Banner - District One History


  1. Proceeding Of 46th Convention
  2. Delegate List
  3. Highlights of the 46th Convention
  4. Report of the District Secretary
  5. Recommendations Of The District Secretary
  6. Report Of Committees
  7. Unfinished & New Business
  8. Election Of Officers
  9. Newsletter Christmas, 1986--About District No. One
    By Thomas Watters, Jr.

  10. Newsletter Christmas, 1986--Report From Local 672
  11. Newsletter Christmas, 1986--Report From Local 154
  12. Newsletter Christmas, 1986--Report From Local 339


Held at the Diplomat Hotel
Hollywood, Flordia
Saturday, July 12, 1996

The meeting was called to order at 10:09 A.M., by Secretary/Treasurer Thomas Watters, Jr. He offered a welcomed to all in addendance and mentioned the fact that all people seated were credentailed delegates and guests. Roll Call and tabulation will be taken at the ruled order of business. He, then, introduce the appointed Chairman and Presiding Offices for this 46th Convention: International Representative Chuck Weber. Chairman Weber welcomed all Delegates and guests assembled here today and mentioned he was honored to preside over this 46th District Number One Convention.

Chairman Weber appointed the following temporary Convention Officers: Sergeant at Arms: Floyd E. Hart--Local 15. Assistant to the Secretary: Frank Baird--Local 154.

The next order of business was roll call and tabulation of votes and guests. Below is the list of Delegates to the 46th District No. One Convention:

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Delegate List

Delegate Name
Local # City & State
Floyd E. Hart, Jr. 15 Seattle, Washington
Paul Bryan 15 Seattle, Washington
Peter Alward 28 Portland, Oregon
John R. DiSciullo 28 Portland, Oregon
No Delegate 91 Boise, Idaho
Bill Specker 93 Spokane, Washington
No Delegate 94 Butte, Montana
John Stanovich 117 Bellingham, Washington
Frank Baird 154 Seattle, Washington
Thomas Watters, Jr. 154 Seattle, Washington
Sid Phillips 159 Portland, Oregon
Glenn Gilbert 175 Tacoma, Washington
Joe Fiamengo 180 Everett, Washington
No Delegate 240 Billings, Montana
Ed Hauff 254 Yakima, Washington
Irvin Renz 339 Missoula, Montana
Charles V. Burgess 672 Klamath-Medford, Oregon
Elizabeth Rosenblatt 675 Eugene, Oregon
Josephine Hart 887 Seattle, Washington
Willie Jackson 918 Anchorage, Alaska
Allen Williams CE-19 Portland, Oregon
Virginia Armbrust F-21 Seattle, Washington
Bernice Graven SD-NWB Seattle, Washington

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Highlights Of The 46th District Convention

Roll Call tabulation showed seventeen delegates, seventeen votes with fourteen Local Unions represented. This is from a potential of seventeen Local Unions with twenty delegates. In addition, we have three guests from the special departments and/or branches of our Alliance.

Chairman Weber called for the reading of previous minutes of the District no. One Convention held in Bal Harbour, Florida Saturday 14 July 1984. Secretary Watters read a synopsis of those proceedings.

Chairman Weber asked if there were any errors, omissions or corrections. Hearing none he ruled previous proceedings approved as read and recorded.

The next order of business was the reading of deceased members of District No. One since the last convention in 1984. Chairman Weber asked all to stand in silence as the following names were entered:

FINAL CURTAIN: - - John C. Smith, Local 180 - - Hollis Ballew, Local 159 - - Wilford Steele, Local 401 - - Emmett Sullivan, Local 94 - - Thomas Watters, Sr., Local 154 - - Dean Skillingstad, Local 154 - - Elmer Weaver, Local 240 - - Louis Gibbs, Local 675 - - Carl Blessing, Local 91 - - Donald Johnston, Local 401 - - Leslie Davis, Local 159 - - Justin Stoll, Local 159 - - Orville Dennis, Local 175 - - John Murphy, Local 91 - - William Sisom, Local 15 - - Frank McClellan, Local 154 - - William T. Bond, Local 159 - - Jeffrey Miller, Local 180 - - Chester Lamont, Local 401 - - Calvin Davidson, Local 28 - - Norman Clark, Local 401 - - Frank Dunham, Local 154 - - Thurman Justus, Local 175 - - Marvin Bowman, Local 94 - - M. Glenn Taylor, Local 175 and Elmer Johanson, Local 154.

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This is the 46th Convention of District No. One within our Alliance. Our last convention was held in Bal Harbour, Florida in July of 1984. This report will cover events, position and financial standing of this district as pertains to my duties and obligations these past two years.

