SECRETARY/TREASURER JOHN R. DI SCIULLO: At this time I call the 49th Convention of District No. One to order and welcome all of you to New York City and we will now seat the Delegates:
Delegate Name |
Local # | City & State | |
Floyd E. Hart, Jr. | 15 | Seattle, Washington | |
Jacob K. Smith | 15 | Seattle, Washington | |
James Burbach | 28 | Portland, Oregon | |
John R. DiSciullo | 28 | Portland, Oregon | |
No Delegate | 91 | Boise, Idaho | |
Pat K. Devereaux | 93 | Spokane, Washington | |
Frank J. Baird | 154 | Seattle, Washington | |
Glenn A. Gilbert | 175 | Tacoma, Washington | |
David Bakker | 240 | Billings, Montana | |
Bruce J. Bull | 339 | Missoula, Montana | |
No Delegate | 488 | Pacific Northwest | |
Jim Bradford | 675 | Eugene, Oregon | |
Mary Gustafson | 887 | Seattle, Washington | |
No Delegate | 918 | Anchorage, Alaska | |
Harry J. Floyd | 925 | Bosie, Idaho |
Special Guests: Rick George, President Local 675, Eugene, Oregon, Jo Hart and Laurel Cancilla, Local 887, Seattle, Washington.
I would now like to introduce our Chairman for our District Meeting is Sandra England, International Representative assigned to the Northwest and now living in the Northwest and I will now turn the meeting over to her.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I like to first of all point out to that we are very honored today to have Assistant to the President, Harry Floyd as a delegate to this District. We will now appoint the temporary officers for the 49th Convention of District No. One, Committee Appointments: Resolutions: Pat Devereaux-93, Mary Gustafson-887 and Jacob Smith-15. Grievance Committee: Harry Floyd-925. Finance Committee: Floyd Hart-15, James Burbach-28 and Bruce Bull-339. Insurance Committee: Glenn Gilbert-175, Jim Bradford-675, Frank Baird-154 and David Bakker. Elections Committee: No Delegates. Sergeant at Arms: Floyd E. Hart Jr. 15 who we are also honored to have here today as he is probably the longest standing Delegate to this District.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: If there is a Election we will appoint out of the other Committees members to the Election Committee if needed.
SECRETARY /TREASURER JOHN R. DI SCIULLO: I call the 48th Convention of District #1, IATSE to order and welcome all of you to Hollywood, Florida.
SECRETARY /TREASURER JOHN R. DI SCIULLO: I call the 48th Convention of District #1, IATSE to order and welcome all of you to Hollywood, Florida.
CHAIRMAN LONG: It's a pleasure to be back with District One and hope you have a good two years. We will now seat the Delegates:
Local 15, Seattle, Washington-----Floyd Hart--Joseph E. Cook
Local 28, Portland, Oregon----John DiSciullo--Tom Bugas
Local 91, Boise, Idaho not in attendance.
Local 93, Spokane, Washington-----Pat Devereaux
Local 154, Seattle, Washington---- David McRae
Local 175, Tacoma, Washington---- Glen Gilbert
Local 240, Billings, Montana not in attendance.
Local 339, Missoula, Montana not in attendance.
Local 672, Klamath Falls,Oregon not in attendance.
Local 675, Eugene, Oregon---- Jim Bradford
Local 887, Seattle, Washington----Jo Hart
Local 918, Anchorage, Alaska----Willie Jackson
Local 925, Boise, Idaho not in attendance due to the Delegate they voted on does not show as a member of Local 925 on the District Records. Chairman DiSciullo read a letter that was sent to Local 925 on June 18, 1990 which is made part of these minutes.
Mark L. Montgomery, Local 925, I.A.T.S.E., 1004 N. 15th, Boise, Idaho 83702 Dear Brother Montgomery; Then the letter was read.
I refer you to Article III, Section 4. of District #1 Constitution and ByLaws, which I have enclosed, which states: "Delegates to all District Conventions must be elected by their Locals as prescribed by Federal Labor Laws and in the same manner as set forth in the International Constitution and By-Laws."
I also refer you to Article Four, Section 1. Eligibility which states: "Any member in good standing shall be eligible to be a delegate to any Convention of this Alliance provided he is chosen by the membership of his local union on a secret ballot vote, or if the local's Constitution and By-Laws so provides, is accredited by virtue of his having been elected to office in the local in accordance with federal law; but no member of the General Executive Board, the Board of Trustees of this Alliance or the AFL-CIO Delegate shall, during this term of office be permitted to represent any local union, but he shall have voice, although no vote, on all questions which may come before that body, and shall also be eligible for nomination and election.".
If I am in error about Brother Floyd's membership please forward any information which shows him as a member of your Local.
Fraternally, yours s/s John R. DiSciullo, John R. DiSciullo, District #1, Secretary
That is the list of Delegates for the 48th District No. One Convention. We also have one guest, from the Special Department in Seattle, Shirley St. James.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: On the appointment of the temporary officers and Committees, Chairman Long will read the list, but I would like to inform you that due to only ten Delegates I have not appointed a Grievance or Election Committee. If we need those committees I will appoint them during the meeting.
CHAIRMAN LONG: The Committee appointments will be as follows: And the appointments were read.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The next order of business is the reading of the minutes of the previous Convention Proceedings. Would the body like me to read the proceedings of the last convention?
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX: I move we do not read the proceedings of the last convention.
If at this time would anyone like to make a motion that we do not read the rest of the proceeding of the last convention.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX Local 93: I move that we do not read the proceeding of the last convention.
DELEGATE HART Local 15: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anyone on the question?.
DELEGATE BAIRD Local 154: I would like to make a correction in the minutes. Under Final Curtain, Robert F. Kunselman is listed twice, once under 401/174 and also 154. Brother Kunselman was a member of Local 154.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
DELEGATE HART Local 15: Call for the question.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: All in favor of the motion please signify by saying I, opposed? So ordered. At this we should pay tribute to the people in Final Curtain, all rise:
DEATH'S 1990: Ernest C. Kowallis, 91/HWD - Richard D. Stonebrink, 28/159 - James L. Cliney, 15 - Paul Costello, 254/HWD and Lester T. MacWatters, 154.
DEATH'S 1991: Bill F. Hughes, 91/663 - Bill T. Jensen, 15 - Robert B. Nix, 93 - Leo J. Vigil, 93 - Harvey R. Mitchell, 15 - Bruce A. Russell, 175 and Robert L. Morrell 1, 54/HWD.
DEATH'S 1992: Clyde G. Richards, 675 - Herbert Kurasch, 28/159 - Stanley Copko, 28 - Harry W. McGauhy, 175 - Marya T. Graf, 93 - Donald B. DuMas, 28 - Goethert H. Schnbert, 254/HWD and Allen E. Williams Jr., 28/159.
DEATH'S 1993: Jean H. Neimoyer, 672/HWD and Duke Jarvis, 254/HWD.
At this time we will take a minute of silence in memory of our departed brothers and sisters. Gavel
DELEGATE BAIRD Local 154: There is another correction in Final Curtain, Harvey Mitchell was a member of 154 not 15.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Thank you brother. At this time we will have the report of the District Secretary, John DiSciullo.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: This is the 49th Convention of District No. One within this Alliance. This report will cover financial standing and events of this District that pertain to my duties as District Secretary.
Since the 48th Convention in Hollywood, Florida we have a new local in District No. One. On April 1, 1992 Local 488, Studio Mechanics of the Pacific Northwest received its Charter from the International. At the end of the second quarter of 1993 the membership of District No. One is as follows: Local 15, Seattle, WA: 142, Local 28, Portland, OR: 123, Local 91, Bosie, ID: 12, Local 93, Spokane, WA: 44, Local 154, Seattle, WA: 58, Local 175, Tacoma, WA: 29, Local 240, Billings, MT: 25, Local 339, Missoula, MT: 24, Local 488, Pacific Northwest: 259, Local 675, Eugene, OR: 32, Local 877, Seattle, WA: 21, Local 918, Anchorage, AK: 25, and Local 925, Bosie, ID: 12 for a total of 806 members paying Per Capita. This total is up 206 members since July 1. 1990. Local 91 and 918 have not paid their 2nd Quarter Per Capita.
