SECRETARY/TREASURER JOHN R. DI SCIULLO: I call the 48th Convention of District #1, IATSE to order and welcome all of you to Hollywood, Florida.
At this time I would like to introduce our Chairman who also chaired our last District Convention, Seventh Vice President, Nick Long and let him start the meeting.
CHAIRMAN LONG: It's a pleasure to be back with District One and hope you have a good two years. We will now seat the Delegates:
Delegate Name
Local #
City & State
Floyd E. Hart, Jr.
Seattle, Washington
Joseph E. Cook
Seattle, Washington
Tom Bugas
Portland, Oregon
John R. DiSciullo
Portland, Oregon
No Delegate
Boise, Idaho
Pat Devereaux
Spokane, Washington
David McRae
Seattle, Washington
Glenn Gilbert
Tacoma, Washington
No Delegate
Billings, Montana
No Delegate
Missoula, Montana
No Delegate
Klamath-Medford, Oregon
Jim Bradford
Eugene, Oregon
Jo Hart
Seattle, Washington
Willie Jackson
Anchorage, Alaska
No Delegate
Boise, Idaho
Local 925, Boise, Idaho not in attendance due to Delegate they voted on does not show as a member of Local 925 on the District Records. Chairman DiSciullo read a letter that was sent on June 18, 1990 which is made part of these minutes:
Mark L. Montgomery
Dear Brother Montgomery:
Local 925, I.A.T.S.E.
1004 N. 15th
Boise, Idaho 83702
I am in receipt of Local 925 Delegate Credential naming Harry J. Floyd as a delegate to the District #1 Convention. In checking your membership roster, I do not find Harry J. Floyd as a member of Local 925.
I refer you to Article III, Section 4. of District #1 Constitution and ByLaws, which I have enclosed, which states: "Delegates to all District Conventions must be elected by their Locals as prescribed by Federal Labor Laws and in the same manner as set forth in the International Constitution and By-Laws."
I also refer you to Article Four, Section 1. Eligibility which states: "Any member in good standing shall be eligible to be a delegate to any Convention of this Alliance provided he is chosen by the membership of his local union on a secret ballot vote, or if the local's Constitution and By-Laws so provides, is accredited by virtue of his having been elected to office in the local in accordance with federal law; but no member of the General Executive Board, the Board of Trustees of this Alliance or the AFL-CIO Delegate shall, during this term of office be permitted to represent any local union, but he shall have voice, although no vote, on all questions which may come before that body, and shall also be eligible for nomination and election."
If I am in error about Brother Floyd's membership please forward any information which shows him as a member of your Local.
s/s John R. DiSciullo
John R. DiSciullo - - District #1, Secretary
That is the list of Delegates for the 48th District No. One Convention. We also have one guest, from the Special Department in Seattle, Shirley St. James.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: On the appointment of the temporary officers and Committees, Chairman Long will read the list, but I would like to inform you that due to only ten Delegates I have not appointed a Grievance or Election Committee. If we need those committees I will appoint them during the meeting.
CHAIRMAN LONG: The Committee appointments will be as follows:
RESOLUTION COMMITTEE: Devereaux Local 93, Hart, Jo Local 887, Gilbert Local 175
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Hart Local 15, McRea Local 154, Jackson Local 918
SERGEANT at ARMS: Floyd Hart Local 15
INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Bugas Local 28, Cook Local 15, Bradford Local 675
ASST. to the SECRETARY: Tom Bugas, Local 28
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The next order of business is the reading of the minutes of the previous Convention Proceedings. Would the body like me to read the proceedings of the last convention?
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX: I move we do not read the proceedings of the last convention.
DELEGATE GILBERT: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Is there any discussion on the motion, if not all in favor say I, opposed, carried.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The next order of business is the reading of the names of members we have lost since our last Convention.
FINAL CURTAIN: - - Forrest E. Kindle, Local 175 - - Wallace L. Hutchings, Local 93 - - Lloyd F. Knight, Local 93 - - Silvio C. Monti, Local 154 - - James W. Hickey, Local 159 - - Gary J. Penix, Local 15 - - Hobart D. Burns, Local 91/663 - - Thomas F. Duke, Local 91 - - James R. Larimer, Local 672 - - Leland W. Ballard, Local 175 - - William J. May, Local 93 - - David E. Minnick, Local 15 - - Leslie M. DuVall, Local 175 - - Herman J. Bergren, Local 675 - - Bernard G. Derr, Local 28/15 - - Joseph J. E. Poc, Local 15 - - Robert F. Kunselman, Local 401/174 - - Robert F. Kunselamn, Local 154 - - Carl J. Ellis, Local 175 - - Lee W. Brown, Local 154 - - John M. Widner, Local 175.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Should we all stand and have a moment of silence. OK, thank you.