District No. One presently comprises seventeen local unions in the five northwestern United States. We have a per capita membership of 611 and a Death Benefit Fund enrollment of 638.

Since our last convention, Local 663 Lewiston, Idaho was dissolved in February 'of 1985. Local 770 of Anchorage, Alaska was dissolved the beginning of 1985. In May of 1986 the Southwestern Washington State Local No. 401 was merged with the Tacoma Local 175.

Communications received were copied, reported and forwarded to all local unions of this district. With the exception of per them payments to delegates at this convention, all bills are paid to date. Death benefits are paid to beneficiaries to date with the last paid DA number 655.

The cost of printing three newsletters since the last convention including postal permits, fees and stamps was $752.24. The cost of printing and mailing the convention proceedings and the 1984 revised- Constitution and By Laws of this district since the last convention was $332.20.

Referring to the financial statements of this district you will please note that our General Fund for the year 1984 increased from $2677.84 to a balance of $3278.15 end of that year. For the year 1985 it expanded to $3802.66 end of that year and in the just 6 months of this year, to date, we have a balance of $4155.49.

So far as the Insurance Fund is concerned this needs some explaining. If you will refer to the 1984 audit you will see an increase from $67,556.86 to $80,521.01 end of that year. The 1985 audit shows an increase from $8O,521.01 to an ending worth of $92,069.51. The recap for the first 6 months of this year to date of this convention shows an ending balance of $90,747.53. The recap to date is what needs explaining. The six months of this year is not an audit, but a recap of actual cash to, date of this convention. As you can see from this years recap we show a drop in the Insurance Fund of $1321.98. This is not a true picture of profit and loss.

First, D.A.'s have been paid through No. 655. Locals of this district were just billed last month for DA's No. 652 653 and 654. To attend this convention the locals were notified they were only obligated to have D.A.'s paid up through No. 651. This was because of the timing of the convention call. For DA No. 655 would bring in about $1300.00. Locals not paid for the previous assessments would add another $2,000.00. Since our new CD as of 3/20/86 in the amount of $75000.00 was only for 6 months there is no interest included in the recap. To date, that would add another $1400. 00. At the time of this report, interest for June in our Insurance Fund checking account (MMD) was deleted. I would guess that to be about $75.00. If all this was tallied, with locals paid to date, our true financial standing in the Insurance Fund account would be in excess of $95,000.00. Taking into consideration the drop in interest rates the past two years would still show an increase in assets but at a slower rate.

Even with this, I think we should evaluate our position on the future of our District Death Benefit Fund. Many options are open to us. We are getting closer to being able to inaugurate a self-sustaining fund. That of course, depends on interest rates and what we invest in for the best return and at what risk. But that is in the future. Let us explore some present options to attain that goal.

No. 1: We can continue as we are now doing. Benefit payable is $1500.00 and assessments are $2.00 each. With our membership down about 50 people combined with lower interest rates our assets will increase at a slower rate.

No. 2: We could continue the $2.00 assessment and lower the benefit to maybe $1300 to $1350 and realize face appreciation of interest money.

No. 3: If we would raise the assessment to $2.50 we could easily afford an increase to $1600 (or higher) for benefit payable. There are numerous other options, of course, like maybe the first 5 or 6 D.A.'s in any one year would be at no assessment and D.A.'s following at a decided rate per assessed death. Or, we could reverse the order and pay on the first 6 or 7 and spell out some reasonable cap per year for local unions to pay.

I do not offer these options to confuse the issue but to show there are innumerable options of making our Death Benefit Fund meaningful and minimally adequate and yet continue to look forward to the day we could offer a self sustaining fund.

I will make a definite recommendation on this Insurance Fund to delegates assembled in convention in the secretary recommendation part of the agenda.

It is important for all delegates elected here to understand certain facts of our Death Benefit Fund. It is equally important that this message be conveyed to your union memberships through your reports to them. This fund was initiated in the year 1941 for the purpose of providing some financial help to the family of the deceased member in the time of need. To make it work the rules drafted made it mandatory that each and every member of a local union of this district participate. The only requirement was to remain a member in good standing. Membership requirement does not discriminate against age, working standard or classification. There, too, are provisions for the member to withdraw from membership and remain in the fund.

We are now in a reasonable healthy condition in our General Fund. I would like to see it improved. Some locals of this district are increasing their membership and some retaining themselves. Other locals are being decimated, dissolved and merged. This may appear detrimental at the time, but very possibly in some few years to come could put us in a healthier position for future bargaining strength and provide a better form of coordinated communication among ourselves in this district.

