SECRETARY/TREASURER JOHN R. DI SCIULLO: At this time I will call the 50th Convention of District No. One to order and welcome all of you to Miami Beach.
I would like to introduce our Chairman for our District Meeting, Jean Fox, 9th International Vice President. I will now turn the meeting over to her.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Thank you very much and the first order of Business will be to seat the Delegates.
Delegate Name
Local #
City & State
Jacob K. Smith
Seattle, Washington
Carol C. Thomas
Portland, Oregon
John R. DiSciullo
Portland, Oregon
No Delegate
Boise, Idaho
LeRoy M. Frengle
Spokane, Washington
Frank J. Baird
Bellingham, Washington
Dexter W. Sasser
Tacoma, Washington
Allan Minear
Billings, Montana
No Delegate
Missoula, Montana
Charles A. Carlsen
Pacific Northwest
Robert M. Riggs
Pacific Northwest
Pamela R. Casey
Pacific Northwest
Sandra England
Pacific Northwest
Philip E. LaFond
Pacific Northwest
Rick George
Eugene, Oregon
Laurel Canilla
Seattle, Washington
Denice Jewell
Anchorage, Alaska
Harry J. Floyd
Bosie, Idaho
CHAIRMAN FOX: We will now appoint the temporary officers for the 50th Convention of District No. One. John will you read them.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Resolutions: Robert M. Riggs-488, Philip LaFond-488 and Allan Minear-240. Grievance: Charles Carlsen-488 and Pamela Casey-488. Finance: Rick George-675, Carol Thomas-28 and Dexter Sasser-175. Insurance: Frank J. Biard-154, Jacob K. Smith-15 and LeRoy Frengle-93. If there is an Election we will appoint out of the other Committee members to the Election Committee if needed.
CHAIRMAN FOX: The next order of Business will be the reading of the minutes of the previous District No. One Convention.
DELEGATE CARLSEN LOCAL 488: I move we do not read the proceedings of the last Convention.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I second the motion.
CHAIRMAN FOX: All in favor of the motion please signify by saying I, opposed? So ordered. At this time we will read the Final Curtain, all rise.
CHAIRMAN FOX: At this time we will have the report of the District Secretary, John DiSciullo.
This is the 50th Convention of District No. One within this Alliance. This report will cover the financial standing and events of this District that pertain to my duties as District Secretary.
Since the 49th Convention in New York we still have 13 Locals in District No. One. At the end of the second quarter of 1995 the membership of District No. One is as follows: Local 15, Seattle, Washington: 198, Local 28, Portland, Oregon: 135, Local 91, Bosie, Idaho: 11, Local 93, Spokane, Washington: 54, Local 154, Seattle, Washington: 61, Local 175, Tacoma, Washington: 23, Local 240, Billings, Montana: 26, Local 339, Missoula, Montana: 29, Local 488, Pacific Northwest: 493, Local 675, Eugene, Oregon: 32, Local 887, Seattle, Washington: 21, Local 918, Anchorage, Alaska: 29 and Local 925, Bosie, Idaho: 18 for a total of 1138 members paying Per Capita. This total is up 332 members since our last Convention. Locals 15 and Local 488 make up most of the increase of membership with 290 members. Local 339 has not paid Per-Capita for the 1st and 2nd Quarters of 1995. Effective July 1, 1995 Local 175, Tacoma, Washington will merge with Local 154, Seattle, Washington.
All Locals in the District have been billed for Life Insurance through June 30, 1995. Local 91, 918, 488 and 925 did not pay for the District One Life Insurance and have been dropped from the plan. I have forwarded to all Locals information on Union Labor Life G-19 plan. This plan would allow each Local to buy their own insurance, if they wanted to, no matter how large or small the local is. I have also enclosed a copy of the G-19 Plan with each Delegate Packet. In my Recommendations to the District Convention I will describe how we can turn the insurance over to each local.
The printing of the 1993 Convention Proceedings was $197.60 for forty copies.
The General Account Balances: December 31, 1993: $5,967.79, December 31, 1994: $13,883.89 and June 30, 1995: $11,806.37. The Insurance Fund Balances: December 31, 1993: $13,961.18, December 31, 1994: $10,156.05 and June 30, 1995: $10,676.06. For a full breakdown of expenditures, see the enclosed Balance Sheets.
During the past two years the District purchased ads in Local 18 Centennial Journal and dinner for $210.00, Local 28 Centennial Journal, for ad and artwork, $650.00 and an ad for the 62nd IATSE Journal for $350.00. As District Secretary I attended Local 15, 18 and 28 Centennial Parties.
During the past two years the District has grown with the influx of Motion Picture and TV Productions being filmed in the Northwest. Local 488 membership has grown and has helped to spread the union message around the District. One of our big problems for the Stage Locals is the non-union work force doing concert work in the Northwest. Sandra England has had three meetings with Local 15, 28 and 93 to try and come up with a solution to Stage Crew Services out of Yakima doing this work in the Northwest. She is now assigned to help Local 93 with getting a contract for the new Coliseum in Spokane.
In March of 1994 District No. One received $5,000.00 from the International Defense Fund to create a standardized and consistent competency-based training program to measure skill level among the motion picture electrical workers and current stage, film and video electrical workers. $2,000.00 used as a cash outlay to start the process of developing a curriculum that meets the standards of the Oregon State Stagehands Apprenticeship Program now being run by Local 28 and the standards of the Oregon Electrician Board. The balance of the money would be used to pay the members of the locals for their time in developing the curriculum for the training program and to pay for the training of members who will be giving the classes. I have paid $800.00 to Local 28 for their members who have helped in the process of developing curriculum. As of this date the first group is about two thirds finished with the program. I am hoping that when this program is up and running that if a member receives an Oregon license it will be good in Washington also.