All Locals in the District have been billed for Life insurance through June 30, 1993. Local 91 and 918 have not paid as of June 30, 1993. Local 488 is not participating in District No. One's Insurance Plan at this time. Members of Local 488 are covered under the IATSE National Health and Welfare Fund; Plan "C" which has a $5000.00 Death Benefit paid by the Employer along with their Health Plan. With this kind of coverage I feel that they should not be part of the Insurance Plan of District No. One. I will purpose a Constitution Change to cover the above if approved by the Delegates at the District Convention.
The printing of the 1990 Convention proceedings was $137.70 for thirty copies.
The Insurance Fund, after paying United of Omaha $100,000.00, had a balance of 12,604.44 as of October 1990 and as of June 30, 1993 has a balance of $14,526.14. We are now paying $2.03 to United of Omaha on 481 members for $976.43 a month. This is about the average payment since October 1990. Because of the interest on the account we have gained $1921.70 over the 32-month period.
I have enclosed a copy of a letter from United of Omaha saying that our rate of $1.35 per $1000.00 will remain at its current level for the next policy year. They recommend that the paid up life insurance be lowered to become available at age 71. Currently, the age is 72.
I would like to raise the Life Insurance benefit from $1500.00 to $2000.00 for a payment of $2.70 per month per member. With the balance in the Insurance Fund, the Fund could pay $.40 cents of the raise and the Locals pay $.27 cents of the raise. This would cost the fund about $4700.00 over the next two years and we would still have around $9800.00 left for a reserve. If the Delegates feel that this is too much of a raise for the Local Unions, we could raise the Benefit to $17500.00 with the Locals paying $.14 cents of the raise and the District could pay the balance of $.20 cents. This would then cost the District about $2350.00 over the next two years. If either of the raises were approved they would go into effect in October 1993 to October 1995.
The General Account Balances: December 31, 1990 - $4,073.40 - December 31, 1991 - $5,114.77 - December 31, 1992 - $6013.22 - June 30, 1993 - $6,748.40.
For a full breakdown of expenditures, see attached Balance Sheets.
After many years without an International Representative assigned to the Northwest, let along living in the Northwest, President DiTolla has assigned Sandra England to the area to help the Locals with any problems they may have.
The International's 100th Centennial Ad was $2000.00 plus $240.00 for the artwork. As of June 30, 1993 Local 91, 240, and 918 still owe for their share of the ad for an amount of $130.00. That has changed, as Local 240 paid before I left for the Convention. After the balance of the Locals pay the District, cost was $530.00. I want to thank the Locals for their support for the ad, as it was a good way to show off District No. One.
I feel that the Per-Capita from the Local Unions should stay at $1.35 per member for the next two years.
Finally, I want to thank all the Locals in the District for their help during the past three years. With Local 488 chartered in the Northwest it has brought a lot of new members into the International and will benefit the rest of the Locals in the District. That is the end of my report.
DELEGATE SMITH Local 15: Just a question, at the top of page two the wording reads "we could raise the Benefit to $17500.00.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: To many zeroes, It should be $1750.00.
DELEGATE HART Local 15: I move we accept the report.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anyone on the question? You heard the motion, all in favor say I, opposed no, motion carries. At this time we will have a report of the Advisory Board.
DELEGATE FLOYD Local 925: The District Secretary has brought up some questions within his report and maybe they should be taken one at a time.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I think that is a good suggestion. Well, first is the ever-lasting question of the Insurance Fund. Most of this report deals with the Insurance Fund, Johnny, why don't you take them one by one, as you are familiar with it. He has presented you with a couple of options in terms of, well you are right, we need to go back, first of all there is the question of whether or not Local 488, considering that they have a $5000.00 Death Benefit with the Health and Welfare Fund should be as the Constitution requires, obligated to join the fund or whether we want to allow then not to be in the fund.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I would speak against the recommendation for two reasons. One is anybody that has insurance has probably also has a death benefit as part of their employment. Now, the idea of the death benefit fund was not by virtue of employment but by virtue of membership. The amount of $1500.00 should pertain to every member of this District. In my plan I have $10,000.00 for a death benefit, so why are we not exempt from the fund? That is, not the idea of the death benefit fund as by virtue of membership not employment. So I would speak against Local 488 being exempt from the fund and also speak against excluding in the Constitution, which is the rules of this body should not include any individual or group of individuals being exempt from the fund. I think it would validate the idea of the Constitution by allowing specific exemptions from the rule. By making exemptions it opens up the door for all kind of things, and I don't want that door opened.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: We are speaking on a question that hasn't become a question yet, so let's not talk for or against something till it's made a motion to be on the floor for discussion.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I make a motion that Local 488 should not be exempt from joining the Death Benefit Fund.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It's been moved and seconded, anybody on the question?
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I have a question, they have a $5,000.00 Death Benefit, if they are exempted would they still get the $5,000.00?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Yes, anybody else on the question?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Just to fill in a little bit, I think if everybody remembers the problem we had with this benefit fund since 1988, that it was funded by the District and the District was paying the benefits and we finally got it removed into a insurance policy. At the point of this paid up insurance we were able to buy f or $100,000.00 one hundred paid up policies in the amount of $1,500.00. At past conventions we have kicked this around and it has went so far as to try and abolish it, if we could figure out how to get the money back to the people that have paid for it. It really makes no difference to me. I still would like to see us phase the program out, because I don't think the District should be in the insurance business. That is my personal opinion and that is why we went with United of Omaha. I guess that is all I have to say but the thing is your double insuring and the age of the members of 488 did not make a difference on the rate for the coming year. By adding 300 members to the fund may in years to come lower the paid-up policy age, but we have done that this year because of a lower age of the remaining members. So I guess it is up to the Delegates to do what ever they want with this fund.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anybody else on the question?
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I raise the question, if we exempt Local 488, would other locals then be eligible to be exempt from paying?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Local 925 did not join for the reason of their dues structure. The constitution was changed at the last convention for members who do not pay full dues. We changed that because Local 28 has Wardrobe and some other crafts that do not pay full dues as the Stagehands do. If a local runs out of money, Alaska is a good, example as they are one quarter behind in their insurance payments and the local is on it's way to disaster as they have no one to run the local and have been trying to get a new contract with the arts center in Anchorage. They also do not have much money in their treasury. The trouble is, now the District is covering the payment and if they don't pay they will have to be dropped off the plan. If some of the rest of the Locals did not pay, the District could go after them, but if they don't have the money, what do we do? There is nothing in the Constitution to cover this type of a problem.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Don't you have to be a member of the Death Benefit Fund to be a member of the District?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: That's right, but if they run out of money there is no provision in the constitution to cover it, and I guess they would just be delinquent in the District.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Well are they out of the District?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: No, they're just delinquent for the 2nd Quarter insurance payments, as is Local 91. Just one quarter.
DELEGATE FLOYD LOCAL 925: Question, you stated that I as a Local, pay dues to the District but if I don't pay the insurance part of the dues, I am not a member of the District and can not attend the Convention as a delegate?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: That's what the Constitution states. If you're delinquent to the District because you did not pay into the Death Benefit Fund.
DELEGATE FLOYD LOCAL 925: You know what's interesting about this as I read the minutes of the last convention? The whole meeting was taken up with the insurance problem. This District is suppose to be a legislative body not an insurance body. You better look at that as being the only District that does that and the money that some of the locals can't afford then looses delegates to the convention. The International Constitution was changed as the District's were going broke because the Locals weren't paying their dues, we made it an obligation, and you don't pay your District dues you can not send a delegate. That's pretty strong language and that's a pretty responsible thing. And part of that is some other obligation within that structure. I think that is an undue hardship on some locals.
DELEGATE FLOYD LOCAL 925: Local 925 has a contract with the television station with all kinds of insurance including death benefit. Years ago it made sense, as we could not get benefits from the employers and we banded together and got the insurance for ourselves and that certainly was necessary. In this day an age we negotiate with the employer and make him pay. And term insurance is not that expensive. You can be over insured and within the District some of that money could go for legislative purposes. Consideration should be given to a phase out. It seems to me when you read the convention report; it's all taken up on Death Benefit, something wrong here. This is not the purpose of the District.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anyone else on the question?
.DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: Regarding the state of Montana, most of our members have day jobs and covered by insurance in other means and basically the Death Benefit has no real meaning to our members as far as they're wanting to maintain paying for it. So I guess we feel that the money can be spent other ways
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I appreciate your comments brother, but I think we should be speaking on the question, and the question at this point is to exempt Local 488 from the currant Death Benefit or require them to join. Other questions can be brought to the floor, but I think we should remain on the question.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Call for the question.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: The only thing I would like to ask before we vote on this; so we can give a educated vote, is, we have heard comments, and I have been to many conventions, like Delegate Floyd said, all we talk about is the Death Benefit Fund. But if we require Local 488 to take part in the plan, we're making the problem bigger as opposed as making it smaller. But what about the other locals who would like to get out of it. Are we going to let other locals get out of it, if we are going to exempt Local 488 are we going to let other locals out of it and how does that effect the plan. That's very important on how I am going to vote. If we're going to exempt a local, are we going to let other locals out of it?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I would say that would have to be contained in a separate motion.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Not if you change the By-Laws to address this.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: But at this point the motion on the floor is to not to exempt Local 488 from the Death Benefit Fund. Correct brother. Brother Baird moved that. If there is no future discussion on the question please signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C Brother Floyd.
DELEGATE FLOYD LOCAL 925: May I have a point of personal privilege. Unfortunately I have to leave as I have to escort the President around to other functions and I thank you. I am sorry I can't attend as much as I like it, but I have other duties to attend to. You got to look at the finances to this District, which looks pretty good, as I have been to other Districts. I think the District financially seems to be sound and I am sure you will look at all the problems. Look at very seriously as to whether or not in this modern day should do some things, going more to being a legislative body and going into state capitals and try a get some changes for the unions. But I do have to leave and apologize for that and during the Convention, you know my name now, and if you have any questions I will be glad to assist you.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I would like to say one thing, Harry, you are absolutely right about the insurance. This was a lot worse than what it is now because we were the insurance company and were writing the checks to the beneficiaries. So the first step we took was to stop that and get an insurance company to provide the insurance. By buying the 100 paid up policies, if we quit tomorrow, the people who put in the most money have a paid up policy. The trouble was what do we do with the money we have left and with your expertise you may be able to come up with what do we do with the money we have left. I am with you with this District doing more legislative functions. As you know all the District Secretaries met about this yesterday to come up with more communications between the Districts pertaining to more involvement with the legislative process. We could use the balance of the Insurance Fund to help the District expenses we would have in providing more information the Locals. If the Convention votes to quit the insurance program, I guess we would just quit it.
DELEGATE FLOYD LOCAL 925: And that's what meetings are for. I see that I am on the Grievance Committee by myself and don't know how I can be on it by myself.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We don't have any grievances at this time and if we do, we will appoint another delegate to serve with you.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: The chair excuses Brother Floyd and thanks him for his work. Now we will go on to the next item in the Secretaries Report which would be the cost of printing and mailing the Newsletter and the recommendation that we just send out a District Up-Date to each Local every Quarter or twice a year instead of the Christmas Newsletter.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I move we accept that recommendation.
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It's been regularly moved and seconded, is there anyone on the question? Hearing none, all in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: To fill the Delegates in on the recommendation, as I told Brother Floyd the District Secretaries meet yesterday, to do exactly what Brother Floyd was talking about. The Districts want to get a little more involved with education and politically and try from the District level to send out information to the Locals on bills that are pending and information on who they should write to on each item that comes up in the District or other Districts in the Alliance. The NAFTA bill is a good example, which is very detrimental to the Northwest then we really think. The Canadian District Secretaries told us that the worse thing the US could do was pass NAFTA. The treaty that Canada signed with the US has only drove business out of Canada to the US. District #2 is putting together a program that all the Districts will use to get information out to the Locals and to other District Secretaries. Most of the Districts financially are about the same as District #2, with District #7 in the southeast and District #2 in the southwest with a greater treasury to work with. As far as sending out a quarterly newsletter, District #1 and District #7 would have the easier time and they both send out quarterly statements. The extra cost in mailing for us would probably be only about three to five dollars a mailing. It is the hope of the secretaries that the information that is sent to the locals will get out to the membership. It has been proven that letter campaigns do work. Letters to people who are looking for votes can stop them from voting the wrong way. This is a good time to campaign against some of our worst labor laws and that is what I would like to use the money for. I also feel the locals will get more information from a quarterly letter than just one at the end of the year.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Let's move on to the Insurance Fund. Recommendations have been made to increase the benefit from $1500.00 to $2000.00 with a $2.70 per month per member premium, forty cents paid by the District and twenty-seven cents paid by the locals. The second option was to increase the benefit from $1500.00 to $1750.00 with the local paying fourteen cents per month and the District paying twenty cents per month. I would take discussion on these recommendations now.
DELEGATE BRADFORD LOCAL 675: Before we discuss this, I would like to know how or what we would do to phase the death benefit out.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I would suppose if the delegates sitting in convention would say we are going to stop it, we're not going to collect anymore money and as of October 1, 1993 when the contract runs out the only people who will be covered are the members with paid up policies. The money that is left would go into the general fund. It would take the delegates in convention to come up with that and then vote on it.
DELEGATE BAKKER LOCAL 240: I guess I'm in favor of killing it and doing away with it, but what I want to know is, the people who have started paying into it, my members aren't going to care if we have it anymore but some members who have started to paying into it that are in the system, what is the legal aspect of if we kill it and they want to continue it, are we setting ourselves up for any problems? That is my question.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: If that would be the case, and you continue it and lets say out of the four hundred and four, one hundred wanted to keep it and be billed by the District for the charge, United of Omaha would look at it and would tell us that we are not keeping enough in the pot to keep it going. They would probably raise the rate to maybe four dollars a month per member.
DELEGATE BAKKER LOCAL 240: My question is, I feel the District should have nothing to due with it. I'd just as soon see the District wash their hands of it. But my question is, is there anyway that we can get an individual policy for them through United of Omaha?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Not under the policy we have, as it is term insurance figured on the Locals in the District. If the District Convention voted to drop the insurance program I would guess we should have a referendum vote to each member of the District who are now covered under the plan. This has been the problem since we have started this, is how to eliminate the program and what to do with the money. There are a lot of people who have gone through this that are here today facing the same problem. Maybe some of you have an idea how to solve the problem.
JIM BURBACH LOCAL 28: Out of the 800 or so members in the District how many have paid-up policies?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: There is about 103 who have paid-up policies in the amount of $1,500.00. United of Omaha three years ago took $100,000.00 and gave a $1,500.00.paid-up policy to 100 members. We took $100,000.00 and bought $150,000.00 worth of insurance. Those members are paid-up no matter what we do.
JIM BURBACH LOCAL 28: Would it be appropriate to reword the section under membership, section III, page nine, where is reads "shall be required" to let it die a slow death or be more appropriate to just cut it off here. The last question I have is, if we do decide to cut it off, you mentioned some sort of legislation campaign and I would assume some political action, which we could have problems with.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Not so much political action, just more of getting information out to the Locals. The answer to your other question is that the easy way is to just chop it off. That would be the easy way to do it and solve the problem. I question if we would have to let each member of the District vote on it or if we could do it at a Convention of the District.
DELEGATE GUSTAFSON LOCAL 887: We're a small group, 23 members, and many of our members have been paying into the plan for many years and I really feel they want a voice in what happens to the insurance. Because our Local is so small we have not negotiated any benefits into our contracts so this is the only benefit they have and they should have a voice in what is going to happen to the benefit.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: 1 think we are out of order on this and I make a motion to refer the recommendations of the District Secretary to the Insurance Committee.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: You have heard the motion, anyone seconding the motion?
DELEGATE BAKKER LOCAL 240: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anybody on the question?
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I think the delegates should go back to their locals and explain the problem to them. I have been paying into this since the death benefit started. I have no objection to it, but except like she says they got a small local and this is the only protection they have. We should leave it to the membership to decide. I think the secretary is very competent and should check it all out and then send a letter to all the locals after the delegates have reported on this Convention. That is my suggestion.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: We have a motion on the floor, speaking on the question? .
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I guess the point I want to make is that this insurance is by virtue of the membership, present and past. We have members in 154 who have died and their beneficiaries have relied on the $1500.00 to pay the bills for the funeral. There are a lot of us here who have lots of insurance, but we have to think of the members who can't buy extra insurance.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: On the question, is there anyone else on the question?