I foresee this General Fund to be used to help defray delegate convention costs and, hopefully, in the future provide a way to have annual meetings or convention or caucuses. I could elaborate further on this subject, but will not take your time to do so in this report.

Just before I left for this 46th Convention of ours I received a call from the Department of Labor for the purpose of auditing our record keeping for the year 1985. This stems from our requirement to submit a LM-3 and LM-1 reports on an annual basis. As any fiduciary officer is obligated to hold the records of office confidential this DOL comes in and is given the right to peruse these confidential items. But not without some restrictions.

The last item I have to report on is entitled "Things Not Done". From the previous convention in 1984 there were two states not represented. They were Idaho and Montana. According to our constitution, newly revised, the District Secretary is to cause an electin within the District after convention by referendum vote. This was not done. Presonal reasons prevented me from doing this. In general, I just ran out of time. We were involved in Local 154 negotiations (which were horendous), the Convention Proceedings of this District and the compiling of the revised Constitution and By-Laws of this district. This was well into 1985 and it appeared senseless to cause an election of people that would serve no purpose for the time left until the next Convention in 1986. I am prepared to answer any questions from the Delegates on this subject at our open 1986 Convention.

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Continue the Death Benefit Fund plan as it now stands. Benefit payable @ $1,500.00 with the assessment per member through the local unions @ $2.00 each. Referred to Insurance Committee.

Salary of the District Secretary to remain at $1,400.00 annually. M/S/C

Per capita tax per member through the local unions to remain at $1.25 per quarter. M/S/C

Accredited delegates to this 46th District Convention to be paid a per diem of $60.00. Guests from special department locals and branches within geographical bounds of this district and who are accredited delegates to the 58th convention of our alliance to be paid $30.00. All delegates and guests must answer roll call, be recognized and be in attendance. M/S/C

Enrollment fee of any new member into the Death Benefit Fund to remain at $25.00. M/S/C

Newsletter to be published annually at Christmas time. Ads can be solicited and charged for. Pictures published to be charged for at a rate set forth at time of publication. M/S/C

Resolution D46-1 be accepted by the delegates assembled. M/S/C as amended.

TO READ AS AMENDED:"The member receiving the Honorable Withdrawal Card shall be advised to apply to the District Secretary for continuance in the Fund and the Local Union must notify the District Secretary of such action. The holder of the Honorable Withdrawal Cards shall pay all future assessments direct to the District office."

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FINANCE COMMITTEE: The finance committee report was called for with Charles Burgess, 672, stating books were complete and in good order. It was recommended to renew our 9/20/86 CD for no more than 3 years. S/C


INSURANCE COMMITTEE: - - Insurance Committee report given by Sid Phillips, Local 159 with the recommendation to keep our program the same: $2.00 ssessment and $1,500.00 benefit. S/C

GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE: - - Grievance Committee given by Frank Baird, 154, who stated much discomfort of witnessing a brother member of a sister local crossing picket lines of a Moyer Theatre where local 154 had been conducting a consumer boycott program. It was brought to the attention of the delegates assembled that the brother member had a contract through an outside company and was obligated to fulfill the contractual duties of installation. There was no determination to this long discussion, but much dissatisfaction was expressed over individual approaches towards the non-union operations and anti-union attitudes.

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UNFINISHED BUSINESS: John DiSciullo, Local 28, asked some questions regarding the Death Benefit Fund.

NEW BUSINESS: Sid Phillips, Local 159, expounded some remarks about the importance of fulfilling delegate responsibility when appointed to the various committee meetings of the IA General Convention.

Frank Baird, Local 154, made mention of the fact that it was important for the locals of District No. One to notify the district office when merging locals on jurisdictions.

John DiSciullo, Local 28, elaborated on problems surrounding mandatory drug testing in certain facilities under the jurisdiction of local 28. He asked the delegation to keep aware of this subject, as it appears much legislation will be forthcoming on the legality and constitutionality of these actions.

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DISTRICT SECRETARY: Thomas Watters, Jr., Local 154 with 9 votes. John DiSciullo, Local 28 with 8 votes. Thomas Watters, Jr., elected.

ADVISORY BOARD: Alaska, Willie Jackson, 918, no opposition, Idaho, No Delegate, Montana, Irvin Renz, Local 339, no opposition, Oregon, Peter Alward, Local 28 with 10 votes, Charles Burgess, Local 672 with 7 votes. Peter Alward elected, and Washington, Floyd Hart, Local 15, no opposition.

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Alaska, Willie Jackson, Local 918, no opposition, Idaho, No Delegate, Montana, Irvin Renz, no opposition, Oregon, Peter Alward, Local 28, no opposition and Washington, Glenn Gilbert, Local 175, no opposition.

Installation of Officers followed.

