Banner - District One History

1971 - 1972

  1. March 1971-Fred Jiencke Quits-Report From Local 159
  2. Fall 1971-Hollywood Theatre 45 Years Old
    Local 887 10 Years Old-Ed Powell Elected Vice President
    Albuquerque Board Meeting

  3. Winter 1971-Reports From Locals 28 & 93
  4. Spring 1972-Report From Local 154
    Washington State Penitentiary
    Local B-20, Russ Phelan Retires

  5. Fall 1972-Highlights-39th District Convention-Delegate List
    Local 94 70th Anniversary-Local 28 Loses Slim Williams

  6. Winter 1972-Report From Local 154
    Walter Diehl Visits The Northwest

March 1971 Bulletin

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Seattle Times article, February 3rd, 1971, By: Don Duncan: - - Fred W. Jiencke is calling it quits after a career as a motion picture projectionist that has spanned silent films and talkies, family fun and X-rated fare, stars such as Mabel Normand, Mary Pickford, Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe and Paul Newman.

The 81 year-old head projectionist at the Coliseum Theatre will retire this week and turn the job of running M*A*S*H over to his son, Fred W. (Bill) Jiencke, Jr. A grandson, Fred W. (Bud) Jiencke, 3rd, is a projectionist at the Uptown.

Jiencke has been in the Coliseum's projection booth 40 years. For 20 years before that he worked in theatres whose names are still with us (Colonial, Paramount, Fifth Avenue) and whose names are only dim memories (Rex, Clemmer, Gem, Queen Anne). For 26 consecutive years he was president of Local 154.

Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson: - - The latest thing that happened in Portland was on February 8th, 1971 Moyer took over the Paramount Theatre. This makes thirteen houses that Moyers are running non-union.

Tommy Moyer Jr., said to Brother Justin Stoll when he was locking him out of the Paramount Theatre, "We plan on putting good pictures in the Paramount. Moe Mesher couldn't get pictures for the Paramount. We have a good booker, and that is the name of the game." Brother Robinson who was also locked out of the Paramount, had worked there for thirty-eight years.

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FALL 1971 Bulletin

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The Hollywood Theatre, N.E. Sandy Blvd., and 41st Avenue, in Portland, Oregon, celebrated its Forty-Fifth Birthday July 12, 1971. Forty-Five years ago the Hollywood opened with a Fox Picture entitled "More Pay, Less Work." The star was Mary Brian. The admission was $.25 cents for adults and $.20 cents for children. Cecil Teague was guest artist on the $40,000.00 Wurlitzer that night. Robert Clark was the house Organist.

The Hollywood seated 1500 at that time, and on display in the Lobby was a 1926 Whippet, described as "America's First European Style Light Car."

Down through the years the Hollywood has had a colorful history. When Cinerama made its National debut, the theatre was remodeled and the three projector, three panel louvered screen was installed. Then, the largest screen of its kind in Oregon. The Hollywood was the first and only Theatre in Oregon to show the dimensional type pictures.


Seattle Local 887 was chartered July 1st, 1961. Original members were: Floyd Hart, B.A. and Secretary; Joephine Hart; Evelyn Watters, Vice President; Etta Dahlbeck, President; Mabel Walsh; Edith Starrett; Margret Durness and Annabelle McNabb. Vice President O.M. Jacobson installed these officers at our first meeting in 1961.

The World's Fair (in April 1962) gave us a good start in getting our Local lots of work. Over the 10 years we have been able to sign contracts with the Repertory, Seattle Opera and ACT Theatre and after 10 years the Local has 12 members.

Portland, Oregon, Local 159--By C.W. Christenson: - - The non-union Moyer situation here in Portland is no better. They have acquired another theatre, the Lake Theatre in Lake Oswego. With the buying power that Moyer has, he is getting the cream of the crop of pictures.