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: What is the question?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: The question is to refer this matter back to the Insurance Committee.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I don I think it should be in the Insurance Committee. It should be the membership of each local to make this decision.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Your option Brother is to vote no on the motion.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: 1 would like to speak on my motion. I think we should take this to the committee and let them make some recommendation to this body and then we can discuss it at that time, rather than going through a lot of history at this time.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anyone else on the question? Once again I will repeat the question before us, is to refer the entire matter back to the Insurance Committee. All in favor say I, opposed no, the motion carries. We will refer the entire matter back to the Insurance Committee and they will give us a full report and we will then discuss it at that time. The next agenda, which is the fact that the District One has an International Rep living in Seattle and is available to all members in the District. A lot of you know me. I have spoken to a lot of your Locals. What I would like to do as International Representative in your area, is put together a comprehensive needs assessments of the entire District. In terms of organizing and what ever you think your problems are. Where I can help your locals and where you see the District needing to go. I will try to priorities that list and see if we can build District No. One into one of the strongest Districts in the alliance, because the potential is there and I believe in you guys, and I think most of you are going a good job, but quite frankly you have had no assistance in District No. One for years. I am available at anytime to any local union who requires assistance and am more the happy to give to do so. I will now take discussion on this matter now.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I would like to have you attend Local 154 meeting.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I will be happy to attend. When is your meeting?
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: The first Monday of the month at 1:00 A.M. at the Seattle Labor Temple.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Any one else on the subject? Hearing none, we will move on to the 100th International Ad.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I believe you have all seen the ad in the 100th Anniversary Program you received when you registered for the Convention. I feel it was a good ad and I have taken a little heat from other Districts on how we could afford the ad.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: In your report you said you came up short on payments from the Locals, how much was that?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: That amount was only $80.00 and the District all ready paid for the ad. If you look at the total cost to the District for the artwork was $600.00 and right now I have about $530.00.
CHAIP14AN ENGLAND: The last thing we have is the recommendation that the $1.35 per capita stay the same for the next two years. I will take a motion to refer that to the Finance Committee.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I so move that $1.35 per capita charge be refereed to the Finance Committee.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Do I here a second?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Question? All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C. The Finance Committee will come back with a recommendation. That concludes the report of the Secretary. The next order of business is the report of the Advisory Board.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The Advisory Board did not meet since the last Convention so there is no report.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Since we are at the eleven o'clock mark should we have some of the committees meet or should we go to lunch now and have the committees meet later?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: In the past we have gone through item twelve, state of the trades reports and then we have adjourned for a couple of hours and then the committees meet and then given their reports.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: OK, but I think we would need a motion to change the order of business for us to be able to do that, right?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: After the Advisory Board Report, comes Legislative Committee Reports, which are reports, Communications and Bills are also reports.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: OK, I stand corrected. We will now go to the Legislative Committee Reports.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Usually what happens, is that the reports comes for each area and the first will be for the State of Washington, Glen Gilbert do you have a report?
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: Yes I do. (Delegate Gilbert then read the following Washington State Legislative Report for 1993:
Unlike past years when the Republican controlled Senate killed nearly every labor supported measure; this year the bill supported by unions received fair hearings.
Unemployment Insurance: SB5702, Benefits were increased by a maximum of $45.00 per week.
Workers Compensation; HB1248, to increase maximum workers' compensation time - loss benefits was significantly scaled down before winning final passage from the Senate. As passed, the bill increases the maximum cap on benefits by 5% a year for the next four years. As passed by the House the maximum cap would have been raised by 50%. HB1249, the increase in the permanent partial disability awards schedule was also scaled back in the Senate. But the increase of 32% is still significant, and the new index of the schedule will keep it from failing so far behind in the future. HB1244, When workers who have returned to full employment are sent for their independent medical exam, they will now receive their regular wages, and not penalized with lower time - loss benefit for the days they have to spend to complete the independent medical exams. HB1246, Protects the benefits of injured workers who return to work on light duty status, this will help workers who are placed in non bargaining unit jobs if they first return to the job on light duty status. Some employers were denying those workers their health and welfare benefits.
Health Care Reform: E2SSB5304 is a huge piece of legislation that will radically change our health care system. The changes will not happen over night. But the new system of cost control and payment will effect us all. The bill is a historical step toward creating a universal access system with maximum consumer choice, portability and cost controls. Organized labor is assured that our concerns will be addressed through a special labor advisory committee and a study of the needs of Taft-Hartley trusts and self-insurers. We will also participate in a study of whether to integrate the workers compensation system into the new health care system. This system may serve as a model for President Clinton Is Health Care Reform plan for the nation.
Minimum Wage: HB1393, to increase the minimum wage, was stripped of its index Provision. The index would have linked the minimum wage to future increases in the Consumer Price Index so that it wouldn't take a major legislative fight every few years to get a little increase in the minimum wage. As it is, the increase from the current $4.25 an hour to $4.90 an hour next January is modest.
Initiatives 601 and 602 have enough signatures to appear on the November ballot. 601 would require a vote by the people for all new taxes and 602 would repeal all new taxes imposed by the 1993 legislature. If 602 wins in November, a special session of the legislature may have to be called as the state budget is based in part in those taxes.
This report was compiled from the Legislative Update by the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I just have one question. The new forest bill for the Pacific Northwest with the money coming for retraining. Have you heard anything about how that is going to effect the state of Washington?
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I have heard nothing.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I will give a report on Oregon's messed up economy. In the past I have received an update of what has gone on in the Legislature from the Oregon AFL-CIO, but seeing that the Legislature is still in session I do not have that to make a full report. So I have highlighted a few items that have been before the legislatures so far. The Davis Bacon Act, which gave union wages on construction jobs in Oregon, was up to be repealed. They also wanted to cut back the pension payments on state employees into the Public Employees Retirement Fund and they also want to change the Workers Compensation System. The AFL-CIO came out with some figures of how much business saved in property tax with the passage of Ballot Measure 5. US West saved $4,900,086.00 because of Ballot Measure 5 and Weyerhaeuser was $1,745,000.00, Hewlett-Packard $750,000.00 and U.S. Bancorp was $543,000.00. The report also stated that the tax burden for the homeowner is 60% and business is paying 40% of the tax burden. They want to fund the Oregon Health Plan with a twenty five-cent tax on cigarettes. This has been supported by the AFL-CIO. In closing, with the passing of Ballot Measure 5, the economy of Oregon has gone to its lowest level. No new business has moved into the State and the schools have had to cut back in their staffing.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I have a question about the Oregon Citizen Alliances Ballot Measure 9. Did the AFL-CIO take a stand on it?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: They took a No on 9 stand. Now in all the cities that Ballot Measure 9 passed, the OCA is trying to get each city to pass a revised Ballot Measure 9. Delegate Bull, can you make a report on the State of Montana?
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: Yes I can. The most significant thing that happened during the past legislative session was the right to work initiative went down to defeat. This was made possible because the support of all the labor unions in the State of Montana. It was not covered in the media, but over 2000 people showed up at the capitol for a rally against the right to work initiative. Secondly, there was a sales tax initiative that was voted on by referendum the 4th of June, which also went down to defeat. The Legislature had voted on a back up plan, which would raise income tax. Now we have a citizens group that are getting petitions together to get rid of the raise in income tax. If this happens, it looks like the Legislature will have a special session to deal with that issue. Also we have a significant problem with Worker's Compensation. The big problem is with funding, as it has over one hundred million dollars of unfunded liabilities. To help solve this problem the employers will pay .057% and workers will have to pay a fee about a quarter percent per $100.00.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I don't think we have a Delegate for Alaska and no one from Idaho.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: Seeing that our jurisdiction runs into Idaho I have a report from the Idaho State AFL-CIO:
The Idaho Legislature began its 1993 session on Monday January llth and finished on Saturday, March 27th, by passing an education budget which was a compromise of House and Senate versions and generally considered inadequate by Idaho educators, school districts and Governor Andrus. From Labors I perspective, the 1993 session was not openly hostile, but while we were able to help defeat several measures that we were opposed to, none of the bills we were most interested in were passed, with the exception of House Concurrent Resolution No. 20 which dealt with public employee compensation.