It is my hope the Delegates to this Convention can come up with a solution to the District Insurance problem by turning it over to each local and spend more time talking about how we can stop the problem of non-union workers doing our work. I have talked to a few of the Locals and I feel that this Insurance issue will be resolved at this Convention.
On July 26, 1994 District No. One lost a great Delegate, Floyd E. Hart Jr. Floyd was a delegate to this District and International Conventions as long as I can remember. It will not be the same without him at this Convention, but I am sure, somewhere he is holding a convention, and he is probably in charge.
1. DEATH BENEFIT FUND: To terminate our contract with United of Omaha, effective September 30, 1995, with the following conditions: (A): As of July 1, 1995 we have 32 members of various locals who reach the age of 71 by the year 2001. The District would provide a paid up $1500.00 Policy for these members of various locals of this District through United of Omaha at a cost to be approved by this Convention (if this amount is available) or will be approved by the members of the Advisory Board of the District. (B): District No. One would inform each Local that if they so desired they could purchase a Life Insurance Policy through the Union Labor life Insurance Company G-19 Policy with a current premium of $5.00 per month for a $2,250.00 policy. (C): The balance of the Insurance Account after all insurance payment are paid for August and September 1995 and the amount needed to purchase paid up policies for the 32 members will be paid back to each participating local on a per member covered under the Death Benefit Fund. (D): Remove the Section of the District No. One Constitution and by-laws covering the DISTRICT DEATH BENEFIT FUND.
2. The Salary of the District Secretary shall remain at $1,600.00 annually until the next District No. One Convention.
3. Per Capita from the Local Unions based on membership shall remain at $1.35 per member per Quarter as it is at the present time.
4. Per Diem payments to Delegates who are approved at this 50th District No. one Convention shall be a sum calculated by dividing the number of Delegates assembled into Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). In the event that the number of Delegates is less than Thirteen (13), the maximum per diem shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00). Approved Special Department guests if any are in attendance shall receive one-half (1/2) of the Delegates per diem.
5. An Organizing Committee should be created in the District to meet, discuss and come up with a plan to organize the areas in the District where needed. This Committee could be the Advisory Board elected at each convention or each Local in the District would appoint a member to this Committee.
Due to a tape error the first part of the morning session was not recorded and the address to the District Convention by President Short was not recorded. The following is the balance of the morning session.
DELEGATE FRENGLE LOCAL 93: Before we vote on the Organizing Committee does anyone have any idea of where and how often it would meet and how it is going to be organized. I think we have to detail how it is to be organized and how it will function.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I think you're dead right. As has been pointed out we could have the Advisory Board do it or start another committee. The problem I see is that the stage locals meet on a regular bases in Washington and Oregon, at least 28, 15 and 93 because of a lot of the same problems to deal with. Rick has been invited but it is hard for him to come up and Alaska also has a hard time attending. This is a problem with the distance and the expense for each local. I'm open to any idea on how this could work and get all the Locals together. I have seen tremendous progress made with the stage locals in Oregon and Washington just coming together and seeing what the problems are and especially as it relates to Stage Crew Services. I don't know what the answer is but I really think it is a problem in the District we have to look at.
DELEGATE FRENGLE LOCAL 93: Do you think it is viable that each of the locals here at the convention as we all give a legislative report but if within the year there is communications either by phone or mail and have it sent to a central location that perhaps a chairman could compile the information and get it the committee.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: This is probably the first convention that we have delegates from each state and as you know back about two or three convention ago we redid the constitution so at least if we would have a problem and that the Advisory Board had to meet we would have a full membership. We also changed the formation of the Legislative Committee for the same reason. At least at this convention, if this committee were formed we would have a representative from each state to forward the information on to the District Secretary to be forwarded to the committee. For the next three years this would work and is the first time that we would have a member from each state to make these reports.
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: I understand the problem with communications and one thing that would help solve some of the problem is sending information on line. Local 488 and 28 are on it and I don't know who else is on it but it's a good way of getting the information to other locals. We could also set a time and get a private chat room and talk to one another at that time.
DELEATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: If we were unable to be online at that time we could also have the report mailed back to the locals.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: This is really the way to do it and in our area where we are so far apart it would get information to each local faster than the mail. It is also cheaper for the locals to be able to get information that way than paying transportation to a meeting. The motion before us is to increase the scope of the Legislative Committee to include Organization. All in favor of the motion signify be saying I, opposed no. The I's have it and so ordered. I really don't think this stops the Legislative Committee from doing what they do and I think that each local could get the information to these members to be forwarded to the District office.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: Functionally, now you have a person from every local designated to be within that local. Then we have the Advisory Board with one person from every state who could coordinate this information and he could be the person who is on line to get this information to each other member of the Advisory Board and the District Secretary. Each local will have different things that effect them, so that is why we need to get this information out to all the other locals.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Seeing that it looks like the International will go to a three year convention and our constitution reads: "Section 1. Regular Conventions of this District shall convene at 10:00 AM on the Saturday immediately preceding the opening day of any regular International Convention and in the same city where such International Convention is to be held. This can be changed by majority vote of delegates in attendance at the District Convention, or, by decision of the Advisory Board in the interim of scheduled Conventions.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Seeing that it looks like the International will go to a three year convention and our constitution reads: "Section 1. Regular Conventions of this District shall convene at 10:00 AM on the Saturday immediately preceding the opening day of any regular International Convention and in the same city where such International Convention is to be held. This can be changed by majority vote of delegates in attendance at the District Convention, or, by decision of the Advisory Board in the interim of scheduled Conventions. 2. Special Conventions: Special District Conventions shall be called any time the majority of the votes cast by the locals shall be in favor of the calling of such convention. (Each local shall be entitled to as many votes as they are entitled to delegates.) The District Secretary shall upon request of three (3) affiliated locals or at the request of the Advisory Board, order a referendum vote, stating the proposed time and place, and if the majority of the votes are in favor of the holding of such convention, then the District Secretary shall, as soon as he receives sanction of the International President, notify all locals of such convention. 3. Representation: Each affiliated local shall be entitled to the same number of delegates and votes as they are entitled to at the International Convention." We should at this convention see what we want to do if the International goes to a three-year convention.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I move that we refer this matter to the Advisory Board.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: A motion has been made to refer to the Advisory Board the questions having a special convention between International Conventions as per the Constitution and By Laws of the District.