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Edward C. Powell (pictured with President Walsh) has been unanimously elected to the position of Vice President by the General Executive Board of the IATSE which held its mid winter meeting from April 19 through 23, 1971 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The election was held to fill the vacancy created by the election of Patrick H. Ryan as General Secretary Treasurer last October. Mr. Powell, Business Agent of Local 16, Stage Employees of San Francisco has been a member since 1952, and an International Representative since 1968.

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In picture left to right, Sid Phillips, Intenational Representative, John DiSciullo, Business Agent, Local 28, Portland, Oregon, International President Richard F. Walsh and Floyd Hart, Jr., Business Agent, Local 15, Seattle, Washington. President Walsh stated at the meeting that New Mexico has "a good start right now" in the movie business. "We were told that there is some growth in the movie industry here," Walsh said. "We came in to take a look at it." "From what I've seen so far, you have a good start right now," he added. At this meeting were nine vice presidents of the union, its three top officers, about 20 representatives of locals from over the U.S. and 60 other union members. Walsh said he hasn't been in Albuquerque since 1930 and he is "greatly impressed by the many changes." During his visit he was on the set of "Cowboy" staring John Wayne on location near Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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WINTER 1971 Bulletin

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Portland, Oregon, Local 28--By William G. Goritsan: - - As the year comes to an end we look back with pleasent memories at a good year. Signing a three year contract before the freeze and going into effect the freeze was one of the big accomplishments for the year. All our brothers have been kept very busy, with Brother hurd traveling with "Hair", Brother Repp with "Disney on Parade", George Howard operating his own theatre consulting business, Don Cameron, always worrying about how to get to "River City", Hugh Seely, bouncing basketballs at the Coliseum, Holmstron skiing on Mr. Hood and DiSciullo waiting for a freeze so he ice skate on his new pool, Joe Bickford trying to figure out which car is the best, Holland looking forward to a raise, Ed Lane and Andreasen making good use out of their hunting gear. Wrapping text on left side

Spokane, Washington, Local 93--By Leo T. Vigil: - - Another year is about ready to slip by and we wonder where the time and money we have earned has gone. Time will go on regardless.

All our men here have been kept busy and have had plenty of work. The weather has permitted our drive-ins to run here on week ends, no real cold yet but it won't be long, then they will close until spring. Theatres downtown have had a fair attendance this summer. Seems that there is a lack of good pictures or not too many.

The boys are looking forward to the Ice Show at Christmas time as it is quite different in regards to work and all enjoy working it. Some of the men will take vacations after working this show.

Hope all the members and their families of District No. One have a Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year. Adios, Leo.


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SPRING 1972 Bulletin

Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.: - - Here we go into 1972, another year, and lots of things ahead to do. We, of 154, have our contracts expiring August 31 this year. That means much work ahead beginning almost immediately. Also, we are confronted with our forthcoming IA Convention in Milwaukie as well as our own District No. One gathering. Then we add the Washington State Labor Convention in August and the National Cope meeting in April to give us a sum total of work, work, work.

If anyone should consider that as not so much, let us mention the fact we are still pursuing and have planned meetings on the formation of an Association of IATSE Locals. Considering Local 154 has formed a picket committee and have taken action against at least two theatres in our area that do not have Union contracts, it becomes apparent that inactivity is not one of our shortcomings.

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Under the auspices of the National Endowment for the Arts, the Washington State Arts Commission, and the Washington State Cultural Enrichment Program, the Seattle Repertory Theatre presented admission free performances in fifteen cities throughout the state during the first week of March.

In picture on the right is Floyd Hart, Business Agent Local 15 with other Local 15 members and the Prison Crew setting up the show.

Seattle members of the IATSE, Stagehands' Local 15 participated in a newsworthy "first" during the Seattle Repertory Theatre's current Washington State tour of "Adaptation" by by Elaine May and "Next" by Terrence McNally , when the two one-act comedies were performed free of charge at the Shelton Correctional Center for Men (March 14) and the State Penitentiary at Walla Walla (March 19).