The make up of the 1993/1994 Idaho Legislature, the first after reapportionment, is a 35 seat Senate with 12 Democrats and 23 Republicans and a 70 seat House of Representatives with 20 Democrats and 50 Republicans. The Republicans have such wide majorities in both houses that the legislature operated almost like a one party system. There are just enough Democrats in the Senate to sustain a veto by Governor Andrus on a party line vote (2/3 to override veto - 24 votes).
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I would just mention from the prospective of the chair, confronting us right now and through the House is HB55 and a filibuster in the Senate. I believe that the District Secretaries are going to embark on a letter writing campaign to support the five more votes we need in the Senate in order to pass SB55. So in terms of labors house there is no more important thing that we can do is to stop the permanent replacement of strikers. I think if anything, we have got to get behind SB55. Vice President Nolan, you want to come in and say hello. Delegates to the District this is Vice President John Nolan.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The legislation is one of the biggest things I think the Districts can help the International with. We can funnel this information down to the Locals. If District Two is qoing to take the lead to funnel the information to each District, that will be a big help.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It I s going to be a help, but I don't think that we need to take the lead of any District to know what affects us and where we need to go with this stuff. Being District No. One, I think we should be more up for front of the battles. we all know what has to be done in labors house and this District should take the lead in protecting ourselves, especially the fact that both the states of Oregon, Washington and Montana are pro labor. Right now we have administrations in all three states that support labor. If we ever had a window of opportunity with the Clinton administration and of Washington, Oregon and Montana to move forward is now.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: If the information in the states could get to me, then I could funnel this information on to the Locals in the District.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I am quite sure that Slade Gordon is not voting in favor of SB55. It might do us some good in the state of Washington to do a letter campaign to him. It probably won't change his vote, but I think we should let ourselves be known on how we stand on the issues. Is there any other discussion about the Legislative Reports? We will now move on to Communications and Bills.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Communications in the last three years is very small. Ninety percent of the communications has to do with the District Insurance Plan. I really know that is hard for you to believe, but it is. Most of the letters has to do with sending death claims into United of Omaha and then sending the checks off to the beneficiaries. During 1991 all letters pertain to insurance and in 1992 it was the same except a letter from the International about Local 91 was in arrears in their per-capita payments. Also during 1992 the District put an ad in Local 16 100th Anniversary Program. I would like to add that I attended the party along with Jim Burbach from Local 28 and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hart, Darryl Taylor from Local 15. In 1993 correspondence got better because of letters from the International about the Convention. I also wrote a letter to Sister Keel about the jurisdiction of her local against the jurisdiction of Local 93 with regards to movie work in the Montana area. I also have a letter from Bruce Bull regarding removing Sister Keel as Business Agent of Local 339. 1 also received a letter from the Department of Labor, and I hope each local also received the same letter. It has to do with the new LM3 Report, which at this time because of the Clinton administration, has been put off until 1995 using the new form. Because of this new form, it would be good to go back to your locals and improve your bookkeeping procedures and doing more itemizing of your expenses. It will make it a lot easier to fill out this new form for 1995.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: With the new IM3 report the International would have to have each person that works for them keep detail records of our activities and break them into chargeable and non chargeable increments, in terms of how hours out of a day we spend on administration and on organizing. This report would have to be done daily and reported monthly back to the General Office. This was going to be a large nightmare or accounting for the International. The detail reporting that the new LM3 reports would require would have put a financial burden on the International. The Bush administration went on an all-out attack on labor. This was just a continuation of the Regan years. Unfortunately his labor department got more and more creative in their attacks on labor and labor unions. With the rulings that we have had, like the Beck case, it has limited the ability of labor to continue to support political movements, because of the ruling in Beck. Now we have an administration that supports labor. The first big change from the Labor Department is the holding back on the using of the new LM3 form. The other big plus for labor was the lifting of hiring PACO workers who went on strike. Currently the International is involved with the AFL-CIO in trying to get progressive change of the laws that pertain to labor. A couple of things that we are working on with the AFL-CIO to get changed is that we're excluded from provisions that the construction trades have within terms of pre-hiring agreements. If we can't get HB55 through, pre-hire agreements just won't be.
We have at this time just entering the room; General Secretary-Treasurer Thomas C. Short and International President, Alfred W. DiTolla and we would like to welcome you to the District One Convention. Applause.
INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT DiTOLLA: I have no message, other than of greeting. I encourage you however to read the Presidents Report and the report of the General Executive Board Meetings for the past three years. Therein you will find the kind the history of this Alliance for the past three years and come to the meetings and pay attention to the issues that are discussed. That is the best way for you to find out what we have been doing, and to find out what you have been doing. I want you to enjoy this week. The fact that it is our Centennial is of utmost importance, it's an amazing accomplishment that this alliance is celebrating. Having survived several major wars, several serious difficulties within the alliance that made it seem at times that we would not survive, but we did and we are in good shape, in great shape as a matter of fact. There will be an appropriate celebration, see all those volunteers out their setting up the exhibits and the convention hall. At the close of the Monday session we wil1 show you a video. At the banquet on Wednesday night you will receive a history book that we put together, the first of its kind that depicts the history and the accomplishments and the trials of this alliance from July 17, 1893 until today. I am pleased to tell you also that because of your generosity of most of our locals, many of our friends and many of our employers, through the souvenir journal, the cost of the celebration will be entirely covered by those contributions and no general funds of the International Alliance will be used for this celebration. I am sure you are going to have a great time Wednesday night. Am sure you will enjoy the business of the convention, so celebrate with us and do business with us and go back and bring the message to your members that you were proud to represent them and were proud to be a part of this celebration. Thank you all, and enjoy the week. Applause
GENERAL SECRETARY -TREASURER THOMAS C. SHORT: I as well and as President DiTolla like to welcome you to the Centennial Convention. I want you to know if there is anything I can do or members of my staff please feel free to approach me. I will be more than happy to direct you to the proper course. If I cannot I will certainly provide you with someone that will. I just want to point out that this is a working convention in addition to being a Centennial Convention which President DiTolla eluded to is a amazing accomplishment that a labor union, in this country, given what has happened in the past has survived 100 years and effectively qrow as this union has unlike all most all other affiliates of the AFL-CIO. This union has grown in the last three to five years. The theme of this Convention will be we remember, celebrate and we believe and if there is any message I want to demonstrate during this week is that I believe, that I believe in the future of this organization. Absolutely committed to the future. We have obligation to those who preceded us and provided us with what we have today. we have an obligation to carry that tradition on into the future, future generations. Thank you. Applause
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: OK, we're on to the reading of the bills.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The only bill we have is in my recommendations to pay the Delegates and we can come up with that and pass it under new business. As far as the per them payment, that should be referred to the Finance Committee to approve or disapprove my recommendation on the salary, per capita and per them paid to the Delegates here. The only other bill I have is for the coffee and I was told it would be about $100.00 to $115.00. So that is the only bills we have at this time.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I move to pay the bill for the coffee.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It has been regular moved and seconded, is there anyone on the question? All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C. To pay the bills. Now we have the State of Trade Reports.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I move to expedite the proceedings of this convention that we dispense with the reading of the State of Trade Reports and they be put on file with the Secretary and if anyone wants to read them they get them from him.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: You have heard the motion, do I have a second?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anybody on the question?
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I know that I have read the proceedings of years past conventions and it is always been done. But the questions is if we are not missing an opportunity to learn something that we can discuss.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: You can learn from reading it and by us reading it here we can extend this convention about two hours.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We only have three or four.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Is there any further discussion on the question? The question before you is not read the State of Trade Reports and put then on file for the delegates who want to read them. Is there any further discussion on the question?
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: I agree with Floyd, but is there anyway we can make copies of the reports so each of the Delegates can have them.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I would think that would be under a separate motion. Is there anymore discussion on the question? All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C. At this time I would like to introduce to the District One Convention Brother Steve Flint, AFL-CIO Delegate who came by to say hello.