GOOD AND WELFARE - - Chairman Weber discharged all temporary officers and committees with thanks. He expressed his gratitude on being appointed to this office as District Number One has always proved themselves to being able to conduct their business expediently and properly. Secretary Watters suggested to the delegation that a round of applause might be in order to show Chairman Weber our appreciation for chairing these meetings.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M., Saturday the 12th of July, 1986.

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Newsletter-Christmas, 1986

About District No. One--By Thomas Watters, Jr.: - - My intention, at the onset, under this heading was to recap articles from our past newsletters, bulletins for the nostalgia and comparison with our present times. Though I have read through many past happenings of our history it seems my timing with the deadline dates does not allow me to put together what I feel would be of sensible interest. I will touch on other issues, not to abandon the original idea.

Mergers of the local unions within our District continues. Seattle, Wash. Local 15 now I encompasses the stagehand jurisdiction of Olympia, Tacoma, Bremerton and Everett. Tacoma, Wash. Local 175 now covers projectionist jurisdiction from Tacoma south to Vancouver. Seattle, Wash. Local 154 now covers projectionist area of Bremerton and Everett. From reports received there seems to be a move to consolidate Locals 94 and 339 in Montana. A new local union in Idaho has been formed. It is a television and broadcast studio employee local out of Boise; Local 925 TBSE. I am in communication with them at this time to formulate their admittance into this district.

The number of local union are diminishing but per capita membership seems to be holding.

Participation in this newsletter is far from acceptable. You may note some improvement and a reasonable amount of ads and greetings, but it could be much better. I will not expound on this subject further as my pen is still hoarse from past appeals. We now are down to one issue per year, Christmas time.

Please accept my personal Seasons Greetings to all of you this season.

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Klamath Falls/Medford, Oregon, Local 672--By Robert J. Yeager: - - How fast the time goes by. Klamath Falls just signed a new contract with Redwood Theatres. The company demanded a few changes from the past but at least they have a contract for another five years. Medford has been put off until the end of December for negotiations with Oregon California Theatres. At this time it doesn't look very good for us. There are about ten too many here and they are all non-union. The competition for the company is terrible. If we can get a new contract we will be lucky.

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Seattle, Washington, Local 154--By Thomas Watters, Jr.: - - With the summertime past, we are now in the midst of the winter season. Bad news is the cold and rain but the good news is the holiday festivities.

The motion picture theatre survives and the producers and exhibitors continue to amass fortunes from this entertainment media. We, the projectionists, continue to worry and fret about the future of it all. We have, I know, in the past and we will, I think, in the future. I sometimes wonder why.

Since our last report, we have acquired a contract addition for the new SRO Oak Tree Six Plex in the north end of Seattle. It is a very nice theatre unit with the very latest in design and technical innovation directed at the comfort and entertainment of the theatre going public. This opened in May 1986.

About the same time we acquired another Moyer unit to picket. It is a seven plex located in the Alderwood Shopping Mall.

To offset the Moyer bad news, we negotiated a reasonable agreement with the General Cinemas Corp. on their new Kitsap six plex located in Silverdale, few miles out of Bremerton.

In July of this year we completed merger agreement with the Everett Local No. 180. We are now the Seattle Everett Local No. 154. We inherited two union theatre units and two non-union (Moyer) theatre units.

Our membership still holds right around 100. We have lost, for the year 1986, 10 members to death, transfer, withdrawal and expulsion. For the same time period we have obligated 12 new members.

We hope all our brother and sister members of the local unions of District No. One enjoy a Merry Christmas and have a Happy Happy New Year.

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Missoula, Montana, Local 339--By Irvin A. Renz: - - I am back in the saddle again, riding the range rounding up the members for meetings, collect the dues and assessments, pay the bills and take care of the books. I hope the members are doing a good job wherever they are now working. The University Stagehands have been real busy this spring with the Drama and Dance Programs, in the new production of Arts and Radio Television Building. The Montana Repertory Theatre has made the spring tour with Mark Deen working the Head Department. Steve Nelson has requested a transfer and has been accepted by Local No. 12 in Columbus Ohio.

The Missoula Local is in the process of acceptance of the merger from the Butte Local No. 94. We hope to have a meeting arrangement with the Butte Local and an I.A. Representative in the near future.

The Motion Picture Theatres are doing fairly well, with the few good pictures they have to show. Some Theatres have cut down the number of perform (showings) this cutting the hours and expenses. I am still working part-time relief at the Village 6, also doing the maintenance.

I have been elected as a delegate to the I.A. Convention in Hollywood, Florida in July. I have plans to attend the Convention to see and meet the delegates from the I.A. and District One.

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