The Seattle Repertory Theatre is the happy recipient of a generous $500.00 donation, contributed to the theatre's Sustaining Fund Drive by the members of Local 15. "The Stagehands' Union has been of invaluable assistance ever since the theatre's inception," noted SRT Producing Director Peter Donnelly, "and we would like to express our most sincere thanks for their continuing support and generosity. This is a further example of the warm cooperation that exists between the management and the various trade unions. This $500.00 gift from the Stagehands' has moved the theatre that much closer to its fundraising goal, and we are indeed grateful."


Portland, Oregon, By Frank Flori: - - When Russ Phelan took over Theatrical Employees Union B-20 in 1938, the new local had neither recognition nor contracts.

Thirty-four years later membership has grown from seven to an average strength of 220, with the major sports stadiums and centers. Civic Auditorium, Expo Center and many other theatres under contract. Memorial Coliseum has had B-20 members since it opened, but an attempt to sign a contract continue.

Phelan has stepped out on doctor's orders after serving 34 years in the dual capacity of Business Agent and Financial Secretary of B-20. The Union is an affilate of the IATSE.

"The structure of the union was practically built by one man," said Todd Blake, who was elected Financial Secretary and who shares Business Agent duties with Bud Lee.

He recalls the first three contracts signed by his Local B-20 in 1938; the Multnomah Kennel Club and the old ice coliseum on N.W. Marshall. We finally got the motion picture theatres signed in 1939 through action of the International," recalled Phelan. "We signed the Evergreen Theatres, which then operated six or so major theatres in Portland."

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FALL 1972 Bulletin

Highlights-39th District Convention

The District No. One Convention was held in the Marc Plaza Hotel, Milwaukie, Wisconsin on Saturday, July 29th, 1972 at 10:15 A.M. International Representative was assigned by the International to chair the District No. One Convention.

Report of the District Secreatry: QUARTERLY BULLETIN Cost of printing the Bulletin over the last two years has raised repeatedly. The cost of mailing and stamps have gone up. The cost of printing six Bulletins over the past 24 months is $4,679.18. Included in this is the mailing of the Bulletins and the 1970 proceedubgs. We had an income from ads of $2,030.00. The cost of printing the last Bulletin was $453.00 for eight pages. $55.00 plus per page. I am looking for a new printer and try to get it printed cheaper. Of course the Christmas issue runs us around $1,100.00.

It was recommended by the Insurance Committee to increase the Death Benefit by $200.00 to $1,400.00 per death. Further realizing the possibilities of changes that could occur in the District within the next two years, it is recommended that full authority be given to the Insurance Committee to review this before the next Convention in 1974, and only if absolutely necessary, possible reduce the payment to no less than $1,300.00 per death. Motion carried

C.W. Christenson was elected as District Secretary. Elected to the Advisory Board were: Chairman, Hobart Burns, Lewistion, Local 663; Merl Olson, Missoula, Local 339; Sid Phillips, Portland, Local 159; Floyt Hart, Jr., Seattle, Local 15.

Delegate List
Delegate Name
Local # City & State
Floyd E. Hart, Jr. 15 Seattle, Washington
J.D. Robinson 28 Portland, Oregon
Lyman Grunder 91 Boise, Idaho
Thomas Gorman 93 Spokane, Washington
No Delegate 94 Butte, Montana
Fred Graham 117 Bellingham, Washington
Herb Olson 154 Seattle, Washington
Thomas Watters, Jr. 154 Seattle, Washington
C.W. Christenson 159 Portland, Oregon
Sid Phillips 159 Portland, Oregon
Horace Smith 175 Tacoma, Washington
Joe Fiamengo 180 Everett, Washington
Fred Olson 213 Great Falls, Montana
Paul Sheley 234 Walla Walla, Washington
No Delegate 240 Billings, Montana
Leonard B. Hinds 254 Yakima, Washington
Merl Olson 339 Missoula, Montana
Marion G. Taylor 344 Olympia, Washington
No Delegate 351 Anacortes, Washington
Lowell Wheeler 401 Vancouver, Washington
Marvin Frost 429 Aberdeen, Washington
Howard C. Hansen 445 Bremerton, Washington
No Delegate 463 Pocatello, Idaho
No Delegate 613 Salem, Oregon
George F. Henkel 651 Wenatchee, Washington
Hobert Burns 663 Lewiston, Idaho
Homer Merritt 672 Klamath-Medford, Oregon
Marvin Ramsay 675 Eugene, Oregon
Carmello Amato, Jr. 742 Wallace-Kellogg, Idaho
Antonio Butto, Jr. 770 Anchorage, Alaska
A.E. McDuffie 785 Coos Bay, Oregon
Josephine M. Hart 887 Seattle, Washington
Allen E. Williams, Jr. CE-19 Portland, Oregon
Lou M. Kahn F-21 Seattle, Washington
A. Richard Jamison B-21 Seattle, Washington