AFL-CIO DELEGATE STEVE FLINT: Thank you. I know many of you and hope this will be a great week for all of you in New York. We have a good convention planned. The activities after hours at the Presidents Dinner is just going to be spectacular. It's really going to be a great celebration. But I wanted to drop by because I have a vested interest in the District. I work for the camera local presently but at one time I was a International Representative working out of the West Coast Office and part of the area I covered was the Pacific Northwest and helped get the IA get the direction of putting a Studio Mechanics Local in the northwest and getting organize the production work in the area. working for the camera local now is a full time job and we work hand in hand with Sandy and the Studio Mechanics in the area. We really want to put together some great ideas. Sandy and the Local 488 have put together a resume book with people in the area so when we can sign a contract with these production companies they will know who to hire. We are going to supply resumes for camera people and have our local camera people link up with Local 488. This should build a much stronger union for both of us in the area. I just want to thank you and I will see you out on the convention floor. Applause
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Thanks for coming by Steve.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: I would like to make a motion that we make copies of the State of the Trade Reports and distribute them to the Delegates.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: You have heard the motion, anymore on the question? The motion on the floor is to make copies of the State of the Trade Reports and distribute them to the Delegates and the cost shall be born by the District. Any further discussion on the question? Hearing none. All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C. Maybe we can get it done during lunch. OK we are at the point that the Committees will have to meet before we can go on with the business of the Convention. Seeing that it is 11:45
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Should we adjourn till 2:00 P.M.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I would take a motion as such.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I move that we adjourn till 2:00 P.M.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anyone on the question? Hearing no discussion. All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It's 2:00 P.M. I will officially reconvene the District No. One Convention and we will take up the business of the Committee Reports. First on the agenda of the Committee Reports will be the Finance Committee .
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: I will speak for the Finance Committee. We dealt with two issues. one was the per-diem for the Delegates of District No. One Convention. We would like to recommend that the Delegates be paid $125.00, and I so move.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anybody on the question? Hearing no discussion on the question, all in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M C
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: The other issue that was discussed was the doing away with the Christmas Newsletter and the Finance Committee voted to do so. The cost of the Newsletter was about $500.00 and we felt there should be kind of budget item for education and some of the other things we have talked about. We felt like we should have a budget item of $1,000.00 for communications and education, and at this time I so move.
CHAIP14AN ENGLAND: It's been duly moved and seconded. Anybody on the question? Hearing no discussion, all in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: That concludes the report of the Finance Committee and at this time I move to accept the report of the District Secretary.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It's been duly moved and seconded. Anybody on the question? Hearing no discussion, all in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C The only question from the chair would be, there was a recommendation from the Secretary about the salary of the Secretary. Did the Finance Committed review that, and do they have any recommendation on that?
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: No we did not, but can we make a motion now to approve the Secretaries recommendation to keep the Per-Capita and the salary of the District Secretary as they have been in the past year and if we can, I so move.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Yes you can. Anybody on the question? Hearing no discussion, all in favor signify by saying 1, opposed no. M/C So that would be the report of the Finance Committee and I think we should excuse them and thank them for a job well done. Resolution Committee. Do we have a report from the Resolution Committee?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We had no resolutions.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Then we should excuse them and thank them for a job well done. Now we will hear from the Insurance Committee.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: The Insurance Committee reviewed the recommendations of the Secretary-Treasurer and voted to concur with the second one, no the first one which is to extend our agreement with United of Omaha to provide a $2,000.00 policy for all members covered under the District No. One Death Benefit Fund for $32.40 per member per year of $2.70 per month. Each Local would pay $2.30 per month per member and the District would pay $.40 cents per member out of the Insurance Fund Account. Adding to that recommendation, $4,000.00 from the Death Benefit Fund be paid back to the General Fund as administration costs and that money should be used for legislative activities. And I so move.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: You're heard the motion. Anybody on the question? Delegate Devereaux.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: Is this the time to address the concerns that we have with the Insurance Program.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: I would say right now we would have to speak on the motion and after the motion and then if you had another motion we would act on that or unless what you are speaking on directly addresses the motion.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: That could come up under now business.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: If you are talking about business that would pertain to the Insurance Committee, but being that there is a motion on the floor to extend the benefits to $2,000.00 and to earmark funds to go to the General Fund we should act on the first.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: 1 guess my only comment would be I would like to speak against the motion just because raising the benefit at this point is kind of premature because there is a lot of concern to keep the policy in the first place.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: The Committee by taking the position it did assume that the Death Benefit Fund will continue. Our thinking was that in defining the union on in this case a group of locals you have to look at the good for everybody and through the numbers if you were able to do that. If you start individually weighing whether this part of the contract is good for me or that part of the contract is good for me and what part you are going to go with, you have more or less defeated the fundamental principle of unionism. This benefit fund is one of the things that the District has done for the group and we are willing to pay out for the good of all. That is why we voted to take the first recommendation of the Secretary instead of the second.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Is there anymore discussion on the motion? Does everybody know what the motion is?
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: Could you repeat the motion.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: The motion is to extend the Death Benefit to $2,000.00 with the premium noted split between the locals and the district and to transfer $4000.00 from the Insurance Fund to the General Fund and earmark it to legislative activities. Anymore discussion? Hearing none, I will call for the question. All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. I think the motion carried. Let's have a standing vote; all in favor please stand. Seven in favor. All opposed please stand. We have three in opposition. M/C At this time we can have further discussion on the report of that committee. If I could relate just my own experience with these kind of funds. In my own local in California we had such a fund as you do in the District. I think it was formed about the same time as yours in the District and was just for the local only. I didn't take to long after I got into office to do the numbers and to see that we were not going to make it. In fact, it was a bankrupting leverage against the local union. What we did was get out of a fund such as the District has and got into the IATSE G-19 Plan, which covers Locals with less the fifty members. Over the years this has proven to be good for us and I would just relate that to you, that the local union itself took on the policy with the IAIS G19 Policy. I think I paid three dollars a month for that policy and it was a $2.000.00 policy. Any further discussion on the Insurance.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: I would like to say that I think that in the years I have been coming to this Convention the basic business of the District has been the Insurance Plan instead of lots of other things we should be talking about. I feel we are a lot better off now than we were when the District was writing the checks. But I think we are just a step away from getting out of the insurance plan. I also don't think we punish the people that have been paying but I think we should also consider that there are other ways that the locals can do this and still making sure that everybody is taken care of. Do we need to keep this thing going on forever to make sure that everybody is taken care of.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: What we did with the G-19 policy was we took the money from the fund and used that in an escrow account that became a rate stabilization fund that Guaranteed that the rates for the members would not go up because the excess benefit contributions were taken care of, and not only the interest from the rate stabilization fund but the principal on it and that is what stabilizes that fund and keeps the premium payment low. There are a lot of options that are available here to the locals and it's really up to you, to find out the will of your memberships with regards to this fund. Do we need anymore discussion on this matter? Brother Bull.
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: Is it possible to get the District Office to get some information on the G-19 Policy to us?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: We will move on to the Grievance Committee and notice that Brother Floyd otherwise engaged and in having no grievances before us we will just discharge him and the Committee.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Fourteen in the Order of Business is Nomination of Officers. At this time I will open up the floor to nomination for District Secretary.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: 1 would like to nominate Brother John DiSciullo for District Secretary.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: For the record John DiSciullo has been nominated for District Secretary. Are there anymore nominations? Are there anymore nominations? Are there anymore nominations? Hearing none I will declare the nomination for office of District Secretary closed. Next we will open up the nominations for the Advisory Board.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: As you know, at the last District Convention we passed a constitution change which reads: "In the event no delegate is present from a state then the balance of the number of the Advisory Board members shall be elected from the Delegates present at the Convention." This also applies to the Legislative Committee.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: With that clarified I will open up the nomination for Advisory Board for the State of Alaska.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: There is no Delegate from Alaska at this Convention.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I nominate Pat Devereaux.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: I decline the nomination and I nominate Jake Smith.
CHAIP14M ENGLAND: Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Jacob Smith is entered into nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Alaska. Now we will open the nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Idaho.
DELEGATE GILBERT LOCAL 175: I nominate Pat Devereaux.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Pat Devereaux is entered into nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Idaho. Now we will open the nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Montana.
DELEGATE BAKKER LOCAL 240. I nominate Bruce Bull.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Bruce Bull is entered into nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Montana. Now we will open the nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Oregon.
DELEGATE BRADFORD LOCAL 675: I nominate Jim Burbach.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Jim Burbach is entered into nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Oregon. Now we will open the nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Washington.
DELEGATE SMITH LOCAL IS: I nominate Floyd Hart.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Floyd Hart is entered into nomination for the Advisory Board for the State of Washington. Now we will open the nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Alaska.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Can we nominate the same person as we nominated to the Advisory Board?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: You can fill the position with any of the Delegates.