DELEGATE CARLSEN LOCAL 488: I second the motion.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: All in favor of the motion signify be saying I, opposed no. The I's have it and so ordered. So that takes care of the mid convention if needed. Ok, number one of the recommendations of the District Secretary is to terminate our contract with United of Omaha. "(A): As of July 1, 1995 we have 32 members of various locals who reach the age of 71 by the year 2001. The District would provide a paid up $1500.00 Policy for these members of various locals of this District through United of Omaha at a cost to be approved by this Convention (if this amount is available) or will be approved by the members of the Advisory Board of the District." I put that the way it reads because at this time I did not have the figure but I have it now and we can come up with some type of a solution.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would move that we dispense with this insurance stuff and recommend that we send this to the Insurance Committee to come back to the Convention after lunch with a recommendation.
DELEGATE JEWELL LOCAL 918: I second the motion.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: To get this on the floor I will read the rest of the recommendation: "(B): District No. One would inform each Local that if they so desired they could purchase a Life Insurance Policy through the Union Labor life Insurance Company G-19 Policy with a current premium of $5.00 per month for a $2,250.00 policy. (C): The balance of the Insurance Account after all insurance payment are paid for August and September 1995 and the amount needed to purchase paid up policies for the 32 members will be paid back to each participating local on a per member covered under the Death Benefit Fund. (D): Remove the Section of the District No. One Constitution and by-laws covering the DISTRICT DEATH BENEFIT FUND." It has been moved and seconded to refer this to the Insurance Committee. Any body on the question? All in favor of the motion signify be saying I, opposed no. The I's have it and so ordered. It is now 11:55 A.M. and I feel that the next order of business is committee reports so I feel a motion is in order adjourn for lunch. I take it that the Committees would like to meet now and then go to lunch and if that is all right with the Delegates we will meet back her at 2:00 P.M. All in favor of the motion signify be saying I, opposed no. The I's have it and so ordered.
I have all the financial records here for the Finance committee and I passed out some resolutions and the resolutions committee will act on them. I will stay to answer any questions you may have.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: It's 2:07 and I will call the afternoon session of District No. One to order .
CHAIRMAN FOX: The first order of business in Committee Reports.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The first committee to report is the Finance Committee. Who is going to give the report?
DELEGATE THOMAS LOCAL 28: We were presented with three issues. The first item on the Secretaries Recommendation is to maintain his salary at $1,600.00 per year. We recommend we accept that recommendation. The second one on the Per Capita remaining at $1.35 per member per quarter, we also recommend to accept that recommendation for the Per Capita. We looked at the Per Diem and we recommend we increase the Per Diem. If you divide it by sixteen it comes out to $125.00 and we would like to recommend increasing it to $135.00 per delegate which would pay for the hotel room for one day. This would be an increase from $2,000.00 to $2,160.00. We also recommend we pay the bill for the coffee.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: You have heard the recommendations of the Finance Committee, do I here a motion to accept?
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: What happened to the coffee and rolls? They took it all away; we paid for it, right?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The hotel brought the rolls back. He gave me the story that there is nobody here to this afternoon to clean it up and that is why they took it. It was only ordered for the first couple of hours in the morning.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: We only drank half the coffee and we should get half our money back.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I could make you a committee of one to talk to the hotel about that. The bad part about it is that I signed for it and it is charged to my room.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I recommend we accept the recommendations of the Finance Committee.
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: I second the motion.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Anybody on the question?
DELEGATE SMITH LOCAL 15: How is the $2,000.00 arrived at?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Take the number of Delegates to the Convention and multiply by $125.00 and see where it comes out. That is about what we had the last Convention. I always like to get the amount to cover one day in the hotel. Ready for the question, all in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. I have it and so ordered.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Resolutions Committee:
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: Can we ask for a continuance?
CHAIRMAN FOX: Insurance Committee:
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Do I have a report from the Insurance Committee?
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: Two points were made by the Committee after discussing this extensively. Buying paid-up policies as suggested in the District Secretaries recommendations is not feasible due to the high cost. The second point we arrived at is a Constitutional change to the District Death Benefit Fund, Section 3. Membership. Change the first sentence which reads: "All members of Local Unions affiliated with this District shall be required to participate in the Death Benefit Fund" to read: "All Local Unions affiliated with this District may participate in the Death Benefit Fund".
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: So what he is saying that right now Section 3 states: "Local Unions affiliated with this District shall be required to participate in the Death Benefit Fund." Read yours again Frank.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: Local Unions may participate. Not the members but the Locals.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Is that your full report?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: You have heard the recommendation of the Insurance Committee , anybody on the recommendation? Do you want any further discussion on the recommendations?
