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1969 - 1970

  1. March 1969-Reports From Locals 154, 401 & 159
  2. June 1969-Local 15 75th Anniversary-Obscenity Law, 154 & 159
  3. September 1969-Report From Locals 28, 93 & 159
  4. December 1969-Local 175 60th Anniversary
  5. March 1970-I.A. Board Meeting In Portland
    Local 28 75th Anniversary

  6. June 1970-Report From Local 154
  7. September 1970-Highlights-38th District Convention-Delegate List
  8. December 1970-Jim Morgan's 80th Birthday
    Frank Carlson Dies-Report Local 159

March 1969 Bulletin

Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Tommy Watters, Jr.: - - The big news, of course, is the status of the Bill before the State of Washington legislature to release the Motion Picture Projecionist of Criminal Liability in the event a film being projected is adjudged to be obscene. To date, seven states have this exemption statute enacted into law and now Washington and Oregon are trying to provide the same protection. It looks good for Oregon, but a real problem looms as of now in our State of Washington. By the time you read this the matter will be history, but as of now I can only say that a lot of work has been done by a lot of hard working people who deserve more that the silly arguments pushed against this innocent piece of legislation. I will give a complete report in our next Bulletin on this subject--WIN OR LOSE!

Vancouver, Washington, Local 401--By Lowell L. Wheeler: - - The wedding took place at 12:00 noon at Ferguson's in Longview, Washington. Officiating at the ceremony was our International Representative Sid Phillips, the groom was assisted through the trying ordeal by our President, H.A. Kirkpatrick. In a way this was a double wedding as, at the same time, Local 401 accepted a new member into its fold. On February 4, this year the merger of Local 401 Southwest Washington and Local 446 Astoria, Oregon became one. This should make some of the other smaller Locals think. In unity there is strength, and believe me we all need it.

Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson: - - Brother W.A. Shanafelt, a member of Local 159, Portland, Oregon, passed away December 31st, 1968. He had worked at the Broadway Theatre for thirty-six years. Brother Shanafelt joined Local 159, February 28th, 1911. Brother Herb Kurasch and I had worked with Brother Shanafelt at the Broadway Theatre for over twenty-eight years. Many fond memories he leaves with us and a sad place in both of our hearts. In December 1968 he retired. He was the first one to retire under the I.A.T.S.E. Pension Plan from Local 159, and as far as I know the first one in District No. One.

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June 1969 Bulletin

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Local 15--75th Anniversary

Seattle, Washington, Local 15--By Dick Montgomery: - - On May 8th, something BIG happened in Seattle! The Moose Club, located across from the Seattle Center, lit up with wine, women and song and a big neon sign heralding the 75th Anniversary of Local 15's charter marriage with what was the National Alliance. Yup! We've been around that long. No existing member was around to see it happen, but we're all mighty glad it did! - - (From left to right: Mr. & Mrs. Sid Phillips and Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Hart, Jr.)

Wrapping text on left side We had some visiting dignitaries, of course. Sid Phillips graced our head table, along with Chris, who reminded me somewhat of Candid Camera. I hope the pictures turned out, Chris. A number of our good friends from Local 154 were there: Tommy Watters, Ash Bridgham, Walt Rorman and Fred Jienke just to barely mention some. Jack Craig came all the way from Oakland, John DiSciullo and William Goritsan were here from Portland (as seen in picture along with Floyd Hart), and many, many more.

"THE HART LINE" - - The Seattle Repertory Theatre just returned from a very successful tour to Bergen, Norway and Floyd Hart, resident technical flunky, had (??) to go along. Floyd's wife, Jo, was able to go along too and they managed to drift down to London before returning to Seattle.