Front row, left to right: - - C.W. Christenson, District Secretary 159; Homer Merritt, 672; Thomas Watters, Jr., 154; Fred Olson, 213; Merl Olson, 339; second row, left to right: International Representative Sid Phillips, 159; Floyd Hart, Jr., 15; Marion G. Taylor, 344; Horace E. Smith, 175; H.C. Hanson, 445; Joe Fiamengo, 180; third row, left to right: Josephine M. Hart, 887; Marvin Frost, 429; Lyman Grunder, 91; Fred Graham, 117; Marvin Ramsey, 675; forth row, left to right; Lowell Wheeler, 401; L.B. Hinds, 254; Hobart Burns, 663; J.D. Robinson, 28; Allen E. Williams, B-19; back row, left to right: Herb Olson, 154; Tom F. Gorman, 93; Carmello Amato, 742; Paul Sheley, 234; Lou Kahn, F-21; Richard Jamison, B-21; A.E. McDuffee, 785; G.H. Henkel, 651.


Butte, Montana, Local 94--By Sam Spiegel: - - All three theatres are running steadily to fair to good business. On June 21st the Local held its Seventieth Anniversary dinner. While this date is not our official date, the dinner was also to honor our two sixty year members Brother William Spiegel and Sam Spiegel. The dinner was held at the Silver Bow County Airport and started at midnight to give our members in Anaconda and Whitehall time to arrive and take part. At the last minute I was drafted to again act as MC. This is the third time I have served, at our fiftieth and at our sixtieth.


On July 16, 1972, Local 28 lost its 60 year member, James F. Williams.

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WINTER 1972 Bulletin

Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.: - - As another year fades away we once again look forward to the new year and wonder what lies ahead that could possible cause any more problems that we have already witnessed in the past.

Our Northwest Association had another meeting and welcomed another Local to its folds; Local 159, Portland. We now have a membership of nine local unions: 117 Bellingham, 154 Seattle 175, Tacoma 180, Everett 344, Olympia 401 S.W. Washington, 445 Bremerton, 429 Aberdeen and 159 Portland. Many problems lie ahead, but our strength is now forming. This is the step to keeping with the changing times. We must, first, organize ourselves to maintain an organized jurisdiction.


Assistant International President Walter F. Diehl arrived in Spokane, Washington, November 12th, 1972 at 11 p.m. His plane was late due to a snow storm in Denver. He met with officers of Local 93, Spokane, Washington. He had a long session.

Next morning, November 13th he went to Lewiston, Idaho. Met with Brothr Hobart Burns and officers of Local 663, Lewiston. Enjoyed a lunch at the Elks Club. Then drove to Pullman, Washington and talked to people at the College. That afternoon flew to Portland, Oregon and that night met with officers of Local 28 at the Auditorium. At midnight went to Labor Center and attended meeting of Local 159, Portland.

Next morning, November 14th, drove to Seattle. (Stopped in Tacoma and visted with Mrs. Viola Jacobson for a few minutes.) Then met in Seattle with various Locals from Western Washington and Portland. After that he met with delegates of the Northwest Association of IA Locals at their first official meeting.

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