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: So what we are saying now is that it won't be required that the Locals participate, but because it is unfeasible to pay off these members paid-up insurance and we don't want to pull the rug out from under these 32 members that the District will maintain the insurance for the Locals who wish to participate. I think that is a good fall back position. How do you feel Mr. Secretary?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I think it is great. To go a little further, we can renew for another couple of years and I am sure the rate will be about the same as it is today. Even if the rate does increase, we still have a surplus of $8.000.00 in the Insurance Account. If the rate even goes up to a $3.00 rate we have not lost that much in the past two years and can afford to pay the increase. With our overall age of the members getting lower, I feel the rate will not increase that much. We only have 29 members out of 451 that are going to be 71 in the next six years. The locals that do not want to participate can go out of the insurance program and they still have the option of buying through Union Labor Life G-19 policy. If you analyze G-19 at $5.00 per month for $2,250.00 and United of Omaha is charging $2.70 for $2,000.00 and the locals are paying $2.30 per month. I think it would be hard for the District to tell each local they have to by insurance through Union Labor Life for $2.70 per month more.
DELEGATE JEWELL LOCAL 918: For give me, in the District Death Benefit Fund, Section 3, Membership. Is that the section we are changing?
DELEGATE JEWELL LOCAL 918: Would you please give me the exact wording of the change.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Read it again Frank.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: All Local Unions affiliated with this District may participate in the Death Benefit Fund.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: You would cross out the word "members of" and cross out the words "shall be required to" and replace with the word "may". The rest of the paragraph will say the same.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: At this point I think there is a motion on the floor.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: This was on the question. She just wanted a clarification on the wording. Any body else on the motion? Hearing none, we will vote, all in favor of the motion of keeping the District Insurance as is and changing Section 3 of the District Death Benefit Fund to read the first sentence "All Local Unions affiliated with this District may participate in the Death Benefit Fund. All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. So ordered.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Grievance Committee.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: The Grievance Committee meet. No grievances were presented to the committee so the committee adjourned.
CHAIRMAN FOX: We have to go back to the Resolutions Committee.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I can see that they are still writing.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: Point of order, Ms Chairman. Article XII, Amendments, Section 1. which reads "No Alterations of amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws shall be made unless it be proposed in written, or typewritten form, submitted to this District in convention assembled, and enacted into law by receiving at least a majority of the votes of all delegates present in favor of such alterations or amendments." So Charlie, what we need here is to have it presented in written form.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Frank, just write that change up and have Delegate Jake Smith and LeRoy Frengle sign it along with you.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Is the Resolutions Committee ready with their report?
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: On the four resolutions from Local One the Resolutions Committee unanimously approves the following:.
WHEREAS, The livelihood and welfare of our members and the Alliance increasingly depends upon our command of the rapidly evolving technologies applicable to all of our crafts;
THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that our International study and determine the means whereby it could fund regional training centers with appropriate staff, curricula, videos and necessary material and equipment to accommodate members at the centers, at extension sites and via correspondence courses and On-Line computer facilities.
The Resolutions Committee unanimously approved that one. On the other resolutions presented by Local One, the Resolutions Committee felt that we did not have enough information and were unsure of the intent with some of the wording. The Committee has no recommendation one way or the other on those three resolutions and brings them back to the body for any approval.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I will read the other three so we can vote on them.
1. WHEREAS, An uneasy tri-partite relationship between employees, local Unions and I.A. traveling stagehands has long existed in the legitimate theater field; and
WHEREAS, Constantly changing conditions of production driven by automation, new technology and computerization increasingly complicate contract negotiations and tend to further exacerbate relations between pink contract holders and host local stagehands; and
WHEREAS, The entire Alliance would best be served by the achievement and maintenance of the highest degree of equity, harmony and unity of all its parts;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alliance hasten amicable reconciliation of the differences, between road personnel and host locals and seek stabilization of all conditions of production - especially the maintenance of departmental lines - which would stem the general break down of conditions and divisiveness in our ranks so ardently sough by our employers; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Alliance will study and consider allowing contract holders the option of choosing the fund to which their contractual benefits may be assigned.
2. WHEREAS, A fully organized, united labor force speaking with one voice would be serve to up-grade and protect our contracts in the Television industry;
THEREFORE, Be it resolved, That the Alliance, immediately as possible, caucus representatives of all its affiliated Locals in the Television industry to mutually formulate proposals to be embodied in a national master contract, and to designate a national bargaining committee for said purpose and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Alliance coordinate with said Locals an industry-wide national organizing drive; and
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alliance speed-up its good work of merging with all of NABET and other so inclined.
3. WHEREAS, A single-payer system would best guarantee adequate, cost effective health care for all Americans.
THEREFORE; Be it resolved, that our Alliance reiterates its endorsement of single - payer proposals such as - 1993 convention resolution No. 31 and current McDermott H.R. 2000 - that would preserve the doctor-patient relationship and cover everyone by eliminating the insurance companies and making the government the collector and payer of health care dollars; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this convention calls upon our entire Alliance, the A.F.L. - C.I.O. and all other concerned Americans and their organizations to unite in establishing and maintaining a permanent massive visible and vocal presence on the steps of the Congress and the door of the White House in Washington, D.C. and pile on the pressure in every way until Congress adopts a single-payer health care plan for all Americans.
Do you want to accept the recommendation of the Resolutions Committee on these four resolutions from Local One? The chair would entertain a motion of such.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: I would make the motion to accept the Resolutions Committee recommendation on these four resolutions.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: That would be concurrence on the first one and no recommendation on the other three.
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: The Resolutions Committee also has two of our own resolutions if you want to act on them now.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Let's do this first.
CHAIRMAN FOX: At the General Executive Board Meeting this past week it was unanimously voted to refer IA-On-line to the General Office for further study. Figure out the finances and how to pay for it.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: So the question still is, do we accept the Resolutions Committee Report? Anyone on the question.
DEXTER SASSER LOCAL 175: I second the motion.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. The I's have it. Now the Resolutions Committee has another resolution.
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: We have two resolutions, the first one the language is rough but the intent is there.
WHEREAS, Recognizing the increase financial burden on the International of holding a national convention every two years brings.
