is today then no one has to tell me what the real hero went though. Let us review the simple facts of the organizer of men and protector of the Labor Union principle. Mac was a member of Local 154 for 42 years, six of these in retired status. Out of the 36 years of active status in this organization he held the job of Business Representative for over 30 years and 23 of these were consecutive. For years he served on the Executive Board of the King County Labor Council, was one of the foremost leaders of the Theatrical Federation of Seattle, served as Chairman of the Legislative Committee of District No. One and was appointed IA delegate to the AFL-CIO Convention. Many awards were attributed to Mac for his noteworthy success and a great proportion of achievements of Local 154 can be credited to his long, hard, suffering, endless struggles. These are a few facts on the old stubborn head Scotsman and we can only realize that our work is a little more endurable because of him. Portland, Oregon, Local 28--By Don DuMas:The Local elected a new Business Representative Brother John DiSciullo. Retiring Brother Morgan to B.A. Emeritus, member of the Executive Board, Delegate to the District and IA Convention. Will still be active in advisory capiacity. John and the Alaska Air Lines had a few meetings and a vague promise that when they returned from Alaska they would take care of everything. The usual stall. Seattle and Spokane have more data on this outfit. Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson:The fight is on with the unfair Moyer Theatres. We have an assessment of 4% to pay for it. They are in the process of automating their theatres now and we had pickets in front of all their theatres here, two twin hard-tops and four Drive-Ins, for fourteen days for every hour of each day. We bought two full pages in that span of time in the Labor Press.

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June 1968 Bulletin

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Portland dedicated its $4,000,000.00 Civic Auditorium with all the fan fare this lavish structure deserved. Just as the Memorial Coliseum on the East Side created a great interest in indoor sports, exhibitions and big conventions, so do city fathers beleive the Portland Civic Auditorium will be a successful home for concerts, theatre events, stage productions of all kind and smaller conventions. The old Public Auditorium, dedicated July 4th, 1917, was home to major cultural events for a half century and in its day was entirely adequate. However, over the years the Symphony, Opera and visiting theatre companies have had an inadequate house in which to play. All of this is now changed with the modern, remodeled structure. The Auditorium seats 3,004. The main orchestra section has 1,862 seats. First balcony, inculding boxes, has 613. And the second balcony has 529. The walls are tilted to 5 derees for assoustics and covered in teak paneling and canvas. All seats offer an unobstructed view of the stage. The proscenium arch has been widened ten feet for 50 to 60 feet. The stage has been extended from 85 to 107 feet, and increased in depth from 43 to 62 feet, providing room for a greater variety of productions than the old auditorium could accommodate. The sets suspended above the stage have been increased from 70 to 75. But the real difference is in the method of suspension. On the old stage, the sets were suspended by hemp lines which required sandbags to keep them up. The new sets are suspended by a counter-weighted system which relegates sandbags to the realm of the Dodo. Opening night, May 3rd, 1968, was an exciting time. It seems unlikely that any parton at the Bright Young Lady's debut will not say, "She was worth waiting for".
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September 1968 Bulletin
Highlights-37th District Convention
The District No. 1 Covention was held in the Muehlebach Hotel, Kanas City, Missouri, July 13th, 1968. This is the first time since I was elected District Secretary in 1954 that Vice President Jacobson did not chair the meeting. As a matter of fact, that was the first year, too, for Vice President Jacobson to be appointed Chairman of District No. 1. As you know, he passed away November 7th, 1967. At this Convention Harland Holmden, General Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus, was the appointed Chairman. Some of the highlights of the Convention were. A debate on off-year Conventions. There were mixed feelings on this, and after quite a discussion, it was decided that they would be too costly and the motion for an off-year Convention was voted down. Legislation to protect the projectionist from being arrested when running obscene films was discussed. It was the feeling of the delegates that State laws should be enacted to cover this. The Legislative committeeman from each state will investigate. C.W. Christenson was retained as District Secretary. The Advisory Board: Hobart Burns, Chairman, Lewiston, Idaho; J.C. McNaughton, Butte, Montana; Floyd E. Hart, Jr., Seattle, Washington; Sid Phillips, Lake Oswegon. Delegate List