Wrapping text on right side Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.: - - As promised in the last issue it was stated I would give a complete report on the standing of our Obscenity Bill introduced to the recent session of the Washington State Legislature. We now have a law in effect as of June 12, 1969. In picture from left to right: Sid Phillips, International Representative, Senator James Keefe of Spokane (honorary member of Local 185), Representative William J. May, Spokane, member of Local 93, Ed Hird, President of Local 154, Seattle, Frank Carlson, Business Agent of Tacoma Local 175. Seated, and signing Washington Bill, is Governor Dan Evans. This Bill is for all hired projectionists in the State of Washington offers immunity against any film showing adjudged to be obscene. All projectionists should want to make note of this Bill. It is Senate Bill 29. There were a lot of steps taken to finally get this through. The one individual and hardest working award could go to Bill May, member of Spokane Local 93. The biggest and most important factor was, of course, the individuals who wrote and talked to all Senators and Representatives in the State of Washington. I know it was a lot of work, took some time, but should be gratifying to know we now have a law that specially protects us.

Wrapping text on right side Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson: - - On May 14, 1969 Governor Tom McCall signed the Obscenity Bill into law. In picture, left to right: Tom Bond, Business Agent Local 159, Portland, Oregon, Harold DeLarm, Business Agent of Eugene Local 675, Lloyd Robinson, Local 159, Portland, Oregon, Fred Myers, Local 159, Portland, Oregon, watching Governor Tom McCall signing the bill. These three Local No. 159 projectionists had more than the usual interest in seeing this Bill signed, as they each had at one time been arrested for showing allegedly obscene movies. All of their cases were later dropped and the City Officials agreed that the Theatre Management should be responsible for showing such movies rather than the Projectionists.

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September 1969 Bulletin

Portland, Oregon, Local 28--By Don Dumas: - - Local 28 intends to hold its Diamond Jubilee on March 12th, 1970, this being the only open date that month. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that nothing gets booked on that day. The International General Executive Board has set a meeting for the week of March 8th, 1970. Everyone is hoping that nothing will happen to cause any change in plans.

Spokane, Washington, Local 93--By Leo T. Vigil: - - Brother Kin Devereaux retired June 1st and is busy as ever. He and Mrs. Devereaux just left for Seattle. He will represent the Local at the Washington State Labor Convention. His son Bob replaced him as stage manager of the Spokane Coliseum upon retiring. Local 93 gave a retirement party honoring Brother Devereaux, stage manager of the Coliseum for the past 15 years. Bob is well qualified as he has traveled as head electrician on such shows as the Ice Show, Aunt Mamie and the American Ballet all over the U.S., Canada, South America and Russia.

Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson: - - The same rumors, with more added to them, are going around about the Moyer Theatres. So far nothing favorable has happened. Sorry to report though that he is building a new Drive-In at 112th and Foster.

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December 1969 Bulletin
Local 175 60th Anniversary

Tacoma, Washington, Local 175--By Parker Bundy: - - December 1, 1909 this Local was chartered. A small group of men starting in a new field of entertainment in a bustling waterfront lumber town which was Tacoma 60 years ago, formed this Local. Some contributed a lot and made it their lifetime occupation, while others contributed little. During the 60 years that we have been banded together, there is one member we honor in paticular who spread the word about Tacoma Local 175 more than anyone. That was the late Brother Orin Jacobson, who served this Local as business agent for many years. In observance of our 60th birthday we held a celebration along with dining and dancing on Monday, December 8th, 1969.

Spokane, Washington, Local 93--By Leo T. Vigil: - - I was saved from the embarrassment of arrest this week when the Fox Theatre was closed for showing an aleged obscene motion picture. Under the law passed at the last legislative session, any projectionist who had no financial interest in an alleged obscene picture could not be held responsible for the content of said picture and secondly was hired to project said picture as a mechanic and not as a censor.

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March 1970 Bulletin


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Local 28's Committee Meeting President Walsh

Portland was honored again with two great occasions--The International Board Meeting of the I.A.T.S.E., which started the week of the March 9th, 1970. Ten years ago, almost to the date, the Board met here in Portland, Oregon, March 21st, 1960 at the Multnomah Hotel. This time, however, they came not only to have a Board Meeting, but also to celebrate with Local 28 their 75th Anniversary. In the picture is Local 28's Committee: left to right; James Patrick, Donald Bagley, William Goritsan, John DiSciullo, President Walsh and James D. Robinson..