WHEREAS, Effective use of IA On Line gives new ways of faster communications between all the locals and members of the International.
THEREFORE, Be in resolved, that District No. One goes on record in support of a three year Convention.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Anybody on the question? All in favor signify by saying I.
DELEGATE FRENGLE LOCAL 93: I would like to put in the record that members of my Local 93 have some concerns of being a small local and therefore not being able to send people to the Executive Board Meetings we loose representation from that. By putting in a three-year convention, there is three years before we hear from our delegates where other locals may have the money to send their delegates to the meetings. So there are concerns from Local 93.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would like to point out to the Brothers in Local 93 that whenever you have needed assistance from the International in terms of what concerns the International has never hesitated to pay the way and salary of a representative to come out and help on the locals concerns.
DELEGATE FRENGLE LOCAL 93: Your point is well taken. I only wish to voice the concern of my members as they asked me to do so.
DELEGATE SASSER LOCAL 175: Can I ask a dumb question. Do you have to be present to have concerns addressed at these quarterly meetings; can they not be submitted in writing ahead of time?
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: Yes, you can always send a letter to the Executive Board.
CHAIRMAN FOX: I can say one thing, if it goes to a three-year convention they will have more Board Meetings and they will be regional. They want to cover the whole United States, because they realize they will have some money to do this otherwise they are limited to the number of Board Meetings they can have. So maybe someone from Portland or Seattle can invite the Board to meet in one of those cities.
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: My question on that is have they done cost analyst by moving conventions up one year, does that more than cover the cost of more traveling regional Board Meetings?.
CHAIRMAN FOX: It costs a lot of money to put on a convention.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: The air fare for one thousand delegates to assemble in Florida from all over the country vs flying twenty people to a Board Meeting, there is no comparison.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: At the Finance Committee you will probably hear dollar figures. You have heard the resolution, anybody else on the question? All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. The I's have it and so ordered.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would like the resolution to show that is was unanimously passed by the District.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We will type this up and give it to Chairman Fox who will see that it gets into the record. Do we have another resolution?
DELEGATE LA FOND LOCAL 488: This is kind of a sister resolution.
WHEREAS, It is agreed that the continuing efforts to organize the unorganized in all crafts within the entertainment industry is a prime importance to the growth of the on going health of this organization; and
WHEREAS, In the efforts to organize the industry as diverse and involved as the entertainment business that it is recognized that the ability to communicate instantly to all concerned members in various jurisdictions and crafts is one of the most effective organizational tools at our disposal, and
FURTHER WHEREAS, This organization is committed to being on the leading edge in its interface with new technologically effecting the evolution of the entertainment industry.
THEREFORE, Be it resolved, That the International continue with its commitment to support IA On Line and make asserted effort to provide regional On Line service to its members.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Anybody on the question?
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: What does that mean?
DELEGATE LA FOND LOCAL 488: The intent of this is to encourage the IA to continue to pick up the regional line fees.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I understand the intent but you do not tell them how they can solve the problem.
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: What we tried to do and maybe we weren't that effective about it. Everything we have heard so far in the on going troubles for IA On Line it is in its death row, as the IA will not support it. We were trying to make it palatable then impossible, not chastise them for pulling the local access numbers. We know the financing is a problem so we tried to figure a way to build a case for that. In one of the cases President Short is making is organize, organize, organize so if that is priority number one. Lets start with that as a platform and then how do we organize, organize, organize we think communications is a tool for organizing and what is the best tool we have for communications is IA On Line service. So it is probably not worded well but that is what we mean with the resolution.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I concur with what you are trying to do but I was wondering if you were able to come up way to accomplish it. I guess it comes down to money and the IA could fund these local numbers.
CHAIRMAN FOX: The month of June the cost was close to $8,000.00 for only 1,100 people. At 60,000 people the IA treasury would be gone. I think you have to come up with some idea that can help them decide how it can be financed.
DELEGATE SMITH LOCAL 15: I'm the guy that never knows what's going on. At the general convention we are going to see resolutions somewhere destroying and getting rid of IA On Line?
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: No I don't think so.
DELEGATE SMITH LOCAL 15: So the idea is at this point is to continue with the locals paying the long distance charge.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: At this point, the IA is picking up the cost of the bulletin board service itself. The server and the money it takes to deal with Digital PopCorn. The bulletin board service, we pick up that cost entirely.
DELEGATE SMITH LOCAL 15: It is rated by the number of people who use it?
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: That's right. We also pick up the cost of the system operator in term's representative's salaries who enter the information and deal with in on a daily basis, which is no small cost either. As everybody has heard, we run into real situation with finances. Most of these resolutions are based on trying to trim the cost of the IA, but still trying to provide meaningful services to the members. I agree that it wasn't handled in the best way possible instead of the members now felling like the IA put something together and gave it to them they feel like something they have taken away from them. This was going to be a trial thing that everybody could use and the IA could decide what was affordable. It was not handled in the right way but non-the less but at this point I feel we should go on record in support of the bulletin board service. If we go on record saying we support the bulletin board , PS we want you to pay for the whole thing then the board is going to be against it. I think the brothers have done a good job of crafting a resolution that doesn't put the board in a corner.
DELEGATE SMITH LOCAL 15: One more question. My understanding was that when it was originally initiated was that I would look forward so sort of a $5.00 monthly fee which I have never seen it.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: That's because the IA has been picking up that cost. The IA has paid the cost to Digital PopCorn service. What they are saying now, we can continue to pay this service but we can't afford the local access numbers. If the members really believe in the service as much as the IA, then the members will have to pay some of the costs. You can get a slip account, American On Line any kind of a service for about $9.00 per month if you go through the web. The IA can't afford to just pick up this cost through local access numbers. The IA can be in partnership with the members to keep the program going.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: Should that be included in this resolution that we are willing to pick up the local service?