Delegate Name
Local # City & State
Floyd E. Hart, Jr 15 Seattle, Washington
James F. Morgan 28 Portland, Oregon
James Wroten 91 Boise, Idaho
Robert K. Devereaux 93 Spokane, Washington
Jack C. McNaughton 94 Butte, Montana
John Gilson 117 Bellingham, Washington
Ed Hird 154 Seattle, Washington
Thomas Watters, Jr. 154 Seattle, Washington
C.W. Christenson 159 Portland, Oregon
Sid Phillips 159 Portland, Oregon
Frank Carlson 175 Tacoma, Washington
J.A. Fiamengo 180 Everett, Washington
Fred A. Olson 213 Great Falls, Montana
No Delegate 234 Walla Walla, Washington
No Delegate 240 Billings, Montana
Leonard B. Hinds 254 Yakima, Washington
Merl Olson 339 Missoula, Montana
G.K. Porterfield 344 Olympia, Washington
S.R. Lowrie 351 Anacortes, Washington
Wayne A. Kirkpatrick 401 Centralia, Washington
Marvin E. Frost 429 Aberdeen, Washington
George F. Juricich 445 Bremerton, Washington
No Delegate 446 Astoria, Oregon
No Delegate 463 Pocatello, Idaho
James F. Teed 613 Salem, Oregon
G.H. (Jack) Schubert 651 Wenatchee, Washington
Hobert Burns 663 Lewiston, Idaho
Homer Merritt 672 Klamath-Medford, Oregon
Harold DeLarm 675 Eugene, Oregon
No Delegate 742 Wallace-Kellogg, Idaho
A.E. McDuffie 785 Coos Bay, Oregon
Evelyn Watters 887 Seattle, Washington
Russ Phelan B-20 Portland, Oregon
Allen E. Williams, Jr. B-19 Seattle, Washington


Front row, left to right: Fred Olson, 213; Jack McNaughton, 94; Harland Holmden, General Secretary Treasurer Emeritus; C.W. Christenson, District Secretary; Merl Olson, 339; Second row, left to right: James F. Teed, 613; G.H. Schubert, 651; John Gilson, 117; G.K. Porterfield, 344; Hobart Burns, 663; Third row, left to right: Harold DeLarm, 675; Allen E. Williams, B-19; Wayne A. Kirkpartick, 401; James F. Morgan, 28; Floyd Hart, Jr., 15;Marvin E. Frost, 429; Fourth row, left to right: R.K. Devereaux, 93; S.R. Lowrie, 351; Russ Phelan, B-20; J.A. Fiamengo, 180; Frank Carlson, 175; Tommy Watters, Jr., 154; George F. Juricich, 445; Back Row, left to right: Ed Hird, 154; Evelyn Watters, 887; A.E. McDuffie, 785; Homer Merritt, 672 and James Wroten, 91. Sid Phillips, Delegate from 159 Portland, was not present because he was chairing District No. 12. Also Leonard Hinds, 254, Yakima, not present for the picture

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December 1968 Bulletin
Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.:Local 154 had its 60th Anniversary celebration on Wednesday, October 16th, 1968 at the Plaza Resaurant in the Seattle Center Complex. A good turnout of our members and their wives proved a succesful and entertaining evening and Local 154 was honored with the many dignitaries from the various adjoining IA Unions in our area. We would like to thank all who were in attendance that made for a truly eventful evening for the records of Local 154. I will not try to mention names of those in attendance because it would be too numerous to attempt.
On November 18th, 1968, Local 159 60th Anniversary celebration was held at the Zircon Jim's in the Porland Labor center. Astoria, Oregon, Local 446--By Chet Lamont:Over 52 years ago ten Astoria, Oregon, stage hands and moving picture operators received a charter from the I.A. to form Local No. 446 on April 29, 1916. The Charter Members were J.A. Otteson, J.O. Sutton, Andrew Stangland, George W. Tagg, D.C. McCroskey, W.L. McCroskey, W.H. Langhardt, Walter Stangland, Herman Grass and Louis Carlson. The Charter was also signed by International President Charles C. Shay and International Secretary Treasurer M.A. Carney. In the next few years the membership of Local 446 nearly doubled but then, after the big fire in December, 1922 which destroyed all six theatres in Astoria, the membership began to dwindle, transfer, withdrawls and even death taking it's toll. When the membership got down to seven, the minimum number to hold a charter, we began to realize that something had to be done. After many months of negotiations and with the able help of International Representative Sid Phillips a satisfactory agreement was made with Local 401 it take over the jurisdiction and membership of Local 446. At their regular November meeting of Local 401, by unanimous vote, the meger was approved and Local 446 was rescued from going defunct.
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