Now we go on with the report of the District Secretary.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: This is the 48th Convention of District No. One within this Alliance. This report will cover financial standing and events of this District that pertain to my duties as District Secretary.
Since the 47th Convention in Reno, Nevada we have seen the members of Local 117, Bellingham, Washington merge with Local 15 and Local 154, Seattle, Washington and the members of Local 159, Portland, Oregon, merge with Local 28, Portland, Oregon. Local 672, Klamath Falls-Medford, Oregon and Yreka, California is now down to three members and the local has informed the International of that fact.
District No. One now has thirteen locals left with a Per Capita membership as of July 1, 1990 of 597 members and 588 members paying into the District Death Benefit Fund. We also have 30 members out of the 588 total paying as Honorable Withdrawal Members. Local 925 in Boise, Idaho is paying per capita but has not joined in the Death Benefit Fund but is in good standing to date.
All Locals in the District have been billed for Death Assessments through #703 and all Locals are paid as of July 12, 1990 except Local 91, Boise, Idaho which owes for the 1st and 2nd Quarter per capita and Death Assessments #697-703. 1 have contacted the local and found out that the statements have not been received, as they changed their address. They informed me to send another bill and they would pay as soon as they receive it. Local 240, Billings, Montana owes 2nd quarter per capita and for Death Assessments #702-#703. Local 339, Missoula, Montana owes 2nd quarter per capita and for Death Assessments #702-#703. Death Assessments #704 and #705 have been paid, but have not been billed to the locals.
The cost of printing and mailing the 1988 Newsletter was $313.65 and for 1989 $392.15. The added cost for 1989 was because we added another page to the Newsletter. When sending less than 750 copies, there is no saving between permit mail and first class. If we expand the Newsletter beyond two pages we cannot mail it for twenty-five cents so our cost would rise about $100.00 per mailing.
The printing of the 1988 Convention proceedings was $190.45 for thirty copies. This was about twice as much as for years past because I printed the full minutes, with all the discussion on the Death Benefit Fund. I felt that we should all remember what we voted to do at the last Convention.
The Death Benefit Fund as of December 31, 1987 had a balance of $99,288.54 and as of December 31 1988 the balance was $100,781.67 with our CD worth $91,638.45. As of December 31, 1989 the balance of the Fund was $106,950.74 with the CD worth $98,481.02. As of June 30, 1990 the CD is worth $98,508.58 and $9,762.66 in the checking account. The reason that the CD balance is not greater is because I have to take part of the interest from the CD and transfer it to the checking account to make up the $324.00 we loose because of the membership of the District being below 750 members by 162.
The General Account Balances: December 31, 1987 - $4,144.66 December 31, 1988 - $2,955.80 December 31, 1989 - $4,192.19 June 29, 1990 - $5,227.61
For a full breakdown of expenditures, see attached Balance Sheets..
As mandated by the 47th District Convention the Insurance Committee, under the guidance of the Advisory Board will remain intact to explore options for the Death Benefit Fund prior to the next Convention. As District Secretary, I sent requests for proposals for District #1 Death Benefit Fund to the following Insurance Companies: Union Labor Life, Standard Insurance Company, United of Omaha, Pacific Mutual, UNUM Life Insurance Company, The Guardian Life Insurance Company, The Phoenix and the Principal Mutual Life Insurance Company. Of the above companies the following made a proposal: Union Labor Life, Standard Insurance Company, United of Omaha and Pacific Mutual.
Under the proposal made by United of Omaha, by paying them $100,000.00 in advance we would receive paid up insurance for all members age 72 or older and they would be removed from any further payments from their Locals. As of this date we have 74 members 72 years or older. In the future, as members reach the age of 72 they will receive a paid up policy and Local Unions will no longer pay for these members.