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: Well, I don't know, we get into this notion that you owe and were paying for this and you should pay for that. I think the brothers have done a good job in drafting a resolution that doesn't pin anybody in a corner.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: All I'm saying, do we like it and do we want to support it.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Go on and support it as stated in the resolution.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: At this point I think the board needs to know that there is support to continue it.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I think that is number one, they have to know that we support it, members, locals and the Districts. I can understand Brother Baird position but I think on the broad base this resolution gives the message that we want to keep IA On-Line.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: Do we need to address that we are willing to help out?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I think they know that.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Could you read that again Phil.
WHEREAS, It is agreed that the continuing efforts to organize the unorganized in all crafts with in the entertainment industry is a prime importance to the growth of the on going health of this organization; and
WHEREAS, In the efforts to organize the industry as it is a diverse and involved as the entertainment business it is recognized that the ability to communicate instantly to all concern members in various jurisdictions and crafts is one of the most effective organizational tools at our disposal, and
FURTHER WHEREAS, This organization is committed to on the leading edge in its interface with new technologically effecting the evolution of the entertainment industry.
THEREFORE, Be it resolved, That the International continue with its commitment to support IA On Line and make asserted effort to provide regional On Line service to its members.
CHAIRMAN FOX: That's very good.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: That's what I been saying. It is not pinning anyone in a corner.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Anyone else on the question? All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. I have it and so ordered. Can you type that up so Jean can submit it for us? Also say this was unanimously approved by District No. One. There are no other Committees out and we don't have any Grievances so the next order of business would be nominations of officers.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Secretary Treasurer. We will now accept nominations for Secretary Treasurer.
DELEGATE THOMAS LOCAL 28: I would like to nominate John Di Sciullo.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none John DiSciullo is declared Secretary Treasure for another term.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Next would be nominations for Advisory Board for the state of Oregon.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any nominations for the Advisory Board for the State of Oregon?
DELEGATE RIGGS LOCAL 488: I nominate Phil LaFond.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, Phil Lafond will be the Advisory Board member from the State of Oregon.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Next would be nominations for Advisory Board for the state of Washington.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would like to nominate Jake Smith.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, Jake Smith will be the Advisory Board member from the State of Washington.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Next would be nominations for Advisory Board for the state of Alaska..
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any nominations for the Advisory Board for the State of Alaska?
DELEGATE SMITH LOCAL 15: I would like to nominate Denice Jewell.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, Denice Jewell will be the Advisory Board member from the State of Alaska.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Next would be nominations for Advisory Board for the state of Montana.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would like to nominate Brother Minear for the State of Montana.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, Allan Minear will be the Advisory Board member from the State of Montana.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Now we go to the State of Idaho.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any nominations for the Advisory Board for the State of Idaho?
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would like to nominate LeRoy Frengle.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, LeRoy Frengle will be the Advisory Board member from the State of Idaho.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: After we adjourn the Convention, these Advisory Board members will meet and elect a Chairman. Someone has to be it charge of these members. Next would be nominations from each state for the Legislative Committee. Lets go in the same order and start with the State of Oregon.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any nominations for the Legislative Committee for the State of Oregon?
DELEGATE THOMAS LOCAL 28: I nominate John DiSciullo.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, John DiSciullo will be the Legislative Committee member from the State of Oregon.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: For the State of Washington.
DELEGATE SMITH LOCAL 15: I will nominate Laurel Cancilla.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, Laurel Cancilla will be the Legislative Committee member from the State of Washington.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would like to nominate Denice Jewell.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, Denice Jewell will be the Legislative Committee member from the State of Alaska.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would enter the name of Allan Minear.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, Allan Minear will be the Legislative Committee member from the State of Montana.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I nominate LeRoy Frengle.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Are there any other nominations, are there any other nominations, hearing none, LeRoy Frengle will be the Legislative Committee member from the State of Idaho. Seeing there is no need for an election the Secretary-Treasure will cast a white ballot for all these people.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: At this time I think that Chairman Fox should swear in all the Officer of District No. One. Will all the Officers come forward to be sworn in.
CHAIRMAN FOX: I, state your name, do hereby pledge my word of honor to perform the duties of my office as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Union to the best of my ability and to bear true allegiance to the International Alliance. At the close of my official term, I solemnly promise that I shall deliver to my successor in office all books, paper and property of this Union and the International Alliance which may be in my possession. To these promises I pledge you my word, fully realizing that to violate this pledge is to stamp me a person unworthy of trust.
You have obligated yourself to faithfully and to the best of your ability discharge the duties of your office. You will now proceed to your station and perform the duties of that office and so conduct yourself as to be worthy of the trust reposed in you. Applause.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The next order of business is unfinished business. Does anyone have any unfinished business to bring before this convention?
DELEGATE SASSER LOCAL 175: I would like to change the minutes on the death's for the year 1993, Brother William F. Boyakin was a member of Local 175 not Local 154.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I looked that up and you are right and I will make that correction in the minutes.
DELEGATE THOMAS LOCAL 28: I would like to add the name of Ervin Dille of Local 28 to the list.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Erv died after July 1,1995 and I close the books on June 30, 1995, so he will appear of the list at the next convention.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I am unclear to what happened to your 5th recommendation on the Organizing Committee.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We voted on that earlier today that it would be a member appointed by each local to serve on that committee.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: You go back to your Local and talk among yourselves and decide who you want from your Local on the committee.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: The next question I have, is there any local here who has projectionist working in the theaters?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: In Portland we have one member working at Cinema 21 but not under a contract with Local 28. The member's name is George Morrill.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: I guess when it comes to organizing I can see the direction is more and more towards stage and motion picture production and the projectionist being the orphan child.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: No. That is why there is a member of the Organizing Committee from each local.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: We are definitely in the minority and I can see where the majority of the interest is.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: As a member of 488 and an International Representative were there for your members as much as you want us to be. The projectionists have been the back bone of this Alliance for the first 100 years and I think they will be there for you for the next 100 years. I think we have to reaffirm that as a District as we are seeing projectionist going away. It could be any of us if we don't support each othe.