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Monday, March 9th, 1970 the opening ceremories of the Board Meeting in Room 244, Sheraton Motor Inn

In the picture you can see International Representative Sid Phillips introducing each member. First row, all members of Local 28, left to right, Bill Goritsan, James robinson, Don Bagley, E.J. Patrick, Don DuMas and John DiSciullo. Back row, Russ Phelan, B-20; Al Williams, Film Row Locals; Mike Hockman, Tom Bond and Frank Beier, members of Local 159.

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"Check from John DiSciullo, Local 28 to Floyd Hart, Business Agent Local 15 for 16 cents owed for postage."

Portland, Oregon, Local 28--By Don DuMas: - - At 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday in the Mail Ball Room of the Sheraton Motor Inn, Local 28's Jubilee Banquet was held. Business Representative John DiSciullo intorduced the membership as the hosts to the guests, turning the microphone over to Internaional Representative Sid Phillips who introduced Mayor Schrunk, welcomed International President Richard F. Walsh and the International Executive Board to the City of Roses, Portland, Oregon, wishing them a pleasant and successful vist. International President Richard F. Walsh responded by recalling previous meetings with the mayor and complimented him on representing a beautiful and clean city.

The International Presedent paid tribute to Local 28 for its progress of the last seventy five years, recognized the ones that had been members for over fifty years, Brother James F. Williams sixty years (seen in picture). Recalled to Brother James Morgan the pleasant events of years past, the 50th Annivesarry, the Local's gift to Mrs. Walsh, also the difficulty of younger men to be accepted into Stage Hands Locals at that time. Stated his pleasure of noting the younger members taking an active part in the labor movement by becoming officers, cooperating with sister locals, central labor bodies and state federations.

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June 1970 Bulletin

Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.: - - Perhaps by this time the majority, if not all, the members of District No. One have been informed of the practically formed NORTHWEST ASSOCIATIONS OF IATSE LOCALS. Everyone involved within the boundaries of Dictrict No. One has received an invitiation to these meetings and the turnour has been overwhelming and very gratifying. This Associatin includes all Projectionist and Stagehand Locals and by the time you read this shall be off and running or a thing of the past depending on what will be the pleasure of the delegates at the June 18th meeting. I will not elaborate on this at this time, except to say that this is a thing that will work, has worked, and like all progress is only a matter of time.

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September 1970 Bulletin
Highlights-38th District Convention

The District No. One Convention was held in Cincinnati, Ohio in the Netherlands Hilton Hotel, July 18th, 1970. International Represtentative Sid Phillips was the appointed Chairman by the International Office.

It was the recommendation of the Insurance Committee to increase the Death Benefit Allowance from $1,000.00 to $1,200.00 with out any increase in Death Assesment. Motion to accept the Insurance Committee's recommendation was made by Floyd Hart, Jr. Seattle, Local 15, seconded by Marion Taylor, Olympia, Local 344. It was approved by the delegates.

C.W. Christensen was re-elected as District Secretary. The Advisory Board: Hobart Burns, Chairman, 663, Lewiston, Idaho; Merl Olson, 339, Missoula, Montana; Sid Phillips, 28, Portland, Oregon and Floyd Hart Jr., 15, Seattle, Washington.

Delegate List

Delegate Name
Local # City & State
Floyd E. Hart, Jr. 15 Seattle, Washington
Sid Phillips 28 Portland, Oregon
No Delegate 91 Boise, Idaho
Kim Devereaux 93 Spokane, Washington
No Delegate 94 Butte, Montana
Stanley Pehrson 117 Bellingham, Washington
Herb Olson 154 Seattle, Washington
Thomas Watters, Jr. 154 Seattle, Washington
C.W. Christenson 159 Portland, Oregon
Tom Bond 159 Portland, Oregon
Frank Carlson 175 Tacoma, Washington
J.A. Fiamengo 180 Everett, Washington
Paul Morse 213 Great Falls, Montana
No Delegate 234 Walla Walla, Washington
No Delegate 240 Billings, Montana
Leonard B. Hinds 254 Yakima, Washington
Merl Olson 339 Missoula, Montana
Marion G. Taylor 344 Olympia, Washington
No Delegate 351 Anacortes, Washington
Chet Lamont 401 Vancouver, Washington
Vivian Luce 429 Aberdeen, Washington
George F. Juricich 445 Bremerton, Washington
No Delegate 463 Pocatello, Idaho
No Delegate 613 Salem, Oregon
George F. Henkel 651 Wenatchee, Washington
Hobert Burns 663 Lewiston, Idaho
Homer Merritt 672 Klamath-Medford, Oregon
D.D. Hempy 675 Eugene, Oregon
No Delegate 742 Wallace-Kellogg, Idaho
A.E. McDuffie 785 Coos Bay, Oregon
Josephine M. Hart 887 Seattle, Washington
Russ Phelan B-20 Portland, Oregon
A. Richard Jamison B-21 Seattle, Washington
Allen E. Williams, Jr. CE-19 Portland, Oregon