The rate for this policy would be $24.36 per member per year or $2.03 per member per month. As our average DA's per year over the past 15 years is 13 per year or $26.00 per member per year it would be a fixed amount paid each month and not a rate per death, as it is now. If we do not change the present way of funding this insurance program, I can only see us raising the assessment to cover the $1500.00 payment for each death.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I move we accept the report as read.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any discussion on the motion? If not we'll vote on the motion. Those in favor say I, opposed no, carried. I'd just like to say one thing. I think it was a fine report. Excellent report.
CHAIRMAN LONG: The next order of business will be the reading of the Recommendations of the District Secretary.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Recommendations of the District Secretary:
1. DEATH BENEFIT FUND: To enter into a agreement with United of Omaha to provide a $1500.00 policy for all members now covered under the District No. One Death Benefit Fund and to pay United of Omaha $100,000.00 in advance to purchase paid up insurance for all members 72 years or older covered under the District No. One Death Benefit it Fund and purchase a $1500.00 for all other members and all new members for $24.36 per member per year or $2.03 per month.
2. Salary of the District secretary shall remain at $1500-00 annually until December 31, 1991. Effective the first quarter of 1992 it will increase to $1600.00 annually.
3. Per Capita from the Local Unions based on membership shall be increased to $1.30 effective first quarter 1991 and to $1.35 effective first quarter 1993.
4. Per Diem payments to Delegates who are approved at this 48th District No. One Convention shall be a sum calculated by dividing the number of delegates assembled into Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.00). In the event that the number of Delegates less than Twelve (12), the maximum per them shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Approved Special Department guests in attendance shall receive one-half (1/2) of the Delegates per diem.
5. If the United of Omaha plan is approved, amend the Constitution and By-Laws of District No. One as follows:
Section 1. The District Death Benefit Fund is a part of the Constitution and By-Laws of District No. One and operates under the following rules and guidelines.
Section 2. The monies collected and disbursed shall be transacted to and from account(s) designated DISTRICT NO. ONE, I.A.T.S.E. INSURANCE FUND. Assessments levied on members through the Local Unions shall be deposited into accounts that are easily accessible and provide the highest yield of interest with the least amount of risk that can be expected in order to conform with normal standards of a fiduciary responsibility.
Section 3. All members of Local Unions affiliated with this District shall be required to participate in the Death Benefit Fund. Any person obligated to pay full membership dues in a Local Union of this District shall be required to fill out a Beneficiary card, supplied by the District, (strike)accompanied with an enrollment fee payable to the Local Union.(end strike) The locals of this District shall handle all data, assessments and fees collectible from the members and forward to the District offices. (strike>Enrollment fee shall be a sum approved by delegates at a regular Convention of this District, however when the International deems it appropriate to wave a applicant processing fee for organizational purposes, the Local may also wave the applicant Enrollment fee. This can only be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Advisory Board, for emergency reasons, in the interim of regular Conventions.(end strike)
NEW-Any Local Union having members paying less than full membership dues will have the option of having those members participate in Death Benefit Fund by following the above conditions.
Section 4. (strike)Upon the death of a member of an affiliated Local Union, there shall be an assessment levied on each full dues paying member of a Legal Union of this District. The District Secretary shall notify each Local of the assessment due for the deceased by name, Local number and Death Assessment number.(end strike) NEW-Each Local Union shall pay $2.03 per month on each full dues paying member under the age of 72 of a Local Union and the option of paying $2.03 per month on members paying less than full dues of a Local Union of this District. Assessments shall be billed quarterly and END NEW each Local Union shall be responsible for payment of assessments to this District. Amount of assessment due shall be fixed in the amount as approved by delegates convened at a regular Convention of this District. This could only be changed by a two thirds majority vote of the Advisory Board, for emergency reasons, in the interim of regular Conventions .
CHAIRMAN LONG: Would anybody else like to speak?
Section 5. Upon the death of an enrolled member in the Death Benefit Fund, the District Secretary shall NEWbe supplied with a Death Certificate by the Local Union and the District Secretary will forward it to United of Omaha for payment END NEW (strike)pay the benefit(end strike to the named beneficiary in accordance with procedures outlined:.
(strike) (a) Full amount of designated beneiit to be paid to beneficiary upon receipt of Death Certificate and copy of funeral (burial) expense paid.(end strike)
(a) For purpose of defining beneficiary and in the event of beneficiary deceased, the following shall apply: Benefit due shall be payable per conditions set forth in Section 4 and 5 a (strike)and b(end strike). In the event beneficiary is deceased, or nonapplicable because of legal findings, the benefit due shall be paid to one in the following order: first, to the spouse of the member; second, to the members's living children (legal and/or adopted) equally divided; third, to the living mother and/or father of the member; fourth, to estate of the deceased.