DELEGATE FRENGLE LOCAL 93: Something came across my desk from Ralph Kemp who is making a resolution that the International would be allowed to negotiate for the projectionist. I understand in talking to Frank that there are others besides Frank that have the same view. What is the District's view on this?
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I think we should probably defer to Frank on this issue as what is good for Frank should be our position as they are involved with this problem.
DELEGATE FRENGLE LOCAL 93: Is it feasible that the International can bring recrudescence to the projectionist if they are able to negotiate contracts for the locals?
CHAIRMAN FOX: Can I answer your question regarding Ralph Kemp?
CHAIRMAN FOX: The Executive Board where it says "Therefore be it resolved, That projectionist and mixed locals will relinquish their local autonomy, only for organizing and negotiating purposes, the International Alliance. That has been taken out but the other part which reads: The IATSE will undertake to negotiate International Projectionist Collective Bargaining Agreements with motion picture theatre companies. Such contracts will seek to accommodate the different regional economies. The International Alliance shall have authority to negotiate all wages, benefits and working conditions. Brother Steve D'Inzillo of Local 306 will have a lot to say, and I think they also have a resolution on this subject. You will probably find out more about this at the Projectionist Cacus tomorrow afternoon.
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: Local 154 has signed over power of attorney to the International as we feel this is the only way to go. At our July meeting we voted unanimously to support this resolution.
CHAIRMAN FOX: Of course you know they have had a lot of problems in Canada the last few months as Walter Blanchard has been flying back and forth on this problem. I told him he should get a house up there.
CHARLIE CARSEN LOCAL 488: I would like to get together with Frank and Dexter and see as Studio Mechanics Union we can include them as projectionist for running dailies for the shows that come up and what we can work out contractually.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I think it is important that the other locals where they can, support the operators to make sure that the jurisdiction remains their jurisdiction. That all the locals do what they can, like Charlie said, include them, by making sure their jurisdiction is maintained.
RICK GEORGE LOCAL 675: Any contract we have, before 488 received their charter, we would always include projectionist for dailies.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: You still have that jurisdiction for dailies.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I think it is important, that is what this is all about, coming together and seeing where we can fill in the gaps to help strengthen one another. That is really what it's about.
RICK GEORGE LOCAL 675: One of the problems we have with projectionist is most of the companies are owned by corporations based out of Los Angeles. It is hard for us to go to a Theatre owner and negotiate a contract for projectionist.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: That's why the International with Walt Blanchard doing the contracts with Cimplex and the other employers will work better than each local trying to get a contract. Is Act-1 the only theaters running in Eugene?
DELEGATE FRENGLE LOCAL 93: Is there a chance for a recrudescence of jobs for projectionist who are not working?
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: President Short is committed to going back after the jurisdiction we have lost in the motion picture houses and not just for one person where fifty people work but for all the people who work in the movie houses. That is where we really lost are strength because if one guy goes on strike you're out ,especially the new technology, but beyond that, the craft of a projectionist has been looked at in a very narrow way of a guy who runs a movie projector in a booth where indeed the technology is much greater. There is a lot more out there that is going to require skilled technicians to do these jobs and be able to teach other members to also do these jobs. United Artist alone have seventy thousand jobs that should be represented by the IA which we only represent only a hundred. Just one company alone, if we were to organize everyone who should belong to a union we would double the membership of the International with just one company.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Is there any other old business?
DELEGATE JEWELL LOCAL 918: Last Convention 1993, in the proceedings page 20 that a resource book on organizing would be made with money from the Education Fund and send them to each Local in the District. In view of that now that we have an organizing committee and a legislative committee that material is really necessary. I know our Local has never received one.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I know that they were not sent as I probably dropped the ball on that.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I have nothing to say except we blew it. If Sandy gets me a copy I will see that they are printed and sent to each local.
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I know I gave copies to 488 and 154. Johnny please remind me about it and I will get a new copy to you.
DELEGATE FRENGLE LOCAL 93: The $5,000.00 that was set aside for the District Training Program. How is this going to be used?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: It will be used to establish an Electrical Training Program. This program will probably be ready around May of next year. That will be a whole Electrical Training Program that we will teach with about 10 to 12 people to see if it makes sense and rewrite it if needed.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: Will that include videos?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We are hoping so. We did videos to help the trainers and if they are good enough, we can use them for the training. It may be that we can just give you a training outline that will work as a guide for the program. We really don't know what the finish product will be as Portland Community College got a $35,000.00 grant from the State to do this project and we will just have to wait and see what we get.
DELEGATE THOMAS LOCAL 28: The first time through with the writing of it and the taping came out as kind of a pilot program to see what was taught and to see what was left out. The tapes we have are very rough and by any means not that good to teach from. There was a lot of refinements made in the program after the first test program and that made the tapes not really useful.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: My membership wanted to know how we would be able to access this information. Would we have to go to Portland to attend the classes or if they would be made available to us in Eugene?