Front row, left to right: Stanley Pehrson, 117; Thomas Watters, Jr., 154; Sid Phillips, 28; International President Richard Walsh; C.W. Christenson, District Secretary; second row: Vivan Luce, 429; Paul Morse, 213; Russ Phelan, B-20; Hobart Burns, 663; Homer Merritt, 672; Tom Bond, 159; L.B. Hinds, 254; Josephine M. Hart, 887; Floyd Hart, Jr., 15; D.D. Hempy, 675; fourth row; seated: Frank Carlson, 175; standing: George F. Henkel; A.E. McDuffee, 785; Merl Olson, 339; George juricich, 445; fifth row, standing: A. Richard Jamison, B-21; Herb Olson, 154; Allen E. Williams, B-19; Joe Fiamengo, 180; Marion G. Taylor, 344.

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December 1970 Bulletin

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Jim "Fat" Morgan Celebrates his 80th

Members of IATSE Locals and friends gathered at Henry Thiele's Friday night, October 9th, 1970 to celebrate the 80th birthday of Jim "Fat" Morgan. Jim Morgan came into Local 28, Stagehands, Portland, Oregon, November 9th, 1910. He had served the Local as Business Agent for thirty-five years. The only time that he left to do other things was in World War 2 when he spent 11 months in the shipyards and also did a stretch as an operator at the Hollywood Theatre. Jim was a lovable character and those who gathered that night surely expressed their feelings.


Tacoma, Washington, Local 175--By Parker Bundy: - - With a new year approaching and election of officers for the coming year scheduled for our December meeting--one familiar figure will be missing. Brother Frank Carlson passed away suddenly on October 22nd. Born in Malmo, Sweden on February 22nd, 1904, he emigrated to the U.S., arriving in Tacoma when he was 16 years old. Frank had been a member of this Local since 1927. From silent to cinerama, and from the old Apollo Theatre to the Tacoma Mall, he had spanned nearly 50 years of motion picture business in Tacoma. His interest in the projection field came about when he was employed as a doorman in a local theatre. He joined the Marines in 1922 and after a tour of foreign duty returned to Tacoma to work in many local theatres, retiring from the mall booth in 1969. He was elected to the office of business agent in 1952 and except for a few months, held that office until his death. He was dedicated to his local and to its members. His accomplishments were many and his failures were few.

Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson: - - Since the last Bulletin the non union Moyer Circuit has acquire three more theatres: The Village, the Valley and the latest one the Irvington. In each case it was a lock-out. He now has thirteen theatres in the City of Portland. There is no question in my mind that we aren't hurting him, and there is no question in other people's minds that they are receiving "lousy" projection. The next paragraph will show what other people think of projection in the Moyer Theatres. It appreared in the Oregonian November 21st, 1970 and it was written by Ted Mahar, Drama Editor of the Oregonian.

Dear Editor:
If John Wayne could see how "True Grit" was presented at the Eastgate theatre, he'd roll over in his saddle and shoot the manager. The film print was old and worn....with continual breaks in sound and picture. To cap the show off, the operator managed at one time to get two reels running simultaneously and superimposed, a very interesting effect, but probably not what the directed intended. At $2.25 per head admission these days, there ought to be a law.
H.E. Clark, Portland

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