(strike) Less than fulll amount of benefit due, but no less than one half of amount due upen receipt of Death certificate and copy of funeral (burial) expense not paid. N0 more than one half of benefit due will be paid to Funeral Home when the expenses has not been satisfied. The balance, no less than one half, will be paid to the applicable beneficiary.(end strike)
Section 6. Any member who has held continuous membership of a local union in this District for at least twenty (20) years or has reached age 65 with fifteen (15) years continuous membership may, upon being granted an honorable withdrawal card, participate in the District Death Benefit Fund by paying Death Assessments when due. The member receiving the Honorable Withdrawal Card shall be advised to apply to the District Secretary for continuance in the Fund and the Local Union must notify the District Secretary of such action. The holder of the Honorable Withdrawal Cards shall pay all future assessments direct to the District Office.
Section 7. A retired member of a Local Union who has met retired qualifications under Article IV, Section 1.A. of the International Constitution and By-Laws will be considered a member of a Local Union and will participate in the Death Benefit Fund as outlined in Section (strike)2(end strike) 3 of this Fund description.
Section 8. Death assessment shall be in the amount as approved by delegates assembled at a regular Convention upon recommendation from the District Secretary. Benefit payable shall be in the amount as approved by delegates assembled at a regular Convention upon recommendation from the District Secretary. Assessments levied or benefit payable could only be changed, for emergency reasons, between Conventions upon a two-thirds majority vote of the Advisory Board.
6. Add to Article IX, Section 1 which reads: "Revenue into the General Fund of this District shall be derived from a per capita tax as recommended by the District Secretary and/or approved by delegates assembled in a regular Convention." NEW Per Capita Tax will not be required on members of any Local Union who have received a GOLD CARD from the International. END NEW
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any discussion on the Recommendations?
DELEGATE JACKSON LOCAL 918: 1 have some questions about the Death Benefit, but is this the right time to bring it up.
CHAIRMAN LONG: I think this is a good time for any questions you may have on any of the recommendations.
DELEGATE JACKSON LOCAL 918: How is United of Omaha going to cover death claims during the policy year when we only have 580 paying members at $24.36 per year, that would only amount to $12,100 per year. If we have over 13 deaths per year and they are paying $1500.00 per death, that amounts to $19,500.00 that there would still be a loss on their part. How will they handle that?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: They are getting $100,000.00 up front they are hoping that all the members that die are over the age of 72, but we know that will not happen so what we pay in each month will make up the difference. Also, I am sure they will invest the $100,000.00 better than we can, so the interest off of that amount will also help. The rate is based on all the members under the age of 72 and that age average is what rate they are charging us. Out of the $2.03 per month, a $1.53 goes into a paid-up policy for all the members under the age of 72. They feel that the $100,000.00 is taking care of their liability. If you look at some of the other rates, you will see that United of Omaha is half the rate of Union Labor Life.
DELEGATE JACKSON LOCAL 918: As members get older and we are still only getting $1500.00 death benefit, it seems to me that we are not getting much for our money ten years down the road if we are still paying the $2.03 per month. $1500.00 thirty years from now is considerable less than $1500.00 today.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Let me try and answer your question. We also looked at a $2000.00 pay off, but that would have cost us $2.36 per month and they would have paid-up all members who were 71 years or older. The reason I thought we should start with the $1500.00 is because that is where we are now, but at the end of three years we may be able to buy more insurance at the same rate. This will happen if our age average is better then it is now and we will be getting more members on with paid-up insurance also.
DELEGATE BUGAS LOCAL 28: What he is saying, is that the rate per month could go down but also the company is saying what will go down is the age level because of the paid-up policy, but that will never fall below 65 years of age. We would hope that sometime, that all members of the District will receive a paid-up policy when they reach the age of 65.
DELEGATE JACKSON LOCAL 918: Was there any thought at all given to the idea of taking the $100.000.00 and doing something with it, as giving paid up policies to these seventy some members and then just eliminating the whole thing?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Yes we did, but we don't have enough money to do that.