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: Are we required to fill the position?.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We are not required to fill the position if that is the will of the Delegates. The Legislative Committee is not as important as the Advisory Board.
DELEGATE GUSTAFSON LOCAL 887: What is the function of the Legislative Committee?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: To be a liaison between the District and Legislative activities in the state. To also communicate with the local unions about legislative activities within the state.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Now if we put our Legislative Committee together they would deal with issues in each state that would be referred back to the District Secretary so he could inform the rest of the locals. There really should be someone out of the State and maybe if it is the pleasure of the Delegates, I could just notify the Local in what we are doing as far as this Legislative Committee is doing and we would be looking for them to give us any information regarding problems they have in Alaska. If that is all right with the Delegates.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Is there anyone on the question? Hearing no discussion, all in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C Now we will open the nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Idaho.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I nominate Pat Devereaux.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Pat Devereaux be entered into nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Idaho. Now we will open the nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Montana.
DELEGATE BAKKER LOCAL 240: I nominate Bruce Bull.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND. Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Bruce Bull is entered into nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Montana. Now we will open the nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Oregon.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: I would like to nominate Jim Bradford.
CHAIR14AN ENGLAND: Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Jim Bradford be entered into nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Oregon. Now we will open the nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Washington.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I nominate Mary Gustafson.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing none the name of Mary Gustafson be entered into nomination for the Legislative Committee for the State of Washington. At this time I can see we have a white ballot as we have no opposition on any office.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Unfinished Business, do we have any Unfinished Business.
DELEGATE DEVEREAUX LOCAL 93: 1 don't know if this is the time to address what you said in your opening remarks about how you are there to help us in the District with our problems. As a Delegate from Local 93 we really appreciate the International assigning you to District No. one to give us the help we really need. I would really like to see the locals contact you with their problems as it's getting a lot harder for us to know all the answers with the changing labor laws.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Brother, I agree completely and it is only going to be with cooperation amongst all of us so we can meet these goals. There is a tremendous amount of commerce that happens in the Northwest in the entertainment industry. There are a tremendous amount of people up there working in venues everyday that rightfully belong under our contracts and under the banner of the IATSE. I think together, if we work together, we can build this to be as great as any other District in the Alliance. Anymore Unfinished Business?
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I have been hearing about District Two but I don't know anything about the District. Maybe you could tell us about how they organize. I know they are a lot larger than District One. We recently had a team of trainer from District Two who came up to the Northwest and gave us a two week seminar on everything in the theater from the booth to the front of house.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: There are two things that work here, first District Two which is Arizona, Nevada, California, and Hawaii which is District Two itself. There is also an association of District Two Locals, which are the Operators Locals in the District. It first started out as the Northern California Association and the Southern California Association. They now have merged and they became The Association of District Two Locals, which is the Operators Locals which are left in the District. They bargain together, they try to get all the contracts dated together, because they found out, only by numbers could they keep the jobs in the theaters. They have a District contract and set District standards.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: There is only one District Two.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: That's right but they have an association, which they call the District Two Association.
GUEST RICK GEORGE LOCAL 675: I wonder if you are available to lend your expertise in helping us with our negotiations?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Absolutely, you contact me and I will clear it with the President. Let me know so I can schedule things around. I will be more than happy to help you.
GUEST RICK GEORGE LOCAL 675: Do you know if there is any type of workshop that teaches about contract negotiations.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: The best workshop going is at the George Meany Institute. Unfortunately it's this week in San Diego. They do one in the summer on the West Coast and in Washington DC they run seminars all year long. I personally took labor classes at San Francisco City College and that is where I got my training in labor law. I will do some investigating to find out where in the Northwest you can get this training. In the summer time there is also classes at the Rocky Mountain Labor School which is also a good school on labor laws. Anytime you get into one of these schools you learn more than they teach because of the union leader taking the class with you and the discussions that come out of them is very educational.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: Have you looked into the classes put on by the Oregon AFL-CIO Labor and Industries in Eugene?
GUEST RICK GEORGE LOCAL 675: I know there is a couple of workshops occasionally.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: The other comment I wanted to make was that it seems like the locals who need the most help can afford it the least. A local like Eugene can't afford to send people to the George Meany Institute in Washington DC.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: If it's the will of the Delegates I will see about putting a seminar together for the members of the District. I would be more than happy as part of the classes that I am setting up for Local 488 to include in that some sort of bargaining classes.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Is there anyone of the question? All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C I'll go ahead and set this up and cost it out and see what it ill cost and try and keep in down as low as I can. Is there any other Unfinished Business? I also have tons of resource material on organizing in my own office. If you are interested in that, let me know. The member who originally approached me from Local 15 was given a bunch of information. We developed, at the IATSE, a resource guide for organizing that is specific to our crafts and jurisdictions. Our situation is a bit different than other craft unions, so we had to come up a resource manual. I will make this available to anyone. Request it through my office.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: How much material is it, how big of a book is it?.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Three quarters of an inch, it is a binder-like book.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: How much are we talking about to print this up and make it available to all the Locals?.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Probably $50.00 to $60.00 dollars.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: I would like to make a motion that the District have the copies made with the money from the Education Fund and send them to each Local in the District.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anyone on the question? All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. M/C Also at the George Meany Institute they have a book that they are really proud of because it is the first book that they published themselves on organizing. I can send you information on how to get hold of that book. Local 15 purchased fifteen copies for themselves. Anymore Unfinished Business?.
DELEGATE BRADFORD LOCAL 675: The training for 488, is that skill training you are putting together and is that going to be available to us.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It's available to anyone who wants to take it. It will slightly higher for non-union members than it will be for members of 488. We really haven't addressed members from other locals.
DELEGATE BRADFORD LOCAL 675: The other problem we have, is when we gave up our jurisdiction was that we had people that could work movies, but hadn't worked movies so if they had a resume they could join 488. So there is a lot of interest in our local in getting a training program, but we don't have the funds for it. I guess that is what I'm saying, it would really help if we could get some kind of training to members of the stage locals.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: All the classes that we have, we will make sure that every local union has notice of them and anyone who wants to attend and is not a member of Local 488 will be at a greater cost to you, because the local itself is funding the classes. We are probably talking about a cost of $25.00 for members and $75.00 for non-members.
DELEGATE BRADFORD LOCAL 675: Where will these classes be held?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Some classes in Seattle and some classes in Portland at this point. Anymore Unfinished Business. if not we will move on to New Business.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I would like to bring up something in the form of a motion. Seeing that we are going to continue this Insurance Plan, we should look into freezing it and don't take any new members into the plan and see if we can't knock this down to a group that is in now and as of this Convention nobody else can get in. We will protect the members who are in and we don't let any other in. Now that we have the older members with paid up policies and we still have members who will received paid up policies two or three years from now.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15. Are you putting that a form of a motion?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I would make a motion that as of today, July 17, 1993 that the Insurance Fund is frozen and we will take no members into it and we will use the records of the members that are on the rosters as of the second quarter of 1993.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND - Anyone on the question?
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Does anybody know the legality of that motion?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I would guess if you can make a motion to raise the rates you should be able to make a motion to freeze them.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: The chair might instruct the Secretary-Treasurer if the motion passes, that it would pass with a provision that it was indeed legal and if it wasn't it would have to revert back to the way it was. Anyone else on the question?.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I would speak against the motion because as of tomorrow any new members we would take in will not be part of the insurance Fund and our dues are $25.00 per month plus percentage. Part of the $25.00 is for the insurance for each member. Now we would have a group of members in the future who would be paying for something they would not be part of.
CRALIRMAN ENGLAND: I would like to make a suggestion. This Insurance Fund has been a donnybrook for the last fifteen conventions. I think what needs to happen here is to take a look at the G19 Plan for your local unions. Have your local unions looked into these policies. Because they are not cost prohibitive and get this out of the hands of the District and back into the hands of the Local Unions where you can control it.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: That sounds good to me.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: In conjunction with that, can we get a legal opinion on how we can get out of this thing so we do this in the right way. There is a big difference between excluding and exalting. If you are going to exclude, that's cutting with a whole other knife, but if you just say we are just raising the cost you can just price people out of the fund.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: If they don't have it, you're not cutting them out of it.