DELEGATE THOMAS LOCAL 28: When we run through this first 20 some people, half of them were journey people as they were there to critique the program and the teachers. After this group and making changes we will do another group of people who will be our apprentices and see how that goes. We feel this program will probably take at least sixty hours to teach. We would hope we could cut that down to fewer hours if we could get through the code part of the classes. After we have a sense of how long it would take to do this and if the District has the money left out of the grant we could then see if we could send a trainer down to Eugene to give 675 the classes. At this time I can't give you an answer to your question.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: It seems to me the best way is to send the teachers to the Locals.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: If we have any money left out of the $2,200.00 I would be able to send teachers to each local, but it may come to the point that the locals will have to pay part of the cost to have this done. We also may have to charge a fee to each person who would attend.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: Would there be any money available from the International?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: We can always ask the Defense Fund for more money.
DELEGATE BURBACH LOCAL 28: Would there be anymore money from the State of Oregon?
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: I don't think so, as the next project the Oregon Film Commission wants to do would be a video program.
DELEGATE GEORGE LOCAL 675: Do you have a time frame on this yet.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: If we would get the program by May of 96, which is still not set in stone. We are having another meeting at the end of July to find out when it should be done. As soon as we get this together I will let you know but please tell your members to get a code book and start getting familiar with the sections on temporary wiring. I have a list of those sections, which should be read. I will send you a copy of them. Any new business?
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: In reading the proceedings of the last convention I have been quoted with statements that I did not make.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: The only thing I can say is according to my notes and the tape I felt that it was you. It really sounded like Frank Baird and you got credit for it. So if every time you speak you state your name loud and clear this won't happen again.
DELEGATE CARLSEN LOCAL 488: I don't know if it is new business but as the District I would like to thank Sandra England for her work in our area. APPLAUSE FROM ALL
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: If there is no other business to come before this convention I will discharge all temporary officers and committees and thank them for a job well done. Applause
DELEGATE ENGLAND LOCAL 488: I would like to move that we thank Vice President Jean Fox for her Chairmanship today in being here with us at our Convention. Applause
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Do you have an ending word you would like to say to us?
CHAIRMAN FOX: It's been a pleasure being with this group rather than District Two. Applause
DELEGATE CASEY LOCAL 488: I would also like to thank John DiSciullo. Applause
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: Anything under Good and Welfare?
DELEGATE BAIRD LOCAL 154: Once again I would like to send greetings from Tommy Waters to all members of the District.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: And we send our greetings back to him from us. If there is no other business I will take a motion to adjourn.
SECRETARY DI SCIULLO: All in favor signify by saying I, opposed no. The I's have it and so ordered.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M. Saturday July 15, 1995.
DISTRICT NO. ONE, I.A.T.S.E. & M.P.M.O. of the U.S. & CANADA
Date: July 18, 1995 - - Time: 1:30 p.m. - - Place: Fontainbleau Hilton - Miami Beach, FL
Members Present: Sandra England, International Representative (ex-officio member), John DiSciullo, District One Secretary, (ex-officio member), Philip LaFond - Oregon Representative (Chair), Jacob Smith - Washington Representative -- Denice Jewell - Alaska Representative, Allan Minear - Montana Representative -- LeRoy Fengel - Idaho Representative.
Brother Rick George of Eugene, OR Stagehands Local 675 asked to attend as a guest, we were also joined by brother Frank Baird of Projectionists Local 154 and sister Laurel Cancilla of Wardrobe Local 887.
The first order of business was the nomination and election of a Chair for District One Advisory Board meetings. Philip LaFond was elected as Chair of the District One Advisory Board. The meeting was called to order by the Chair and opened for discussion of other business at 1:35 p.m.
Several members of the Board expressed concern about the report of the District Secretary being submitted without having been provided an opportunity to read and offer corrections or comment on the content of the report. A motion was made to address the immediate concerns about wording of the sentences about member Locals' participation in the District Insurance Plan. A committee was formed, consisting of Denice Jewell and Phil LaFond, and charged with meeting with the District Secretary to draft appropriate language to rectify the problem.
Concern was also expressed about a $5,000.00 payment from the International Defense Fund to District One for training and education of Portland area Stagehands and Film Electricians. Most of the concerns stemmed from members not having advance knowledge of the program. Sandra England and John DiSciullo assured representatives that the entire District would benefit from the use of the funds and that all Locals would be provided with whatever training material that might be created as a result of the collaboration with Portland Community College and the Oregon Economic Development Department. A discussion of the importance of effective communication and the benefit of tools such as I.A. On-Line ensued.
It was decided that in order to support more effective organizing on a district wide level, the District One Representatives should meet at least yearly and that the next meeting would be held in Alaska. Members of the Advisory Board were also reminded that each Local in their state was to select a delegate to serve on the newly established District One Legislative and Organizing Committee. The Chair also stated that he would work to ensure that communications are distributed effectively in the future and that the position of Chair would be used to network members together around the purpose of the District One Advisory Board.
Meeting adjourned at: 1:55 p.m. - - Next Meeting: T.B.A. - - Respectfully submitted, s\ Philip LaFond, Philip LaFond, Chair, District One Advisory Board.
DATE: 7/19/95
RE: Amendment to 50th Convention Report of the District Secretary
The District One Advisory Board met at the Fontainbleau Hilton in Miami Beach, Florida on Wednesday, July 17, 1995 at 1:30 p.m. At this meeting it was properly moved, seconded and carried to amend the report submitted by the District One Secretary to the member Local representatives and to the International Alliance. The amendment agreed upon is as follows.
The second sentence of paragraph three is amended to read: Local 91, 918, 488 and 925 did not pay for the District One Life Insurance and have been dropped from the plan. The third sentence of paragraph three is to be deleted entirely.
The report of the District Secretary is accepted by the District One Advisory board as amended.
Respectfully submitted, s/ Philip E. Lafond, Philip LaFond, Chair, District One Advisory Board
cc: District One Advisory Board Members and the I.A. General Office
TO: John DiSciullo, District One Secretary
FROM: Philip LaFond, Chair - District One Advisory Board
Visitors Since March 27, 1999