DELEGATE JACKSON LOCAL 918: I mean just eliminating this insurance all together. We're the only District doing this.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We discussed this at the last Convention and I thought we could, but legally I can't see how we could do it - At least by buying this policy we will be paying off many of the members who have paid in to it for many years. There is nothing said that three years from now you come back to the Convention and say we now have only a couple thousand dollars left in the Insurance account, so let's quit this policy. The main thing we are doing here is getting the District out of the Insurance business.
DELEGATE JACKSON LOCAL 918: It looks to me that we are starting of f with a policy that has a high rate, but as we go along it will average out in the long run that it will get cheaper.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: That's right. We are at the worst level we can be at because of the age average of the members. The only way it gets better is the Local's taking in younger members.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: 1 don't think any of us here would vote to start a plan like this right now. Fortunately, it's there and I think we have to deal with it. I think John has come up with a way to do it and I know ten years ago we use to talk about the Death Benefit in our Local and everybody complained about it. Three months ago I brought up this plan and the Union was in favor of it.
DELEGATE COOK LOCAL 15: I make a motion we accept the District Secretaries recommendation.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Is there any question on the motion?
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: 1 would like to say this before we vote on this motion. We brought this up in Local 15 and there was a unanimous vote to accept the new insurance.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any other questions? Those in favor say I, opposed no, carried.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: This will probably go into effect around the first of September, as that is when the time deposit comes due. The biggest problem we are going to have is to get new Enrollment Cards from all the members. We will need new cards from everybody showing who their beneficiary will be. United of Omaha will use the ones I have already for a while, but please tell your members to get a new card filled out and sent back to me.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Advisory Board Report.
ADVISORY BOARD CHAIRMAN HART: We did not have any meetings but had telephone calls regarding this Insurance program and that the Advisory Board also approved this new Death Benefit Plan.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Do I hear a motion to accept the report?
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any questions? Those in favor say I, opposed no, carried.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Communications and Bills.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: There is not a lot of correspondence to report about, but the most important is from the IRS regarding filling 990 forms and the two EIN numbers the District has. After many letters with the IRS and a few telephone calls, I found out that the EIN number that was used was the wrong number and that they would cancel that number and we should use the other one as it is a non-prof it number. Finally after a couple of months I was sent a letter telling that, so now we are all square with the IRS. I received a letter from the IA on bonding insurance and the rate they charge. I was able to renew our old insurance for $261.00 for a three-year period. This rate was $40.00 a year cheaper than the IA insurance. A letter from Local 339 about sharing labor calls in Montana.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: Brother Devereaux reported on crews he has sent to Montana for movie work, as Local 339 could not cover the work and also did not inform Local 93 that they need help filling the call.
Discussion followed about Locals talking to one another so that when jobs come up in their areas that they can't fill they ask for help from other Locals or give the employer the name and phone numbers of other Locals so they can contact them directly.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Do I hear a motion to accept that report?
DELEGAtE HART LOCAL 15: I so move.
DELEGATE JACKSON LOCAL 918: Second the motion.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any questions? Those in favor say I, opposed no, carried.
CHAIRMAN LONG: OK, then the next thing will be Committee Reports and the first Committee Report will be the Finance Committee.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: The Finance Committee met and looked over the books. They were in order and well done. All the reports were done on a computer printout.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any questions of the Finance Committee? I have a motion to accept the Finance Report?
DELEGATE BUGAS LOCAL 28: I move we accept the report.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Those in favor say I, opposed no, carried. Resolution Committee Report.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: The Committee met and recommends one change in the District Secretaries' recommendations for changing the District Death Benefit Fund language in the Constitution and By-Laws. Glen Glibert will explain the change.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: In Section 4, Assessments we feel that the $2.03 should be changed to a fixed assessment so that we would not have to change the Constitution and By-Laws if the Insurance Company changes the rate.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: What you are saying is that the first sentence in Section 4 should read: "Each Local Union shall pay a assessment per month on each full dues paying member under the age of 72 of a Local Union and the option of paying an assessment per month on members paying less than full dues of a Local Union into the District Death Benefit Fund of this District." And the rest of the section will stay the same.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: Yes, that is correct.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Can we have a motion on that?
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: I make a motion to adopt the change in Section 4, Assessments as read by Secretary DiSciullo.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any questions on the motion? Those in favor say I, opposed no, carried.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: You skipped over Section 3, Membership and Section 5, Payment of Benefits. Do you approve of those changes?
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: Yes, we only wanted to change Section 3 and we recommend approval of Section 3 and 5, and I so move.