DELEGATE GUSTAFSON LOCAL 887: Is part of the problem with this is that because we only meet once every two or three years and it really never gets resolved? And because the body never comes together to meet in the off years, could this be done my mail in the next couple of months and then it would be done before the next convention.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The trouble is, it has to be a constitutional change and it takes a convention to make that change. I guess you could have a vote of the Delegates or of the members of the District. Because of the cost we have not had off year conventions for the District.
DELEGATE GUSTAFSON LOCAL 887: I guess that is what I am asking is how can we get this problem resolved.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: According to the Constitution and By-Laws, not to easy. The changes have to be made at a Convention of the District.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Bring it up as a resolution.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Even as a resolution it still means you have to change the Constitution and vote on the change at a convention.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: Is there someway you can look into this with Sandy and the idea of the G19 Plan.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Really, what I think needs to happen here, is each local needs to get on their own G19 Plan with the exception of Local 15 and 28 as I think you are to large for the plan, but they may take you also. You just have to get this insurance back in the hands of each local. You would be changing the policy from the District to each Local through Union Labor Life. The G19 policy was set up for small locals, as we have in District One, to get away from each local trying to have an insurance program that would bankrupt the local if they were unable to pay off claim. I would be prepared as Chairman Person of this District to come up with a plan on how to do this along with the District Secretary. I have an idea now we can do this.
DELEGATE GUSTAFSON LOCAL 887: Can we make a motion now to take care of this and get it going?
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: Would it be in order to make a motion, and I'm just throwing this out for discussion, I'm not making a motion, to empower the District Secretary or a committee to take care of this if we so vote?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: If I could make a suggestion that you put it back in the hands of the people you elected on the Advisory Board to work with John and I to resolve this issue once and for all. And I would accept a motion to that effect.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: Point of order, there is all ready a motion on the floor.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: You are right, who was the maker of the motion? John made the motion; we are all out of order.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I withdraw my motion.
DELEGATE BULL LOCAL 339: I would move that we empower the Advisory Board and the Secretary to resolve this insurance issue through investigation of the G19 Plan.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: Point of order, that's unconstitutional.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It would take a constitutional change.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: "Any matter affecting the welfare to this District shall be referred to the Advisory Board through the District Secretary. Such matters as can be handled by correspondence shall be taken care of in that manner, but should the Chairman decide a meeting of the Board to be necessary he shall have the power to call same. Action of this Board shall be binding on all locals and members of this District, unless reversed by a District Convention, a referendum vote, or the General Executive Board. Any three locals can call for a referendum vote through the District Secretary." So as I read this, if the Advisory Board came up with a solution or a plan and they voted on it and approved it. Then three Locals could call for a referendum vote from the membership of the District if they felt the Advisory Board did not act in the right manner. That's the way I read it.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 339: Point of information, Article XII: "No alterations or amendments to this Constitution or By-Laws shall be make unless it be proposed in written, or typewritten form, submitted to this District in convention assembled, and enacted into law by receiving at least a majority of the votes of all delegates present in favor of such alterations or amendments." What he is proposing is a constitutional change to section pertaining to the District Death Benefit Fund, which is part of the Constitution for the District.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: The Advisory Board is coming up with a solution to the Insurance Plan. They are not changing the Constitution.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We would then at that point, if the Advisory Board wanted too, we could give the recommendations to the Locals and they could accept it and then we could have a referendum vote, or we could call a Special Convention.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND. This is important enough to call a Special Convention to get a constitutional change passed and inform all the Delegates on the new policy.
GLEN GILBERT LOCAL 175: Not to change anything in what has been said here. I think we are on the right track and I think if we adopt the recommendation of the Insurance Committee and allow some of that $4,000.00 to help pay for a Special Convention if needed might be an idea.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: If the Advisory Board came up with an acceptable option and we held a Special Convention, would we have the power to change the Constitution and By-Laws?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: If a Special Convention was called the answer is yes.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: Then I would like to make a motion. That the Advisory Board research this and come up with other options to present to each Local in the District for a referendum vote. At that time if the membership of the District feels it's necessary then we will hold a Special Convention.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Do I hear a second to the motion?
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: It's been moved and seconded, anyone on the question? Hearing none I will call for the vote. All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. MC Any other new business.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: One of the things I would like to bring up is, in our jurisdiction we have two Universities, which have film schools. I have contacted both schools and as a point of information along the lines of education, we have a lot of new people coming up and a lot of them don't even know what the movie business is all about. A good place to start, most of these Universities are happy to let you in for a day to talk with their students. That is a good way from a local level to start organizing. we have access for education and we should use this tool.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Thank you brother. Any other new business.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: This pertains mostly to the states of Oregon and Washington. What it is, is that the State of Oregon has what is called a Limited Journeyman Stagehands Electrical License and I understand that the State of Washington is in the process of trying to do the same. In Oregon we also have a Stagehands Apprentice program which is registered with the State of Oregon. Up to this point the Stagehands in Portland are the only ones who have Electrical Licenses. Now with the creation of 488 we have people who are working in both Oregon and Washington. Plus, the people who are working in the film industry will also need to carry the same license as the stagehands. The Oregon Economical Development Department, who controls the lottery money, has earmarked money to put into training people in the film industry. I got involved, as I am Chairman of our Apprentice Committee and we are now in the process of putting together a training program that will bring these two fields together under the umbrella of the Journeyman Stagehand Electrical License. Now Portland Community College is involved, as they will be writing the program for us. It is a little early to see where it is going, but it looks like it is going to work for both locals. For those in Idaho and Montana, if you don't have electrical licenses in place now you should see what you can do to start a program. We require all our Journeyman to have and keep up their license. If you have any questions you can talk to me after the meeting.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Thank you Brother Burbach. Anyone else have any new business to bring before this Convention. If not we will cast a white ballot for the Election of Officers of the District. At this time we will install the officers. Will the following please stand, John DiSciullo, Jake Smith, Pat Devereaux, Bruce Bull, James Burbach, Floyd Hart, Jim Bradford and Mary Gustafson. When I use my name use yours. I, Sandra England, do hereby pledge my word of honor to perform the duties of my office as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws of this Union to the best of by ability and to bear true allegiance to the International Alliance. At the close of my official term, I solemnly promise that I shall deliver to my successor in office all books, paper and property of this Union and to the International Alliance which may be in my possession. To these promises I pledge you my word, fully realizing that to violate this pledge is to stamp me a person unworthy of trust. You have obligated yourself to faithfully and to the best of your ability discharge the duties of your office. You will now proceed to your station and perform the duties of that office and so conduct yourself as to be worthy of the trust reposed on you. Applause from all. Good and Welfare.
GUEST RICK GEORGE LOCAL 675: I would like to thank this delegation for allowing me to sit in this Convention.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I would like to say something. Before you call the International in to solve your problems, try and solve them first yourself. Most of the time Locals start hollering for the International before they even talked to the man. This happens over and over again, try and solve some of the problems yourselves and if you can't do it, call in the International.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Although, sometimes your problems may not be so big if you just pick up the phone and we talk about what the strategy is before you run it. I would be more than happy to answer any questions before you get into trouble. Anybody else have any Good and Welfare? I have some Good and Welfare. Floyd Hart is going to be in the Convention Video that we will see. The star of the Convention Video. He has a couple of clips in there. This District is very well represented in the video, they have a member of Local 28, Susan Traynor and Ron Wilson, Floyd Hart talking about the old days and traveling members, we have shots from Northern Exposure with members of Local 488. I think you all will be very proud of the video.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: This would be a good time for me to say that Tommy Waters, Business Agent of Local 154 sends his best to this Convention.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: As the chair of this convention we would like to send best wishes back to Tommy as he has served this District very well for many years. Anyone else? If not, we will discharge all temporary officers and committees and I would accept a motion to adjourn.
DELEGATE HART LOCAL 15: I move we adjourn.
CHAIRMAN ENGLAND: Anyone on the question? If not, I would like to extend my thanks for the work of the Delegates here and all in favor signify by saying I. opposed, No, carried.
Meeting adjourned at 3:10 P.M. Saturday July 17, 1993.
DISTRICT NO. ONE, I.A.T.S.E. & M.P.M.O. of the U.S. & CANADA
Visitors Since March 14, 1999