CHAIRMAN LONG: You have heard the motion, any questions? Those in favor say I, opposed, no, carried. Now we have one more on page four of the Secretaries' Report, which is an added sentence to Article IX, Section 1.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I move to accept the change.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any questions? Those in favor say I, opposed, no, carried.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: By passing these changes, the Enrollment fee for new members is now out of the Constitution as of today.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: We have one more resolution to read: WHEREAS: during the past 10-15 years the active participation by locals in District #1 has dropped dramatically due to either lack of members, finances or interest, a change in the District #1 Constitution is called for.
BE IT RESOLVED: That Article VII, Section #1, be changed as follows: "The Advisory Board shall be composed of five (5) members of the District, duly elected from the delegates to the District Convention." Submitted by Pat Devereaux, Local 93.
While the Committee sees the need for change, it is hoped the Delegates as a whole will come up with ideas to remedy the situation this resolution addresses.
Moved, Non-concurrence with discussion.
CHAIRMAN LONG: You have heard the Committee recommendation, non-concurrence. Any questions? If not, all in favor of non-concurrence say I, opposed, no, carried. Any other resolutions?
CHAIRMAN LONG: Do I have a motion to approve the Resolution Committees Report?
CHAIRMAN LONG: All in favor say I, opposed, no, carried.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I also feel that something should be done to change this Article so we have a full Advisory Board of five members between Conventions. Another way to handle this is Delegates at any Convention could be nominated to an Advisory Board position if the Delegate from a certain state were not present at a District Convention.
DELEGATE BUGAS LOCAL 28: I make a motion to amend Article VII, Section 1 to add to the second sentence after the word State then the: "balance of the number of Advisory Board members shall be elected from the delegates present at the Convention." The rest of the section will remain the same. Also amend Article VIII, Section 1 to add a new second sentence to read: "In the event no delegate is present from a state then the balance of the number of the Legislative Committee members shall be elected from the delegates present at the Convention." The rest of the section remains the same.
CHAIRMAN LONG: By voting non-concurrence on the last resolution, the only way we can accept your motion is to have it come from the Resolution Committee. Do you have in writing so you could submit it to the Committee?
CHAIRMAN LONG: We will suspend this meeting so the Resolution Committee can act on this resolution. Will the meeting come to order.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: The Resolution Committee has met and we recommend concurrence on the following resolution as reads: Amend Article VII, Section 1, to add to the second sentence after the word State then the: "balance of the number of Advisory Board members shall be elected from the delegates present at the Convention." The rest of the section will remain the same. Also amend Article VIII, Section 1 to add a new second sentence to read: "In the event no delegate is present from a state then the balance of the number of the Legislative Committee members shall be elected from the delegates present at the Convention." The rest of the section remains the same.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I move to accept the changes as read.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any questions? All right, all in favor say I, opposed, No, carried. Insurance Committee.
DELEGATE BUGAS LOCAL 28: The Insurance Committee met and discussed the new United of Omaha Policy and hope that this will end the problems with the Death Benefit Fund and that in future years we will be able to buy more insurance for a lower rate.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Can I have a motion to accept the Insurance Committees report?
CHAIRMAN LONG: All in favor say I, opposed, No, carried. We have no Grievance Committee as we have no grievances, so there is no report.
CHAIRMAN LONG: The next order of business is Nomination of Officers and the first one will be Secretary-Treasurer.
DELEGATE BUGAS LOCAL 28: 1 would like to nominate John DiSciullo for Secretary-Treasurer.
CHAIRMAN LONG: John DiSciullo has been nominated, anybody else, any other nominations, any others, any others.
CHAIRMAN LONG: John DiSciullo for Secretary-Treasure, anybody else, any other nominees, any other nominees, closed. Since there is no opposition for Secretary-Treasure there will no election, if there is no objection. John DiSciullo is your Secretary-Treasure. Next it will be Advisory Board, Alaska.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I nominate the Delegate from Alaska. Willie Jackson.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Willie Jackson, any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. Advisory Board from Alaska is closed. Idaho.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: There is no Delegate from Idaho so we can nominate one of the delegates present.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I nominate Joe Cook.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Joe Cook, any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. Advisory Board for Idaho is closed. Montana.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: There is no Delegate from Montana so we can nominate one of the delegates present.
DELEGATE BUGAS LOCAL 28: I nominate Glen Gilbert.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Glen Gilbert, any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. Advisory Board for Montana is closed. Oregon.
DELEGATE BRADFORD LOCAL 675: I nominate Tom Bugas.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Tom Bugas, any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. Advisory Board from Oregon is closed. Washington.
DELEGATE COOK LOCAL 15: Mr. Chairman I nominate Floyd Hart.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Floyd Hart, any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. Advisory Board from Washington is closed.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Since there is no opposition for the Advisory Board, there will no election, if there is no objection. For Alaska, Willie Jackson of Local 918, Joe Cook of Local 15 for Idaho, Montana, Glen Gilbert of Local 175, Oregon, Tom Bugas of Local 28, and for Washington, Floyd Hart of Local 15.
CHAIRMAN LONG: OK, I'll accept that if that's OK with all of you. Legislative Committee, Alaska.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I nominate the Delegate from Alaska. Willie Jackson.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. That's closed. Willie Jackson Legislative Committee for Alaska. Idaho.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: There is no Delegate from Idaho so we can nominate one of the delegates present.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I nominate Pat Devereaux.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. If not that's closed. Pat Devereaux Legislative Committee for Idaho. Montana.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: There is no Delegate from Montana so we can nominate one of the delegates present.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I nominate Pat Devereaux.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. If not that's closed. Pat Devereaux Legislative Committee for Montana. Oregon.
DELEGATE BRADFORD LOCAL 675: I would like to nominate Tom Bugas.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. If not that's closed. Tom Bugas Legislative Committee for Oregon. State of Washington.
DELEGATE COOK LOCAL 15: 1 would like to nominate Glen Gilbert.
CHAIRMAN LONG: Any other nominees, any other nominees, any other nominees. OK, Glen Gilbert Legislative Committee for Washington. OK, that takes care of those.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Since there is no opposition for the Legislative Committee there will no election, if there is no objection. For Alaska, Willie Jackson of Local 918, Pat Devereaux of Local 93 for Idaho and Montana, Oregon, Tom Bugas of Local 28, and for Washington, Glenn Gilbert Local 175.
CHAIRMAN LONG: OK, I'll accept that if that's OK with all of you. That ends the nomination of officers. Unfinished Business.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Yes, I have some unfinished business which is to pay some bills. First for the coffee and rolls we had this morning and to pay each Delegate the sum of $100.00 each and the Delegate from the Special Department $50.00.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I move to pay the bills.
CHAIRMAN LONG: All in favor say I, opposed, no, carried. Is there any other Unfinished Business? If not we will move on to New Business.
Delegate Hart brought up the subject about the International appointing a permanent International Representative for the Northwest. Discussion followed.
CHAIRMAN LONG: I think that your request is justified and I will take your thoughts back to President DiTolla. Any other New Business. If not, we will skip to Installation of Officers, seeing that we don't have an Election Committee Report and an Election was also not needed. Will the following Officers come forward and be installed, John DiSciullo, Tom Bugas, Willie Jackson, Joe Cook, Floyd Hart, Pat Devereaux and Glen Gilbert.
When I use my name use yours. I, Nick Long, do hereby pledge my word of honor to perform the duties of my office as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws of this Union to the best of my ability and to bear true allegiance to the International Alliance. At the close of my official term, I solemnly promise that I shall deliver to my successor in office all books, papers and property of this Union and to the International Alliance which may be in my possession. To these promises I pledge you my word, fully realizing that to violate this pledge is to stamp me a person unworthy of trust. You have obligated yourself to faithfully and to the best of your ability discharge the duties of your office. You will now proceed to your station and perform the duties of that office and so conduct yourself as to be worthy of the trust reposed on you. Applause from all.
CHAIRMAN LONG: We will discharge all temporary officers and all temporary committees. Any other business to come before this Convention?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I would like to thank Nick Long who chaired the meeting today, and hope we see him in New York in 1993. Applause.
CHAIRMAN LONG: It's been a pleasure, and I hope I do see you in New York in 1993. Do I hear a motion to adjourn?
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Mr. Chairman, I move we adjourn.
CHAIRMAN LONG: All in favor say I, opposed, No, carried.
Meeting adjourned at 4:05 P.M. Saturday, July 21, 1990.
DISTRICT NO. ONE, I.A.T.S.E. & M.P.M.O. of the U.S. & CANADA
Visitors Since February 12, 1999